
function Invoke-PimGraphRequest {
        Execute a graph request.
        Execute a graph request.
        Wrapper command around Invoke-MgGraphRequest with better output processing.
        Relative link to call.
        Passed through to Invoke-MgGraphRequest.
        If no 'beta' or 'v1.0' prefix is used, it automatically injects 'v1.0'
    .PARAMETER Method
        What REST Method to call.
        Defaults to GET.
        A body to pass to the request.
        PS C:\> Invoke-PimGraphRequest me
        Retrieves information about the current user.

    param (

        $Method = 'GET',


    if ($Uri -notmatch '^v1.0/|^beta/') {
        $Uri = 'v1.0/{0}' -f $Uri

    $param = @{
        Method = $Method
        ErrorAction = 'Stop'
    if ($Body) { $param.Body = $Body }

    $nextLink = $Uri
    while ($nextLink) {
        $result = Invoke-MgGraphRequest @param -Uri $nextLink
        if ($result.value) {
            foreach ($entry in $result.value) {
                if ($entry -isnot [hashtable]) { $entry }
                else { [PSCustomObject]$entry }
        elseif ($result.Keys.Count -eq 2 -and $result.Keys -contains 'value') {
            # Do nothing, there are no results
        else {
            if ($result -isnot [Hashtable]) { $result }
            else { [PSCustomObject]$result }
        $nextLink = $result.'@odata.nextlink' -replace '^https://graph.microsoft.com/'

function Resolve-User {
        Resolves a user into an ID
        Resolves a user into an ID
    .PARAMETER Identity
        ID or UPN or mail of the user to resolve.
        Whether to retrieve the ID of the current user.
        PS C:\> Resolve-User -Me
        Retrieve the ID of the current user
        PS C:\> Resolve-User -Identity max.mustermann@contoso.com
        Retrieve the ID of max.mustermann@contoso.com

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Identity')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Me')]

    process {
        if ($Me) {
            try { (Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri 'me' -ErrorAction Stop).Id }
            catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }

        if ($Identity -as [guid]) {
            return $Identity

        try { $user = Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri "users?`$select=id&`$filter=userPrincipalName eq '$Identity' or mail eq '$Identity'" -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }

        if (-not $user) { throw "User not found: $user" }

function Enable-PIMRole
        Activate a temporary Role membership.
        Activate a temporary Role membership.
        Scopes Needed:
        The role to activate.
    .PARAMETER TicketNumber
        The ticket number associated with the privilege activation.
    .PARAMETER Reason
        The reason you require the role to be activated
    .PARAMETER Duration
        For how long the role should be active.
        Must be at least 5 minutes, maximum duration is defined in PIM.
        Defaults to 8 hours.
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        When the activation should start.
        Defaults to "now"
    .PARAMETER TicketSystem
        What ticket system is associated with the ticket number offered.
        Defaults to 'N/A'
    .PARAMETER DirectoryScope
        What scope the the activation applies to.
        Defaults to '/'.
        PS C:\> Enable-PIMRole 'Global Administrator' '#1234' 'Updating global tenant settings.'
        Enables the 'Global Administrator' role for 8 hours.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Duration = "08:00:00",

        $StartTime = (Get-Date),

        $TicketSystem = "N/A",

        $DirectoryScope = "/"
        $resolvedRole = Resolve-PIMRole -Identity $Role
        $body = @{
            action = "SelfActivate"
            principalId = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "v1.0/me").id
            roleDefinitionId = $resolvedRole
            directoryScopeId = $DirectoryScope
            justification = $Reason
            scheduleInfo = @{
                startDateTime = $StartTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ')
                expiration = @{
                    type = "AfterDuration"
                    duration = "PT$($Duration.TotalMinutes)M"
            ticketInfo = @{
                ticketNumber = $TicketNumber
                ticketSystem = $TicketSystem
        try { Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri "v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests" -Method POST -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }

function Get-PIMRole {
        Search AAD for directory roles.
        Search AAD for directory roles.
        RoleManagement.Read.Directory, Directory.Read.All, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, Directory.ReadWrite.All
        The name to filter the roles by.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRole
        Retrieve all active roles.

