Function New-PWFTitle { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new HTML Title with custom size. .DESCRIPTION Create a new HTML Title with custom size .PARAMETER TitleText The TitleText is your string text. .PARAMETER Size The Size of the title. From 1 to 5. 1 is the biggest. .PARAMETER Center Use Center to center your text in the parent division. .PARAMETER LightMode The Lightmode will color your text in white. .EXAMPLE New-PWFTitles -TitleText "MyTitle" -Size 1 -Center -Lightmode .LINK #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string]$TitleText, [int]$Size, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [switch]$Center, [switch]$LightMode ) $output = @" <H$($Size) style='$(if($LightMode){"color:#fff;"}if($Center){"text-align:center;"})'>$TitleText</H$($Size)> "@ return $output } |