Function New-PWFChart { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new ChartJS chart. .DESCRIPTION Create a new Chart. Enter your data and tadaaa. .PARAMETER ChartTitle Your chart title. .PARAMETER ChartType "bar", "doughnut", "pie", "line", "radar", "polar" .PARAMETER ChartLabels, Your labels, from an object/array or in a string format separate by semi-colon: "Label1;Label2;LabelRouge" .PARAMETER ChartValues Your data [int], from an object/array or in a string format separate by semi-colon: "1;2;3" .PARAMETER Stacked Enable the stacked chart format. .PARAMETER StackedContent Use when Stacked selected. Scriptblock that contains the New-PWFChartStackedDataset functions .PARAMETER Legends Use when Stacked selected. Your legends, from an object/array or in a string format separate by semi-colon: "Label1;Label2;LabelRouge" .PARAMETER HideLegend Hide the legend. .PARAMETER LegendPosition Select position of legend: top,bottom,left,right .PARAMETER Horizontal The color to color y .PARAMETER ChartColors The color to color your data set in the chart. Default is colors generated automatically from a custom defined list with flat colours. .PARAMETER LightMode In lightmode all the chart text's color is white. .PARAMETER DontShowTitle Hide the chart's title. .EXAMPLE New-PWFChart -ChartTitle "Line Chart 1" -ChartType "line" -ChartLabels $ChartDataset.Name -ChartValues ($ChartDataset | select -ExpandProperty count) New-PWFChart -Stacked -ChartTitle "Stacked Bars" -ChartType "bar" -Legends "Janvier;Fevrier;Mars;Avril" -StackedContent { New-PWFChartStackedDataset -Name "Dataset1" -Values "1;2;3;4" New-PWFChartStackedDataset -Name "Dataset2" -Values "4;3;2;1" } .LINK #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Stacked', Position = 0)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NotStacked', Position = 0)] $ChartTitle, [ValidateSet("bar", "doughnut", "pie", "line", "radar", "polar", IgnoreCase = $false)] $ChartType, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Stacked', HelpMessage = 'If Stacked selected, you have to create a hashtable with datasets.', Position = 1)] [switch]$Stacked, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'NotStacked', HelpMessage = 'Classic chart.', Position = 2)] $ChartLabels, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'NotStacked', Position = 3)] $ChartValues, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Stacked', Position = 2)] $Legends, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Stacked', Position = 3)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'NotStacked', Position = 4)] [switch]$HideLegend, [ValidateSet("top", "right", "bottom", "left", IgnoreCase = $false)] [string]$LegendPosition = "top", [switch]$Horizontal, $ChartColors, [switch]$LightMode, [switch]$DontShowTitle, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Stacked', Position = 2)] $StackedContent ) if (!$Stacked) { #Switch ChartLabels from string to array, splitted by semi-colon if ($ChartLabels.gettype().Name -eq "String") { $ChartLabels = $ChartLabels.split(";") } #Switch ChartValues from string to array, splitted by semi-colon if ($ChartValues.gettype().Name -eq "String") { $ChartValues = $ChartValues.split(";") } #Switch ChartColors from string to array, splitted by semi-colon if ($ChartColors -and ($ChartColors.gettype().Name -eq "String")) { $ChartColors = $ChartColors.split(";") } } if (!$Stacked) { $ChartCount = ($ChartValues | Measure-Object).count $ChartDatasets = $ChartLabels } else { if ($Legends.gettype().Name -eq "String") { $Legends = $Legends.split(";s") } } if ($null -eq $ChartColors) { $ChartColors = $script:ChartColorsPalette } $ID = "ID$(Get-Random -Maximum 9999)" $data = "data$(Get-Random -Maximum 9999)" $config = "config$(Get-Random -Maximum 9999)" $labels = "labels$(Get-Random -Maximum 9999)" $Script:StackedColorsCount = 0 $output = @" <div> <canvas id="$($ID)"></canvas> </div> <script> "@ if ($Stacked) { $Script:StackedChartName = @() $StackedContent = .$StackedContent $output += @" const $($labels) = ['$($Legends -join "','")']; const $($data) = { labels: $($labels), datasets: [ $(try{ $StackedContent }catch{ }) ] }; "@ $Script:StackedChartName = @() } else { $output += @" const $($data) = { labels: [ $( For ($i = 0; $i -lt ($ChartLabels | Measure-Object).count; $i++) { Write-Output "'$($ChartLabels[$i])'$(if($i -ne (($ChartLabels | Measure-Object).count)-1){","})" } ) ], datasets: [{ label: '$($ChartTitle)', data: [$( For ($j = 0; $j -lt ($ChartValues | Measure-Object).count; $j++) { Write-Output "'$($ChartValues[$j])'$(if($j -ne (($ChartValues | Measure-Object).count)-1){","})" }) ], backgroundColor: [ $(For ($k = 0; $k -lt ($ChartColors | Measure-Object).count; $k++) { Write-Output "'$($ChartColors[$k])'$(if($k -lt (($ChartColors | Measure-Object).count)){","})" }) ], hoverOffset: 5, tension: 0.5 }] }; "@ } $output += @" const $($config) = { type: '$(if("" -ne $ChartType){write-output $ChartType}else{write-output "doughnut"})', data: $($data), options: { $(if($Horizontal -and ($ChartType -eq "bar")){ "indexAxis: 'y'," }) plugins: { legend: { display: $(if($HideLegend){"false"}else{"true"}), $(if($LegendPosition){"position: '$($LegendPosition)',"}) labels: { $(if($LightMode){"color: '#fff',"}) } }, title: { display: $(if($DontShowTitle){"false"}else{"true"}), $(if($LightMode){"color: '#fff',"}) text: '$($ChartTitle)' } }, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { $(if($Stacked){"stacked: true,"}) ticks: { $(if($LightMode){"color: '#fff'"}) } }, y: { $(if($Stacked){"stacked: true,"}) ticks: { $(if($LightMode){"color: '#fff'"}) } } } } }; var $($ID) = new Chart( document.getElementById('$($ID)'), $($config) ); $($ID) = '25rem'; </script> "@ return $output } |