Parts of this module use the 7-Zip program. 7-Zip is licensed under the GNU LGPL license. #> # PSScriptRoot Fix If (!($PSScriptRoot)) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path "$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path" -Parent } # Set 7zaBinary variable to match OSArchitecture Write-Verbose -Message 'Setting 7zaBinary variable to match OSArchitecture' If ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { $7zaBinary = "$PSScriptRoot\Bin\64-bit\7za.exe" } Else { $7zaBinary = "$PSScriptRoot\Bin\32-bit\7za.exe" } # Test if 7zaBinary is accessible Write-Verbose -Message 'Test if 7zaBinary is accessible' If (-not (Test-Path $7zaBinary)) { Write-Error -Message '7za.exe binary file could not be found' } # Dot source the modules functions Write-Verbose -Message 'Dot source the modules functions' . "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\Compress-7Zip.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\Expand-7Zip.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\Functions\Get-7Zip.ps1" |