<## # Copyright 2021 David Hollings. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #> Describe -Name "New-Password" { It "Static passwords return correct length" { $password = (New-Password -Length 25).Password $password.length | Should -Be 25 } It "Blind entropy for 20 characters is 131" { # Just in case our random string is missing some character sets we set a predictable random seed Get-Random -SetSeed 1 $password = New-Password -Length 20 $password.BlindEntropy | Should -Be 131 } It "For character passwords, blind entropy equals seen entropy" { $password = New-Password $password.BlindEntropy | Should -Be $password.SeenEntropy } It "Example words password is correct" { Get-Random -SetSeed 1 $password = New-Password -Word $password.Password | Should -Be "PANAMA!swagger!NIBBLE!grudge" } It "Character password length is correct" { $password = New-Password -Character -Length 40 $password.Password.Length | Should -Be 40 } } |