class DetectionMethod { [bool]$Compliant [string]$Type [string]$Result Hidden[void]TestDateOfItem([string]$Path,[string]$Operator,[string]$Target,[string]$ltype) { $File = Get-Item -Path $Path; [datetime]$Target_DateTime = Get-Date -Date $Target -Format "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"; [datetime]$Test_DateTime = Get-Date -Date $File.CreationTime -Format "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"; switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Test_DateTime -eq $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } "Not equal to" { if($Test_DateTime -ne $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Test_DateTime -ge $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } "Greater than" { if($Test_DateTime -gt $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } "Less than" { if($Test_DateTime -lt $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Test_DateTime -le $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } Default { if($Test_DateTime -eq $Target_DateTime){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype $Path not match creation time $Test_DateTime $Operator $Target_DateTime";} } } } [void]TestFolder([string]$Path,[string]$Date_Created,[string]$Date_Modified,[string]$Operator) { $this.Type = "Folder" if($Path.Length -ge 3 -and $Path -like "*:\*") { if($Date_Created.Length -lt 1 -and $Date_Modified.Length -lt 1) { if(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "Folder do not exist: $Path"} } else { if(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container) { if($Date_Created.Length -gt 1) { $this.TestDateOfItem($Path,$Operator,$Date_Created,$this.Type); } if($Date_Modified.Length -gt 1) { $this.TestDateOfItem($Path,$Operator,$Date_Modified,$this.Type); } } else { $this.Result = "$Path is not exist" $this.Compliant = $false; } } } else { $this.Result = "Path: $Path is not valid" $this.Compliant = $false; } } [void]TestFile([string]$Path,[string]$Date_Created,[string]$Date_Modified,[string]$Operator,[string[]]$Ver_Arg_List,[string]$Size) { $this.Type = "File" $ltype = $this.Type if($Path.Length -gt 3 -and $Path -like "*:\*") { if($Date_Created.Length -lt 1 -and $Date_Modified.Length -lt 1 -and $Size.Length -lt 1 -and $Ver_Arg_List.Length -lt 1) { if(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype do not exist: $Path"} } else { if(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf) { if($Date_Created.Length -gt 1) { $this.TestDateOfItem($Path,$Operator,$Date_Created,$this.Type); } if($Date_Modified.Length -gt 1) { $this.TestDateOfItem($Path,$Operator,$Date_Modified,$this.Type); } if($Ver_Arg_List.Count -gt 2) { $File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File; $Mode = $Ver_Arg_List[0]; $Version = $Ver_Arg_List[1]; $Target_Version = $Ver_Arg_List[2]; switch ($Mode) { "Full" { try { [version]$Require_Version = $Version if($Target_Version -eq "File") { [version]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.FileVersionRaw } else { [version]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.ProductVersionRaw } switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($FP_Version -ne $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -ge $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($FP_Version -gt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than" { if($FP_Version -lt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -le $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } Default { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } } } catch { $this.Result = "For $ltype Version you specify or File/Product version is not reconize as valid Version you must provide at lest string that contain at least Major.Minor also the string must not include letter"; } } "Major" { [int]$Require_Version = $Version if($Target_Version -eq "File") { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.FileMajorPart } else { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.ProductMajorPart } switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($FP_Version -ne $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -ge $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($FP_Version -gt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than" { if($FP_Version -lt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -le $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } Default { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Major version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } } } "Minor" { [int]$Require_Version = $Version if($Target_Version -eq "File") { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.FileMinorPart } else { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.ProductMinorPart } switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($FP_Version -ne $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -ge $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($FP_Version -gt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than" { if($FP_Version -lt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -le $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } Default { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Minor version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } } } "Build" { [int]$Require_Version = $Version if($Target_Version -eq "File") { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.FileBuildPart; } else { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.ProductBuildPart; } switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($FP_Version -ne $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -ge $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($FP_Version -gt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than" { if($FP_Version -lt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -le $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } Default { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match Build version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } } } "BuildExt" { [int]$Require_Version = $Version if($Target_Version -eq "File") { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.FilePrivatePart } else { [int]$FP_Version = $File.VersionInfo.ProductPrivatePart } switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($FP_Version -ne $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -ge $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($FP_Version -gt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than" { if($FP_Version -lt $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($FP_Version -le $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } Default { if($FP_Version -eq $Require_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match BuildExt version $FP_Version $Operator $Require_Version";} } } } Default{$this.Result = "For $ltype Mode is not reconize valid Mode is: Full, Major, Minor, Build";} } } else { if($Ver_Arg_List.Count -ne 0) { $this.Result = "Missing argument for $ltype Version check-up you must specify an array declare in this order: @(`$Mode,`$Version_or_Number,`$Target_Version)"; } } if($Size.Length -ge 1) { $File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File; $lsize = $File.Length switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($File.Length -eq $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } "Not equal to" { if($File.Length -ne $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($File.Length -ge $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";}} "Greater than" { if($File.Length -gt $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } "Less than" { if($File.Length -lt $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($File.Length -le $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } Default { if($File.Length -eq $Size){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match size $Size $Operator $lsize";} } } } } else { $this.Result = "$Path is not exist" $this.Compliant = $false; } } } else { $this.Result = "Path: $Path is not valid" $this.Compliant = $false; } } [void]TestRegistry([string]$Target,[string]$Key,[string]$Name,[string]$Value,[string]$Operator,[string]$Value_Type) { $this.Type = "Registry" $ltype = $this.Type if($Name.Length -lt 1) { switch ($Target) { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$Key -PathType Any) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" { [string]$user = [string]((Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName).split("\")[1] [string]$SID = [string]((Get-ADUser -Identity $user).SID) if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$Key -PathType Any) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key"} } "HKEY_USERS" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Key -PathType Any) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "ALL_USERS" { [bool]$each_asit = $true; [string[]]$error_stack = @() foreach($UKey in Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS) { if($UKey.Name -notlike "*HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT*" -and $UKey.Name -notlike "*_Classes" -and $UKey.Name.Length -gt 30) { $profilekey = $UKey.Name if(-not (Test-Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key)){$each_asit = $false;$error_stack += "$profilekey`\$key";} } } if($each_asit -eq $true) { $this.Compliant = $true; } else { $this.Compliant = $false; [string]$string_error = ([string]($error_stack).Replace("`n",";")); $this.Result = "All the folowing $ltype key are missing on device $string_error" } } Default {$this.Result = "The $ltype check required to specify a Target: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_USERS, ALL_USERS"} } } else { if($Value.Length -lt 1) { switch ($Target) { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$key).Property) -eq $Name) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" { [string]$user = [string]((Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName).split("\")[1] [string]$SID = [string]((Get-ADUser -Identity $user).SID) if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key).Property) -eq $Name) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key"} } "HKEY_USERS" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_USERS\$key).Property) -eq $Name) {$this.Compliant = $true;} else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "ALL_USERS" { [bool]$each_asit = $true; [string[]]$error_stack = @() foreach($UKey in Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS) { if($UKey.Name -notlike "*HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT*" -and $UKey.Name -notlike "*_Classes" -and $UKey.Name.Length -gt 30) { $profilekey = $UKey.Name if(-not (Test-Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key)) { $each_asit = $false; $error_stack += "$profilekey`\$key"; } else { if(-not (((Get-Item Registry::$profilekey`\$key).Property) -eq $Name)) {$each_asit = $false;$error_stack += "$Target`\$key => $Name";} } } } if($each_asit -eq $true) { $this.Compliant = $true; } else { $this.Compliant = $false; [string]$string_error = ([string]($error_stack).Replace("`n",";")); $this.Result = "All the folowing $ltype key are missing on device $string_error" } } Default {$this.Result = "The $ltype check required to specify a Target: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_USERS, ALL_USERS"} } } else { switch ($Target) { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$key).Property) -eq $Name) { switch ($Value_Type) { "String" { [string]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$key -Name "$Name" [string]$Test_Value = $Value if($Item_Value -like "$Test_Value"){$this.Compliant = $true;} else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "This $ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name Value: $Test_Value"} } "Integer" { [int]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$key -Name "$Name" [int]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } "Version" { [version]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$key -Name "$Name" [version]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } } } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" { [string]$user = [string]((Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName).split("\")[1] [string]$SID = [string]((Get-ADUser -Identity $user).SID) if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key).Property) -eq $Name) { switch ($Value_Type) { "String" { [string]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key -Name "$Name" [string]$Test_Value = $Value if($Item_Value -like "$Test_Value"){$this.Compliant = $true;} else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "This $ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name Value: $Test_Value"} } "Integer" { [int]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key -Name "$Name" [int]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } "Version" { [version]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key -Name "$Name" [version]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } } } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found HKEY_USERS\$SID`\$key"} } "HKEY_USERS" { if(Test-Path -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$Key -PathType Any) { if(((Get-Item Registry::HKEY_USERS\$key).Property) -eq $Name) { switch ($Value_Type) { "String" { [string]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$key -Name "$Name" [string]$Test_Value = $Value if($Item_Value -like "$Test_Value"){$this.Compliant = $true;} else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "This $ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name Value: $Test_Value"} } "Integer" { [int]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$key -Name "$Name" [int]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } "Version" { [version]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\$key -Name "$Name" [version]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } } } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name";} } else {$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "$ltype check as not found $Target`\$key"} } "ALL_USERS" { [bool]$each_asit = $true; [string[]]$error_stack = @() foreach($UKey in Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS) { if($UKey.Name -notlike "*HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT*" -and $UKey.Name -notlike "*_Classes" -and $UKey.Name.Length -gt 30) { $profilekey = $UKey.Name if(-not (Test-Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key)) { $each_asit = $false; $error_stack += "$profilekey`\$key"; } else { if(-not (((Get-Item Registry::$profilekey`\$key).Property) -eq $Name)) {$each_asit = $false;$error_stack += "$Target`\$key => $Name";} else { switch ($Value_Type) { "String" { [string]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key -Name "$Name" [string]$Test_Value = $Value if($Item_Value -like "$Test_Value"){$this.Compliant = $true;} else{$this.Compliant = $false;$this.Result = "This $ltype check as not found $Target`\$key Name: $Name Value: $Test_Value"} } "Integer" { [int]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key -Name "$Name" [int]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } "Version" { [version]$Item_Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path Registry::$profilekey`\$key -Name "$Name" [version]$Test_Value = $Value switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Not equal to" { if($Item_Value -ne $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -ge $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";}} "Greater than" { if($Item_Value -gt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than" { if($Item_Value -lt $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Item_Value -le $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } Default { if($Item_Value -eq $Test_Value){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype do not match $Item_Value $Operator $Test_Value";} } } } } } } } } if($each_asit -eq $true) { $this.Compliant = $true; } else { $this.Compliant = $false; [string]$string_error = ([string]($error_stack).Replace("`n",";")); $this.Result = "All the folowing $ltype key are missing on device $string_error" } } Default {$this.Result = "The $ltype check required to specify a Target: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_USERS, ALL_USERS"} } } } } [void]TestApplication([string]$Product_Code,[string]$Name,[string]$Version,[string]$Operator) { $this.Type = "Application" $ltype = $this.Type; if($Product_Code.Length -gt 1) { if($Version.Length -gt 1) { if($Product_Code.Split("-").Count -gt 4 -and $Product_Code.Length -gt 36 -and $Product_Code -like "{*" -and $Product_Code -like "*}") { $Application = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Product -Filter "IdentifyingNumber LIKE '$Product_Code'"); if([int]([string]($Application.IdentifyingNumber).Length) -gt 1) { [version]$Product_Vesion = $Application.Version; [version]$Test_Version = $Version; [string]$AppName = $Application.Name switch ($Operator) { "Equals" { if($Product_Vesion -eq $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } "Not equal to" { if($Product_Vesion -ne $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } "Greater than or equal to" { if($Product_Vesion -ge $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";}} "Greater than" { if($Product_Vesion -gt $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } "Less than" { if($Product_Vesion -lt $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } "Less than or equal to" { if($Product_Vesion -le $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } Default { if($Product_Vesion -eq $Test_Version){$this.Compliant = $true;}else{$this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype $AppName - $Product_Code do not match version $Product_Vesion $Operator $Test_Version";} } } } else { $this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype was not found using the product code: $Product_Code" } } else { $this.Compliant = $false $this.Result = "$ltype check can't parse $Product_Code because is not a valid product code" } } else { if($Product_Code.Split("-").Count -gt 4 -and $Product_Code.Length -gt 36 -and $Product_Code -like "{*" -and $Product_Code -like "*}") { $Application = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Product -Filter "IdentifyingNumber LIKE '$Product_Code'"); if([int]([string]($Application.IdentifyingNumber).Length) -gt 1) { $this.Compliant = $true; } else { $this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype was not found using the product code: $Product_Code" } } else { $this.Compliant = $false $this.Result = "$ltype check can't parse $Product_Code because is not a valid product code" } } } if($Name.Length -gt 1) { if($Version.Length -gt 1) { $Application = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Product -Filter "IdentifyingNumber LIKE '$Name'"); } else { $Application = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Product -Filter "Name LIKE '$Name'"); if([int]([string]($Application.IdentifyingNumber).Length) -gt 1) { $this.Compliant = $true; } else { $this.Compliant = $false; $this.Result = "$ltype was not found using the name: $Name" } } } } [void]TestScript([scriptblock]$Script_Block,[string]$Result_Variable,[string]$Type) { $this.Type = $Type; [bool]$_Result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Script_Block $this.Compliant = $_Result $GlobalVar = "`$Global:$Result_Variable" $this.Result = (Invoke-Expression($GlobalVar)) } } class DetectionMethodGroup { [bool]$Compliants [DetectionMethod[]]$Methods [bool] TestDetectionMethod() { foreach($Method in $this.Methods) { if($Method.Compliant) { $this.Compliants = $true; } else { $this.Compliants = $false; break; } } return $this.Compliants } [void] AddDetectionMethod([DetectionMethod]$DetectionMethod){$this.Methods += $DetectionMethod;} } function Start-DetectionMethod { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ApplicationName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock]$DetectionMethodScript ) [DetectionMethodGroup]$Global:DetectionGroup = New-Object DetectionMethodGroup $Global:DetectionGroup.Compliants = $null; $Global:DetectionGroup.Methods = $null; [string]$Today = Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyyy hh_mm_ss tt"; if(-not (Test-Path -Path "C:\LogFiles" -PathType Container)){New-Item -Path "C:\LogFiles" -ItemType Directory -Force;} if(-not (Test-Path -Path "C:\LogFiles\$ApplicationName" -PathType Container)){New-Item -Path "C:\LogFiles\$ApplicationName" -ItemType Directory -Force;} Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DetectionMethodScript; Test-DetectionMethod -LogPath "C:\LogFiles\$ApplicationName`\$Today`.log"; } function Test-DetectionMethod([string]$LogPath) { if([string]$Global:DetectionGroup.TestDetectionMethod() -notlike "*False*") { Write-Host "Application is Install" -ForegroundColor Green; foreach($obj in $Global:DetectionGroup.Methods) { "-------------------------------------------------" | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force $obj.Type | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force $obj.Result | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force "-------------------------------------------------`n" | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force "Application is Install" | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force } } else { $err = $Global:DetectionGroup.Methods[$Global:DetectionGroup.Results.Count-1].Result; $type = $Global:DetectionGroup.Methods[$Global:DetectionGroup.Results.Count-1].Type; "Application is still not install`nType: $type`n Error: $err" | Out-File -FilePath "$LogPath" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force exit 404 } } function Add-Folder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Date_Created, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Date_Modified, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Equals', 'Not equal to', 'Greater than or equal to','Greater than','Less than','Less than or equal to')] [string]$Operator ) if($Date_Created.Length -lt 1 -and $Date_Modified.Length -lt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFolder($Path,$null,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } else { if($Date_Created.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFolder($Path,$Date_Created,$null,$Operator); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Date_Modified.