function Get-POSHOriginSecret { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [string]$Resolver, [parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)] [hashtable]$Options ) # Let's avoid repeatadly calling the resolver if we're getting the same credential # Instead, we'll compute a checksum of the options and store the credential in a cache # We'll lookup the credential by the checksum in the cache first before we go out to the resolver $resolverPath = "$moduleRoot\Resolvers\$resolver" if (Test-Path -Path $resolverPath) { $json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $options $hash = _getHash -Text $json if ($script:credentialCache.ContainsKey($hash)) { $cred = $script:credentialCache.$hash Write-Verbose -Message ($msgs.gpos_cache_hit -f $hash) } else { $cred = & "$resolverPath\Resolve.ps1" -Options $options $script:credentialCache.Add($hash, $cred) } return $cred } else { $knownResolvers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleRoot\Resolvers\" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $knownResolversTxt = $knownResolvers -join ', ' throw ($msgs.gpos_unknown_resolver -f $resolver, $knownResolvers) } } |