resource 'vsphere:vm' 'VM01' @{ ensure = 'present' description = 'Test VM' vCenter = 'vcenter01.local' datacenter = 'datacenter01' cluster = 'cluster01' vmTemplate = 'W2K12_R2_Std' customizationSpec = 'W2K12_R2' powerOnAfterCreation = $true totalvCPU = 2 coresPerSocket = 1 vRAM = 4 initialDatastore = 'datastore01' networks = @{ portGroup = 'VLAN_500' ipAssignment = 'Static' ipAddress = '' subnetMask = '' defaultGateway = '' dnsServers = @('','') } disks = @( @{ name = 'Hard disk 1' sizeGB = 50 type = 'flat' format = 'Thick' volumeName = 'C' volumeLabel = 'NOS' blockSize = 4096 } ) vCenterCredentials = Get-POSHOriginSecret 'pscredential' @{ username = '<your vcenter username>' password = '<your password here>' } guestCredentials = Get-POSHOriginSecret 'pscredential' @{ username = 'administrator' password = '<your password here>' } domainJoinCredentials = Get-POSHOriginSecret 'pscredential' @{ username = 'administrator' password = '<you password here>' } Provisioners = @( @{ name = 'DomainJoin' options = @{ domain = 'mydomain.com' oupath = 'ou=servers, dc=mydomain, dc=com' } } @{ name = 'Chef' options = @{ nodeName = 'vm01.mydomain.com' url = 'https://chefsvr.mydomain.com/organizations/myorg' source = '<URL to Chef MSI file>' validatorKey = '<URL to organization validator .pem file>' cert = '<URL to issuing CA .crt file>' runList = @( @{ role = 'base::setup_base' } @{ recipe = 'myapp::default' } ) environment = 'prod' attributes = @{ 'myapp.prop1' = 42 'myapp.prop2' = 'something' } } } ) } |