
function Invoke-OpenScad
        Invokes OpenScad
        Invokes OpenSCAD
        Invoke-OpenSCAD -ScadFilePath .\MyDesign.scad
        Invoke-OpenSCAD -ScadFilePath .\MyCustomizableDesign.scad -Parameter @{ThingWidth=10}
        Invoke-OpenSCAD -ScadFilePath .\MyCustomizableDesign.scad -CustomizerPreset MyPreset

    # The path to an OpenSCAD file.
    [alias('FullName', 'InputPath')]

    # A dictionary of parameters

    # A customizer parameter file.
    # If no file is provided, and a -CustomizerPreset is used, then the -ScadFilePath.json will be used.

    # The name of one or more presets within a -CustomizerFile.
    # One output will be generated per preset, and will have the name FileName-Preset.stl

    # The output path. If not provided, this will be the -ScadFilePath, with the extension changed to .stl.

    # The path to the OpenScad command. This parameter is not required if openscad is in $env:Path.

    # If set, will run as a background job

    # Any remaining arguments to OpenSCAD.
    [Alias('OpenSCADArguments', 'OpenScadArgs')]

    # Any parameters to OpenSCAD.
    [Alias('OpenScadParameters', 'OpenScadParam', 'OpenScadParams')]

    begin {
        function =>[OpenScad.Output] {

            begin {
                $outputData = [Ordered]@{PSTypeName='OpenScad.Output';OutputPath  =$OutputPath; OpenSCADArguments =$OpenSCADArguments; OpenSCADLog = @()}
                $fixCasing  = [Regex]::new('\s\p{L}')
            process {
                $line =  $_
                $outputData.OpenSCADLog += $line
                if ($line -match '([\w\s]+):\s+([\w\.\:]+)') {
                    $key, $value = $matches.1, $matches.2
                    $key = $key -replace '^\s+'
                    $key = $fixCasing.Replace($key, {
                    $outputData[$key] = 
                        if ($value -as [int]) {
                            $value -as [int]
                        } elseif ($value -in 'yes', 'no') {
                            $value -replace 'yes', 'true' -replace 'no' -as [bool]
                        } elseif ($value -as [Timespan]) {
                            $value -as [timespan]
                        } else {
            end {                

    process {
        if ($AsJob) {
            $myDefinition = '' + {
} + [ScriptBlock]::Create("function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) {

$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) @params
            Start-Job -ScriptBlock $myDefinition -ArgumentList $PSBoundParameters -Name "$ScadFilePath"

        if (-not $OpenScadCommand) {
            $OpenScadCommand = 'openscad'

        $openScadCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($openScadCommand, 'Application')
        if (-not $openScadCmd) {
            if ($env:ProgramFiles) { 
                $openScadCmd = 
                        ($env:ProgramFiles,'OpenScad', '' -join [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar),
            if (-not $openScadCmd) {
                Write-Error "OpenScad not found"
        $resolvedScadPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($ScadFilePath)
        if (-not $resolvedScadPath) { return }
        $scadFileName = ($resolvedScadPath | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.scad$'
        $ScadOutPath = 
            if ($PSBoundParameters['OutputPath']) {
            } else {
                $resolvedScadPath -replace '\.scad$', '.stl'
        $scadContent = @(Get-content $resolvedScadPath)

        $scadParamPath = 
            if ($env:windir -and $env:TEMP) {
                Join-Path $env:TEMP "$scadFileName.json"
            } else {
                Join-Path /tmp "$scadFileName.json"

        $openScadArgs = @(

        if ($OpenScadParameter) {
            $OpenScadArgument += 
                @(foreach ($param in $OpenScadParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $param.Key -replace '^-{0,}', '--'

        if ($CustomizerPreset) {
            if (-not $CustomizerFile) {
                $CustomizerFile = $resolvedScadPath -replace '\.scad$', '.json'

            if (Test-Path $CustomizerFile) {
                $customizerPresetFile = Get-Content $CustomizerFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            foreach ($pre in $CustomizerPreset) {
                $outPath = 
                    if ($PSBoundParameters['OutputPath']) {
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(($OutputPath -replace '\.(.+)$', "-$pre.`$1"))
                    } else {
                        $resolvedScadPath -replace '\.scad$', "-$pre.stl"
                $preArgs = @() + $openScadArgs + @(
                 & $openScadCmd @preArgs @OpenScadArgument *>&1 | =>[OpenScad.Output] -OpenSCADArguments $preArgs -OutputPath $outPath                

        } else {
            $openScadArgs += @(                
                if ($Parameter) {
                    # '-D'
                    $paramsFileContent = [Ordered]@{}
                    foreach ($p in $Parameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $paramMatch = "(?<Name>$($p.Key))\s?=.*$"
                        $matchingLine = $($scadContent -match $paramMatch)
                        if (-not $matchingLine) {
                            Write-Warning "Parameter '$($p.Key)' not found in '$ScadFilePath'"

                        $null = $matchingLine -match $paramMatch
                        $paramName = $matches.Name
                        $paramValue = $p.Value

                        $paramsFileContent[$paramName] = $p.Value                    
                    @{parameterSets=@{Parameters=$paramsFileContent}} | 
                        ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 |
                        Set-Content -Path $scadParamPath


            Write-Verbose "$OpenScadCmd $($openScadArgs -join ' ')"

            & $OpenScadCmd @OpenScadArgs @OpenScadArgument *>&1 | =>[OpenScad.Output] -OpenSCADArguments $openScadArgs -OutputPath "$scadOutPath"

            if (Test-Path $scadParamPath) {
                Remove-Item $scadParamPath