<# .SYNOPSIS Generic helper cmdlet to invoke Rest methods agains a target BitBucket server. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet extends the original Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet with BitBucket REST API specific parameters, so it does user authorization and provides easier resource access. .PARAMETER Resource Mandatory - BitBucket REST API Resource that needs to be accessed .PARAMETER Method Optional - REST method to be used for the call. (Default is GET) .PARAMETER ApiVersion Optional - REST API version that needs to be targeted for the call. Default is the latest. .PARAMETER AuthenticationToken Optional - Authentication Token to access BitBucket Server .PARAMETER Body Optional - HTTP Body json .EXAMPLE Invoke-BitBucketWebRequest -Resource "projects" .EXAMPLE Invoke-BitBucketWebRequest -Resource "porjects" -Method Get #> function Invoke-BitBucketWebRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Resource, [ValidateSet('Get','Put','Post','Delete')] [string]$Method = 'Get', [string]$ApiVersion='latest', [string]$Server = $script:BitBucketServer, [string]$APIUrl="$Server/rest/api", [string]$BranchApiVersion='2.0', [string]$BranchPermissionApiUri="$Server/rest/branch-permissions/$BranchApiVersion/$Resource", [string]$AuthenticationToken = $script:AuthenticationToken, [string]$ContentType='application/json', [psobject]$Headers=@{}, [psobject]$Body ) [string]$ResourceUrl="$APIUrl/$ApiVersion/$Resource" #write-host "[Info:] URI: $ResourceUrl, Method: $Method, AuthToken: $AuthenticationToken" $Headers.Authorization = "Basic $AuthenticationToken" $WebRequestResponse = $null try { if ($Method -eq "Get") { $WebRequestResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ResourceUrl" -Method $Method -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing #-ContentType $ContentType } else { if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Body))) { $WebRequestResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ResourceUrl" -Method $Method -Headers $Headers -UseBasicParsing -ContentType $ContentType -Body $Body } else { Write-Output "[info] Body param is mandatory for Put/Post request" } } } catch { if ($_.ErrorDetails) { Write-Error $_.ErrorDetails.Message } else { Write-Error $_ } } #Write-Verbose "Response: $WebRequestResponse" return $WebRequestResponse } |