function New-POSHOriginResourceFromModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns POSHOrigin resource(s) defined in a given folder. .DESCRIPTION Returns POSHOrigin resource(s) defined in a given folder. If a .ps1 script with the same name as the module folder is found, only that script will be invoked. That script (the module entry point) is responsible for containing logic to process and return any needed POSHOrigin resources defined in the module. If Additionaly options are specified for the module, those options will be passed to the module entry point script. .PARAMETER Name The name of the POSHOrigin module .PARAMETER Options Hashtable of options to pass to POSHOrigin module. .EXAMPLE Returns all POSHOrigin resources defined in the module 'compute_xl_gold' at location '.\modules\compute\xl_gold'. The POSHOrigin module contains a script with the same name as the folder 'xl_gold.ps1' which is responsible for returning the actual POSHOrigin resources for the module. The alias 'module' is usually used instead of the full cmdlet name New-POSHOriginResourceFromModule. module 'compute_xl_gold' @{ source = '.\modules\compute\xl_gold' name = "server$_" } #> param( [parameter(mandatory, position = 0)] $Name, [parameter(mandatory, position = 1)] [hashtable]$Options ) if ($Options.ContainsKey('Source')) { if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Options.source)) { $path = $Options.source } else { $here = $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot $path = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $Options.Source -Resolve } if (-Not $script:modulesToProcess.ContainsKey($path)) { if (Test-Path -Path $path) { $callEntryPoint = $false $modParams = _CopyObject -DeepCopyObject $Options $modParams.Remove('Source') $modItem = Get-Item -Path $Path $modFiles = @() Write-Verbose -Message " Module: $Name - Path: $Path" if ($modItem.PSIsContainer) { # We specified a module folder # Are we trying to pass extra items to module? # If so, we just want to run the module entry point script # and not all the files in the module $folderName = Split-Path -Path $path -Leaf if ($modParams.Count -gt 0) { $callEntryPoint = $true $folderName = Split-Path -Path $path -Leaf $modFiles = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath "$folderName.ps1") } else { # Run all files in module except the entry point script if it exists Write-Verbose -Message " Specified module folder. Loading all files within" $modFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $modItem -File -Filter '*.ps1' -Exclude "$folderName.ps1" -Recurse } } else { # Are we calling the entry point script directly? $folderName = Split-Path -Path $path -Parent if ($modItem.BaseName -eq $folderName) { $callEntryPoint = $true } $modFiles = $modItem } $configdata = @() foreach ($modFile in $modFiles) { if ($callEntryPoint) { # Call entry point script and pass params $configdata += @(. $modFile @modParams) } else { # Call script with no params $configdata += @(. $modFile @modParams) } } return $configData ##$modFile = $modFile.FullName ##if ($modFile) { ## Is this a smart module? If so just process the entry script ## and not all the files in the module ## if ($smartMod) { ## } else { ## $script:modulesToProcess.Add($path, $name) ## $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -File -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse ## Write-Verbose -Message "Module: $Name - Items: $($files.Count) - Path: $modFile" ## $files | ForEach-Object { ## $configdata += @(. $_.FullName @modParams) ## } ## } ## return $configData ##} else { ## throw ($msgs.nporff_module_not_found -f $Path) ##} } else { throw ($msgs.nporff_module_not_found -f $path) } } else { Write-Warning -Message "Module $Name($path) has already been referenced by another configuration and will not be processed again" } } else { throw $msgs.nporff_no_source } } |