    Param (
        $Name = '*'
    process {
        Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri "v1.0/directoryRoles" | Where-Object displayName -Like $Name

function Get-PIMRoleAssignment {
        Retrieve permanent role assignments.
        Retrieve permanent role assignments.
        Scopes Needed: RoleManagement.Read.Directory
        Role for which to find assignees.
        User for which to retrieve assignments.
        Specify either "me" for the current user or UPN/mail of specific user.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleAssignment
        Retrieve ALL role assignments.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleAssignment -User me
        Retrieve all role assignments of the current user.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleAssignment -Role 'Global Administrator'
        Retrieve all memberships in the 'Global Administrator' role.

    param (


    begin {
        $filterSegments = @()
        if ($Role) {
            $roleID = Resolve-PIMRole -Identity $Role
            $filterSegments += "roleDefinitionId eq '$roleID'"
        if ($User) {
            if ('me' -eq $User) { $userID = Resolve-User -Me }
            else { $userID = Resolve-User -Identity $User }
            $filterSegments += "principalId eq '$userID'"
        $filterString = ''
        if ($filterSegments) {
            $filterString = '&$filter={0}' -f ($filterSegments -join ' and ')
    process {
        $results = Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri "v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleAssignments?`$expand=principal$filterString"
        foreach ($result in $results) {
                # General Info
                RoleID         = $result.roleDefinitionId
                PrincipalID    = $result.principalId
                DirectoryScope = $result.directoryScopeId

                # Principal Details
                PrincipalName  = $result.principal.displayName
                PrincipalType  = $result.principal.'@odata.type' -replace '#microsoft\.graph\.'

                # Assignment data
                AssignmentID   = $result.id
                Principal      = $result.principal

function Get-PIMRoleRequest {
        Retrieve previously submitted role elevation requests.
        Retrieve previously submitted role elevation requests.
        Returns both requests created in the Portal and those created by commandline.
        Scopes needed (least to most privileged):
        RoleEligibilitySchedule.Read.Directory, RoleManagement.Read.Directory, RoleManagement.Read.All, RoleEligibilitySchedule.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
        Role for which to retrieve elevation requests.
        User for which to retrieve elevation requests
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleRequest -User me
        Retrieve all requests for the current account.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleRequest -Role 'Global Administrator'
        Retrieve all requests for Global Admin

    param (


    begin {
        function Get-ExpirationTime {
            param (

            if ($ScheduleInfo.expiration.endDateTime) {
                return $ScheduleInfo.expiration.endDateTime

            $start = $ScheduleInfo.startDateTime
            $duration = $ScheduleInfo.expiration.duration -replace '^PT'
            $end = $start
            $minutes = $duration -replace '^.{0,}?(\d+)M.{0,}$', '$1'
            if ($minutes -and $minutes -ne $duration) { $end = $end.AddMinutes($minutes) }
            $hours = $duration -replace '^.{0,}?(\d+)H.{0,}$', '$1'
            if ($hours -and $hours -ne $duration) { $end = $end.AddHours($hours) }

        $filterSegments = @()
        if ($Role) {
            $roleID = Resolve-PIMRole -Identity $Role
            $filterSegments += "roleDefinitionId eq '$roleID'"
        if ($User) {
            if ('me' -eq $User) { $userID = Resolve-User -Me }
            else { $userID = Resolve-User -Identity $User }
            $filterSegments += "principalId eq '$userID'"
        $filterString = ''
        if ($filterSegments) {
            $filterString = '&$filter={0}' -f ($filterSegments -join ' and ')
    process {
        $requests = Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Uri "roleManagement/directory/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests?`$expand=principal$($filterString)"
        foreach ($request in $requests) {
                PSTypeName         = 'PIM.Graph.RoleRequest'

                # IDs
                RequestID          = $request.id
                PrincipalID        = $request.principalId
                RoleID             = $request.roleDefinitionId
                # State
                Action             = $request.action
                Status             = $request.status

                # Schedule
                Start              = $request.scheduleInfo.startDateTime
                End                = Get-ExpirationTime -ScheduleInfo $request.scheduleInfo
                ExpirationType     = $request.scheduleInfo.expiration.type
                ExpirationDuration = $request.scheduleInfo.expiration.duration
                ExpirationTime     = $request.scheduleInfo.expiration.endDateTime

                Created            = $request.createdDateTime
                Completed          = $request.completedDateTime

                # Metadata
                Reason             = $request.justification
                TicketNumber       = $request.ticketInfo.ticketNumber
                TicketSystem       = $request.ticketInfo.ticketSystem

