
Function Connect-3stepAPI {
    Connect to the 3step API
    Connect to the 3step API and generate a Token variable that can be used with your own Invoke-RestMethod commands '$3stepAuthenticationHeader'
    All Functions within this Module already has this variable implemented.
    Your 3step Url
    .PARAMETER Token
    Your API Token
    .PARAMETER LogToFile
    Connect to PSLoggingFunctions module, read more on GitHub, it create a Log folder in your directory if set to True
    Connect-3stepAPI -ApplicationID $3STEPApplicationID -APISecret $3STEPAPISecret -LogToFile $False
    3step Authenticated: True
    3step URL =
    Use Header Connection Variable = $3stepAuthenticationHeader


    $Url = ""

    $3stepAuthenticationHeader = @{
        "grant_type"    = "client_credentials"
        "client_id"     = "$ApplicationID"
        "client_secret" = "$APISecret"

    Write-Log -Message "Connecting to 3step API" -Active $LogToFile
    Write-Host "Connection to 3step API"
    $testConnection = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Body $3stepAuthenticationHeader -Uri "$Url/access_token" -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    $global:3stepAuthenticated = $false
    if ($testConnection){
        $global:3stepAuthenticated = $true
        $global:3stepUrl = $Url
        Write-Log -Message "3step Authenticated: $3stepAuthenticated" -Active $LogToFile
        Write-Log -Message "3step URL = $3stepUrl" -Active $LogToFile
        Write-Host "3step Authenticated: $3stepAuthenticated`n3step URL = $3stepUrl`nUse Header Connection Variable ="'$3stepAuthenticationHeader'
        $global:3stepAuthenticationHeader = @{Authorization = "$($testConnection.token_type) $($testConnection.access_token)"}
        return ""
    Write-Log -Message "3step Authenticated: $3stepAuthenticated" -Active $LogToFile
    Write-Host "3step Authenticated: $3stepAuthenticated"
    return $false

Function Find-3stepConnection {
    if (!$3stepAuthenticated) {
        Write-Warning "3step API is not authenticated, you need to run Connect-3stepAPI and make sure you put in the correct credentials!"
        return $false
    return $true

Function Get-3stepDevices {
    Retrieve all devices from 3STEP asset registry
    Retrieve all devices from 3STEP asset registry and let the user choose if they want a HashTable object or just normal Powershell Object
    Also the ability to set which property to be the key in the hashtable.
    .PARAMETER HashTableKey
    The $variable[keyvalue] - The key value that will be the filter
    .PARAMETER AsHashTable
    If the function should return a HashTable otherwise it will be normal powershell object.
    .PARAMETER LogToFile
    This parameter is connected to the Module PSLoggingFunctions mot information can be found on the GitHub.
    Return a HashTable with the serialnumber as Hash Key and create a log
    Get-3stepDevices -AsHashTable -HashTableKey "serialnumber" -LogToFile $True
    Return a Normal Powershell object and do not Log
    Get-3stepDevices -LogToFile $False

    if (Find-3stepConnection) {
        $Devices = @()
        do {
            $Results = Invoke-TryCatchLog -InfoLog "Retrieve All 3STEP Devices" -LogToFile $LogToFile -ScriptBlock { 
                Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $3stepAuthenticationHeader -Uri "$($3stepUrl)rest/devices" -UseBasicParsing -Method "GET" -ContentType "application/json" 
            if ($Results.value) {
                $Devices += $Results.value
            else {
                $Devices += $Results
            $uri = $Results.'@odata.nextlink'
        } until (!($uri))

        if ($AsHashTable){
            $HashTable = @{}
            foreach ($device in $Devices.devices) {
                $HashTable[$device."$HashTableKey"] = $device
            return $HashTable

        return $Devices.devices