function Install-ZabbixAgent { <# .SYNOPSIS Install Zabbix agent for Windows .DESCRIPTION Downloads Zabbix agent and installs it for Windows x64 OS .EXAMPLE Install-ZabbixAgent .PARAMETER ZabbixServer List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies. Spaces are allowed. Defaults to accept all. .PARAMETER ZabbixServerActive IP:port (or hostname:port) of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy for active checks. If port is not specified, default port 10051 is used. .PARAMETER ListenPort Agent will listen on this port for connections from the server. Default port: 10050 .PARAMETER AgentUrl URL where to download Zabbix Agent. Default url: .PARAMETER LocalAgentInstaller Set full path to local agent installer e.g. C:\Windows\Temp\zabbixAgent.msi #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string]$ZabbixServer = '', [Parameter()] [string]$ZabbixServerActive, [Parameter()] [string]$ListenPort = '10050', [Parameter()] [string]$AgentUrl = '', [Parameter()] [string]$LocalAgentInstaller ) if ($LocalAgentInstaller) { $outFile = $LocalAgentInstaller Write-Verbose "Using local installer from $outFile" } else { # set to download zabbix agent to: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\ZabbixAgent.msi $outFile = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "ZabbixAgent.msi" Write-Verbose "Download path set to $outFile" } $logFile = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "ZabbixAgentInstallLog.txt" $agentFileExist = Test-Path $outFile $zabbixAgentInstalled = Get-Service 'Zabbix Agent' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Verbose "Pre-install checks: Zabbix agent installer exists: $agentFileExist Agent is already installed: $($" $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # download zabbix agent if it's not already locally available if (!$agentFileExist) { Write-Verbose "Downloading Zabbix agent from $AgentUrl" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AgentUrl -OutFile $outFile } # install Zabbix agent if it's not installed if (!$zabbixAgentInstalled) { $zabbixOptions = "SERVER=$($ZabbixServer.Replace(' ','')) ListenPort=$ListenPort" if ($ZabbixServerActive) { $zabbixOptions += " SERVERACTIVE=$($ZabbixServerActive.Replace(' ',''))" } $zabbixAgentArgs = "/l*v $logFile $zabbixOptions /qb!" Write-Verbose "Installing Zabbix Agent with args $zabbixAgentArgs" Start-Process -FilePath $outFile -ArgumentList $zabbixAgentArgs -PassThru -Wait } $agentIsRunning = Test-NetConnection localhost -Port $ListenPort -InformationLevel Quiet Write-Verbose "Zabbix agent is downloaded and installed to $($env:computername). Agent is running on port $($ListenPort): $agentIsRunning" } function Get-LocalIPAddress { <# .SYNOPSIS Get client's local IP address .DESCRIPTION Get IPv4 IP Address for creating new a Zabbix host .EXAMPLE Get-LocalIPAddress #> ( Get-NetIPConfiguration | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.IPv4DefaultGateway -and $_.NetAdapter.Status -ne "Disconnected" } ).IPv4Address.IPAddress } function New-ZabbixToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Get auth token from Zabbix server .DESCRIPTION Login to Zabbix server and get token .EXAMPLE New-ZabbixToken -ZabbixHost "my-zabbix-instance" -Credentials (Get-Credential) .PARAMETER ZabbixHost Your Zabbix Server IP Address/DNS name. URL is constructed from this "http://$($ZabbixHost)/api_jsonrpc.php" .PARAMETER Credentials PSCredential for authenticating to Zabbix server REST API #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ZabbixHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCredential]$Credentials ) $ctype = "application/json" $url = "http://$($ZabbixHost)/api_jsonrpc.php" $loginBody = @{ jsonrpc = "2.0" method = "user.login" id = 1 auth = $null params = @{ user = $Credentials.UserName password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password } } | ConvertTo-Json $login = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Body $loginBody -Method Post -ContentType $ctype $token = $login.result $token } function New-ZabbixHost { <# .SYNOPSIS Create new Zabbix host .DESCRIPTION Use Zabbix REST API to create a new host (agent) .EXAMPLE New-ZabbixHost -ZabbixHost "my-zabbix-instance" -Token "bb9095c09d2037ac65126d13965d9fb3" -AgentIPAddress "" .PARAMETER ZabbixHost Your Zabbix Server IP Address/DNS name. URL is constructed from this "http://$($ZabbixHost)/api_jsonrpc.php" .PARAMETER Token Token from New-ZabbixToken cmdlet .PARAMETER AgentIPAddress Client/Host local IP address that is reachable from Zabbix server (use Get-LocalIPAddress cmdlet) .PARAMETER TemplateId Zabbix template Ids to assign to the host. Accepts one or more values. Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent = 10081 (default) Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent active = 10299 Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent = 10001 Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent active = 10284 .PARAMETER GroupId Zabbix group Ids to assign to the host. Accepts one or more values. Default: 10 = Templates/Operating systems. Alternative: 6 = Virtual machines .PARAMETER AgentPort Zabbix agent port. Default 10050 .PARAMETER DNSName Zabbix agent dns name #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ZabbixHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Token, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AgentIPAddress, [string[]]$TemplateId = 10081, [string[]]$GroupId = 10, [string]$AgentPort = "10050", [string]$DNSName = "" ) $ctype = "application/json" $url = "http://$($ZabbixHost)/api_jsonrpc.php" [array]$groups = foreach ($group in $GroupId) { @{groupid = $group } } [array]$templates = foreach ($template in $TemplateId) { @{templateid = $template } } $createHostBody = @{ jsonrpc = "2.0" method = "host.create" id = 1 auth = $Token params = @{ host = $env:computername interfaces = @( @{type = 1 main = 1 useip = 1 ip = $AgentIPAddress dns = $DNSName port = $AgentPort } ) groups = $groups templates = $templates } } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 $res = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Body $createHostBody -Method Post -ContentType $ctype $res.result.hostids Write-Verbose "Zabbix host ($AgentIPAddress) registered to server $ZabbixHost payload: $createHostBody" } |