                # Principal
                PrincipalType      = $request.principal.'@odata.type' -replace '#microsoft\.graph\.'
                PrincipalName      = $request.principal.displayName
                PrincipalUPN       = $request.principal.userPrincipalName

                # Role
                Role               = Resolve-PIMRole -Identity $request.roleDefinitionId -AsName -Lenient

                Data               = $request

function Resolve-PIMRole
        Resolve a role by ID or name.
        Resolve a role by ID or name.
        Uses role providers to do the resolving with, some of which are provided out of the box:
        - builtin: Provides the default IDs for the builtin roles (such as Global Administrator)
        - manual: Allows manually mapping name to ID using Set-PIMRoleMapping.
        - Get-PIMRole: Uses Get-PIMRole to retrieve active roles from Azure AD.
          This requires having the correct scopes and permissions to retrieve them.
        For more details on Role Providers, see the following commands:
        - Get-PIMRoleProvider: List available Role Providers.
        - Set-PIMRoleProvider: Modify existing Role Providers (most notably: Disable or enable)
        - Register-PIMRoleProvider: Create a new Role Provider
        - Unregister-PIMRoleProvider: Remove an existing Role Provider
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Role to resolve.
        Resolve to name rather than ID.
    .PARAMETER Lenient
        In case of not finding anything, return the specified Identity, rather than throwing an exception.
        PS C:\> Resolve-PIMRole -Identity 'Global Administrator'
        Returns the ID of the Global Administrator role.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        # If no resolution is required and ID is provided, return ID
        if (-not $AsName -and $Identity -as [Guid]) { return $Identity }

        $providers = Get-PIMRoleProvider -Enabled | Sort-Object Priority
        foreach ($provider in $providers) {
            Write-Verbose "Resolving $Identity through $($provider.Name)"
            try {
                $result = & $provider.Conversion $Identity $AsName
                if ($result) { return $result }
            catch {
                Write-Verbose "Error resolving $Identity through $($provider.Name): $_"
        if ($Lenient) { return $Identity }
        throw "Unable to resolve $Identity"

function Stop-PIMRoleRequest {
        Cancels a pending role request.
        Cancels a pending role request.
        Scopes needed (least to most privileged):
        RoleEligibilitySchedule.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
        ID of the request to cancel.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleRequest -User me | Where-Object Status -eq Granted | Stop-PIMRoleRequest
        Cancels all role requests still pending for the current user

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    process {
        foreach ($requestID in $ID) {
            try { Invoke-PimGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri "v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests/$requestID/cancel" -ErrorAction Stop }
            catch { $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) }

function Get-PIMRoleProvider {
        Lists all registered Role Providers.
        Lists all registered Role Providers.
        Role Providers are plugins that allow resolving role names using the logic provided within.
        Name of the Role Provider to retrieve.
        Defaults to '*'
    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Only return enabled Role Providers.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleProvider
        Lists all registered Role Providers.
        PS C:\> Get-PIMRoleProvider -Enabled
        Lists all enabled Role Providers.

    Param (
        $Name = '*',


    process {
        $enabledSet = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')
        ($script:roleProviders.Values) | Where-Object {
            $_.Name -Like $Name -and
            (-not $enabledSet -or $_.Enabled -eq $Enabled)

function Register-PIMRoleProvider {
        Register a new Role Provider.
        Register a new Role Provider.
        Role Providers are plugins that allow resolving role names using the logic provided within.
        Name of the provider to create.
        Must be unique, otherwise it will overwrite an existing Provider.
    .PARAMETER Conversion
        Logic that processes input into results.
        The scriptblock must accept two parameters:
        - Identity
        - AsName
        Identity is the string input to convert.
        AsName is a boolean, whether to return the displayname of a role.
        By default, this scriptblock should be returning the ID.
    .PARAMETER ListNames
        A logic that, without any input, should return a list of role names.
        This is used for tab completion and you may leave this empty.
        Try to avoid including long-running logic or implement caching.
    .PARAMETER Description
        Description of the Role Provider.
        Used to give the user some impression of what and how it does.
    .PARAMETER Priority
        The priority of the Role Provider.
        The lower the number, the earlier it is executed.
        The first successful role resolution wins, causing Role Providers with a higher number to be skipped.
        Slower Role Providers should usually have a higher number.
        Defaults to 50.
    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Whether the Role Provider should be enabled.
        Only enabled Providers are used when resolving a role.
        Defaults to $true
        PS C:\> Resolve-PIMRoleProvider -Name 'custom-DB' -Conversion $conversion -ListNames { } -Priority 40
        Registers the 'custom-DB' Role Provider with the specified conversion logic, an empty name listing logic and priority 40.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        $Priority = 50,

