function _TestVMDisks { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] $vm, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$DiskSpec ) begin { Write-Debug -Message '_TestVMDisks() starting' $vmDiskStorageFormat = [string]::Empty $diskStorageFormat = [string]::Empty $diskCount = $diskExist = $diskSCSI = $diskSize = $diskType = $diskFormat = $true } process { try { $configDisks = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $DiskSpec -Verbose:$false $vmDisks = @($vm | Get-HardDisk -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false) Write-Debug -Message "Desired VM disk count: $(@($configDisks).Count)" Write-Debug -Message "Current VM disk count: $(@($vmDisks).Count)" if ( @($configDisks).Count -ne @($vmDisks).Count) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Disk count does not match configuration' $diskCount = $false #return $pass } $scsiControllers = $vm | Get-SCSIController -Verbose:$false foreach ($disk in $configDisks) { Write-Debug -Message "Validating VM disk [$($disk.Name)]" $vmDisk = $vmDisks | Where-Object {$_.Name.ToLower() -eq $disk.Name.ToLower() } if ($null -eq $vmDisk) { Write-Verbose -Message "Disk [$($disk.Name)] does not exist on VM" $diskExist = $false #return $false } # TODO # Validate VM disk is on correct SCSI controller / bus number if ($disk.SCSI -and $null -ne $vmDisk) { # The SCSI Id the VM disk 'should' be on $desiredSCSIControllerNumber = $disk.SCSI.Id.Split(':')[0] $desiredBusNumber = $disk.SCSI.Id.Split(':')[1] $actualSCSIController = $vmDisk | Get-SCSIController -Verbose:$false $actualSCSIControllerNum = $actualSCSIController.Name.Split(' ')[2] $actualSCSIBusNumber = ($vm.ExtensionData.Config.Hardware.Device | where { $_.Key -eq $vmDisk.ExtensionData.Key} | Select -First 1).UnitNumber Write-Verbose -Message "[$($vmDisk.Name)] is SCSI [$actualSCSIControllerNum : $actualSCSIBusNumber]" # Does this VM disk match the desired SCSI ID? if (($actualSCSIControllerNum -ne $desiredSCSIControllerNumber) -or ($actualSCSIBusNumber -ne $desiredBusNumber)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Disk [$($vmDisk.Name)] SCSI ID does not match [$actualSCSIControllerNum`:$actualSCSIBusNumber <> $desiredSCSIControllerNumber`:$desiredBusNumber]" $diskSCSI = $false #return $false } } if ($null -ne $vmDisk) { $vmDiskCap = [system.math]::round($vmDisk.CapacityGB, 0) if ($vmDiskCap -ne $disk.SizeGB) { # Produce error if the desired disk size is less than the actual disk size if ($vmDiskCap -gt $disk.SizeGB) { Write-Warning -Message "The current disk size [$vmDiskCap GB] is greater than the desired disk size [$($disk.SizeGB) GB]. Can not shrink VM disks" } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Disk [$($disk.Name)] does not match configured size" $diskSize = $false #return $false } } } if ($null -ne $vmDisk) { if ($null -ne $vmDisk.StorageFormat) { $vmDiskStorageFormat = $vmDisk.StorageFormat } if ($null -ne $disk.Format) { $diskStorageFormat = $disk.Format } if ($vmDiskStorageFormat.ToString().ToLower() -ne $diskStorageFormat.ToLower()) { Write-Verbose -Message "Disk [$($disk.Name)] storage format [$($vmDiskStorageFormat.ToString().ToLower()) <> $($diskStorageFormat.ToLower())]" $diskFormat = $false #return $false } if ($vmDisk.DiskType.ToString().ToLower() -ne $disk.Type.ToLower()) { Write-Verbose -Message "Disk [$($disk.Name)] type [$($vmDisk.DiskType.ToString().ToLower()) <> $($disk.Type.ToLower())]" $diskType = $false #return $false } } } return ($diskCount -and $diskExist -and $diskSCSI -and $diskSize, $diskType, $diskFormat) #return $true } catch { Write-Error -Message 'There was a problem testing the disks.' Write-Error -Message "$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)($($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)): $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)" Write-Error $_ } } end { Write-Debug -Message '_TestVMDisks() ending' } } |