function Watch-AtProtoSyncUpdate { <# .Synopsis com.atproto.sync.notifyOfUpdate .Description com.atproto.sync.notifyOfUpdate .Link #> [Alias('Watch-AtProtocolSyncUpdate','atproto.sync.notifyOfUpdate','com.atproto.sync.notifyOfUpdate')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # Hostname of the service that is notifying of update. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('hostname')] [String] $Hostname, # The authorization. This can be a JWT that accesses the at protocol or a credential. If this is provided as a credential the username is a handle or email and the password is the app password. [Alias('Authentication','AppPassword','Credential','PSCredential')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Authorization, # If set, will return raw results. This will ignore -Property, -DecorateProperty, -ExpandProperty, and -PSTypeName. [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Raw ) begin { $NamespaceID = 'com.atproto.sync.notifyOfUpdate' $httpMethod = 'POST' $InvokeAtSplat = [Ordered]@{Method=$httpMethod} $InvokeAtSplat["PSTypeName"] = $NamespaceID $parameterAliases = [Ordered]@{} $DataboundParameters = @() $AsByte = $false :nextParameter foreach ($paramMetadata in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]$MyInvocation.MyCommand).Parameters.Values) { foreach ($attr in $paramMetadata.Attributes) { if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { $parameterAliases[$paramMetadata.Name] = $attr.Name $DataboundParameters += $paramMetadata.Name continue nextParameter } } } $parameterQueue = [Collections.Queue]::new() } process { $parameterQueue.Enqueue([Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters) } end { $parameterQueue.ToArray() | Invoke-AtProtocol -Method $httpMethod -NamespaceID $NamespaceID -Parameter { $RestParameters =[Ordered]@{} foreach ($parameterName in $DataboundParameters) { if ($null -ne $_.($ParameterName)) { $RestParameters[$parameterName] = $_.($ParameterName) } } $RestParameters } -ParameterAlias $parameterAliases @InvokeAtSplat -ContentType $( if ($ContentType) { $ContentType } else { "application/json" } ) -AsByte:$AsByte -Property { $_ } -Cache:$( if ($cache) {$cache} else { $false } ) -Raw:$Raw -Authorization { if ($_.Authorization) { $_.Authorization } else { $null } } } } |