function Set-PRTGResultSetMessage { <# .SYNOPSIS Output the PRTG Result Set Object in JSON Format. Typically this is the last step in your EXEXML script to report to PRTG #> param( #The content of the message. Default is "OK" [String]$Message, #Specify if the message is an error. WARNING: This type of error does not save the channel data, only use for script errors or if historical info is not required. A sensor in this error status cannot return any data in its channels; if used, all channel values in the <result> section will be removed. [Switch]$AsError, #Specify if the message is a warning [Switch]$AsWarning, #The PRTG Result Set to set the message for [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][PSCustomObject]$PRTGResultSet ) if ($AsError -or (-not $PRTGResultSet)) { $PRTGResultSet = New-PRTGResultSet } if ($AsError) {$PRTGResultSet.prtg.error = 1} if ($AsWarning) {$PRTGResultSet.prtg.warning = 1} $PRTGResultSet.prtg.text = $Message if ($AsError -or (-not $PRTGResultSet)) { $PRTGResultSet } } |