#region: Set-SOCatStoreAccess <# .Synopsis Permits or denys Client access to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store. .Description Permits or denys Client access to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store. .Parameter D2DIP IP Address of your StoreOnce system. .Parameter SOCatClientName Name for the Client on your StoreOnce system. .Parameter SOCatStoreName Name for the Store on your StoreOnce system. .Parameter allowAccess True ore False .Example Set-SOCatStoreAccess -D2DIP -SOCatClientName MyNewClient -SOCatStoreName MyNewStore -allowAccess:$true #Requires PS -Version 4.0 #> function Set-SOCatStoreAccess { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [String]$D2DIP, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [String]$SOCatClientName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)] [String]$SOCatStoreName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)] [Boolean]$allowAccess ) Process { if ($SOCred -eq $null) {Write-Error "No System Credential Set! Use 'Set-SOCredentials'." -Category ConnectionError; Return} if (Test-IP -IP $D2DIP) { if (!($SOCaStore = (Get-SOCatStores -D2DIPs $D2DIP | where {$_.Name -eq $SOCatStoreName}))) {Write-Error "Store $SOCatStoreName does not exists."; Return} if (!($SOCatClient = (Get-SOCatClients -D2DIPs $D2DIP | where {$_.Name -eq $SOCatClientName -and $_.SSID -eq $($SOCaStore).SSID}))) {Write-Error "Client $SOCatClientName does not exists."; Return} $SSID = $($SOCaStore).SSID $StoreID = $($SOCaStore).ID $ClientID = $($SOCatClient).ID if ($allowAccess -eq $true) {$Access = "true"} else {$Access = "false"} $AccessCall = @{uri = "https://$D2DIP/storeonceservices/cluster/servicesets/$SSID/services/cat/stores/$StoreID/permissions/$ClientID"; Method = 'PUT'; Headers = @{Authorization = 'Basic ' + $SOCred; Accept = 'text/xml'; 'Content-Type' = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } Body = @{allowAccess = $Access } } $AccessResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @AccessCall } Return (Get-SOCatStoreAccess -D2DIP $D2DIP -CatStore $SOCaStore.Name | ft * -AutoSize) } } #endregion |