<## # Copyright 2021 David Hollings. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #> function Import-PSPwUtilsWordList { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports wordlists and organise by length .DESCRIPTION Wordlists must be organised to speed up processing, this script accepts a word list and organises it as a PowerShell array ordered by length. Wordlists must be submitted as a plain text file with 1 word per line. Running this command will overwrite the current wordlist. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # List of words to import (1 word per line) [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Dictionary, # Minimum length of words to import [Parameter()] [int] $MinimumLength = 4, # Maximum lenth of words to import [Parameter()] [int] $MaximumLength = 15 ) $Wordlist = Get-Content $Dictionary $OrganisedDictionary = @{} ($MinimumLength..$MaximumLength) | ForEach-Object { $OrganisedDictionary[$_] = (New-Object -Type System.Collections.ArrayList) } foreach ($Word in $Wordlist) { if ($Word.Length -ge $MinimumLength -and $Word.Length -le $MaximumLength) { $OrganisedDictionary[$Word.Length].Add($Word) | Out-Null $ImportedWords ++ } } Write-Verbose "Imported $ImportedWords Words" $OrganisedDictionary | Export-Clixml -Path $PSScriptRoot\words.xml # this function will use a lot of memory, we make sure to clear the variables containing the dictionary and garbage collect Remove-Variable OrganisedDictionary Remove-Variable WordList [system.gc]::Collect() } |