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFolder($Path,$null,$Date_Modified,$Operator); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } } } function Add-File { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Date_Created, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Date_Modified, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Equals', 'Not equal to', 'Greater than or equal to','Greater than','Less than','Less than or equal to')] [string]$Operator, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Major, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Minor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Build, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BuildExt, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('File', 'Product')] [string]$Version_Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Size, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Gb', 'Mb','Kb','Byte')] [string]$Size_Target ) if($Date_Created.Length -lt 1 -and $Date_Modified.Length -lt 1 -and $Size.Length -lt 1 -and $Version.Length -lt 1 -and $Minor.Length -lt 1 -and $Major.Length -lt 1 -and $Build.Length -lt 1 -and $BuildExt.Length -lt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } else { if($Date_Created.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$Date_Created,$null,$Operator,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Date_Modified.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$Date_Modified,$Operator,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Size.Length -ge 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; switch ($Size_Target) { "Gb" { [string]$_Size = [string]([int]$Size*1000000000);$_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$null,$_Size); } "Mb"{ [string]$_Size = [string]([int]$Size*1000000);$_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$null,$_Size); } "Kb"{ [string]$_Size = [string]([int]$Size*1000);$_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$null,$_Size); } "Byte"{ $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$null,$Size); } Default { $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$null,$Size);} } $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Version.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; if($Version_Target.Length -lt 2){$Version_Target = "File";} $Set_Of_Version = @("Full",$Version,$Version_Target) $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$Set_Of_Version,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } else { if($Version_Target.Length -lt 2){$Version_Target = "File";} if($Major.Length -ge 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $Set_Of_Version = @("Major",$Major,$Version_Target) $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$Set_Of_Version,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Minor.Length -ge 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $Set_Of_Version = @("Minor",$Minor,$Version_Target) $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$Set_Of_Version,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Build.Length -ge 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $Set_Of_Version = @("Build",$Build,$Version_Target); $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$Set_Of_Version,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($BuildExt.Length -ge 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $Set_Of_Version = @("BuildExt",$BuildExt,$Version_Target); $_METHOD.TestFile($Path,$null,$null,$Operator,$Set_Of_Version,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } } } } function Add-Registry { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKEY_USERS','ALL_USERS')] $Target, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Key, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Equals', 'Not equal to', 'Greater than or equal to','Greater than','Less than','Less than or equal to')] [string]$Operator, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('String', 'Integer', 'Version')] $Value_Type ) if($Name.Length -lt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestRegistry($Target,$Key,$null,$null,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } else { if($Value.Length -lt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestRegistry($Target,$Key,$Name,$null,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } else { if($Value_Type.Length -lt 1){$Value_Type = "String"} $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestRegistry($Target,$Key,$Name,$Value,$Operator,$Value_Type); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } } } function Add-Application { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Product_Code, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Equals', 'Not equal to', 'Greater than or equal to','Greater than','Less than','Less than or equal to')] [string]$Operator ) if($Product_Code.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestApplication($Product_Code,$null,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Name.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestApplication($null,$Name,$null,$null); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } if($Version.Length -gt 1) { $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestApplication($Product_Code,$null,$Version,$Operator); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } } function Add-Script { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock]$Script, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Result_Global_Variable_Name ) $_METHOD = New-Object DetectionMethod; $_METHOD.TestScript($Script,$Result_Global_Variable_Name,$Type); $Global:DetectionGroup.AddDetectionMethod($_METHOD); } Export-ModuleMember -Function @("Start-DetectionMethod","Add-Folder","Add-File","Add-Registry","Add-Application","Add-Script","Test-DetectionMethod") |