        $Enabled = $true

    $script:roleProviders[$Name] = [PSCustomObject]@{
        PSTypeName  = 'PIM.Graph.RoleProvider'
        Name        = $Name
        Conversion  = $Conversion
        ListNames   = $ListNames
        Priority    = $Priority
        Enabled     = $Enabled
        Description = $Description

function Set-PIMRoleMapping {
        Maps a role name to a role ID.
        Maps a role name to a role ID.
        This allows manually defining how a name should be resolved, enabling ...
        - Role resolution without any scopes / connection required.
        - Defining aliases / shortcuts for frequently resolved roles
        Name of the role.
        May either be the full name or an abbreviation as desired.
        ID the name maps to.
    .PARAMETER Register
        Whether the mapping should be remembered across sessions.
        PS C:\> Set-PIMRoleMapping -Name GA -ID 62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10 -Register
        Creates a permanent role name alias for the Global Administrator

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    process {
        $script:manuallyMappedRoles[$ID] = $Name

        if (-not $Register) { return }

        $folder = Join-Path $env:APPDATA 'PowerShell/PIM.Graph'
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $folder)) {
            $null = New-Item -Path $folder -Force -ItemType Directory

        $rolesPath = "$folder/roles.clixml"
        if (Test-Path -Path $rolesPath) {
            $roles = Import-Clixml -Path $rolesPath
        else {
            $roles = @{ }
        $roles[$ID] = $Name
        $roles | Export-Clixml -Path $rolesPath

function Set-PIMRoleProvider {
        Modifies an existing Role Provider.
        Modifies an existing Role Provider.
        Role Providers are plugins that allow resolving role names using the logic provided within.
        Name of the Provider to modify.
    .PARAMETER Conversion
        The conversion logic that reslves names to ID.
    .PARAMETER ListNames
        The logic listing all available names for tab completion purposes.
    .PARAMETER Priority
        The priority of the Role Provider.
        The lower the number, the earlier it is executed.
        The first successful role resolution wins, causing Role Providers with a higher number to be skipped.
        Slower Role Providers should usually have a higher number.
    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Whether the Role Provider should be enabled.
        Only enabled Providers are used when resolving a role.
        PS C:\> Set-PIMRoleProvider -Name Get-PIMRole -Enabled $false
        Disables the Role Provider 'Get-PIMRole'

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]




    process {
        foreach ($providerName in $Name) {
            $provider = $script:roleProviders[$providerName]
            if (-not $provider) {
                Write-Error "Provider not found: $providerName"

            if ($Conversion) { $provider.Conversion = $Conversion }
            if ($ListNames) { $provider.ListNames = $ListNames }
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Priority')) { $provider.Priority = $Priority }
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')) { $provider.Enabled = $Enabled }

function Unregister-PIMRoleProvider {
        Remove an existing Role Provider.
        Remove an existing Role Provider.
        Role Providers are plugins that allow resolving role names using the logic provided within.
        Name of the Role Provider to remove
        PS C:\> Unregister-PIMRoleProvider -Name Get-PIMRole
        Removes the 'Get-PIMRole' Role Provider

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    process {
        foreach ($providerName in $Name) {

# Registered role providers, logic resolving and listing roles
$script:roleProviders = @{ }

# Roles that come with every tenant. Their roleTemplateId is global across all tenants.
$script:defaultBuiltinRoles = @{
    '62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10' = 'Global Administrator'
    'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32' = 'Directory Synchronization Accounts'
    '88d8e3e3-8f55-4a1e-953a-9b9898b8876b' = 'Directory Readers'
    'e6d1a23a-da11-4be4-9570-befc86d067a7' = 'Compliance Data Administrator'
    'f28a1f50-f6e7-4571-818b-6a12f2af6b6c' = 'SharePoint Administrator'
    '5d6b6bb7-de71-4623-b4af-96380a352509' = 'Security Reader'
    '69091246-20e8-4a56-aa4d-066075b2a7a8' = 'Teams Administrator'
    'f70938a0-fc10-4177-9e90-2178f8765737' = 'Teams Communications Support Engineer'
    '2b499bcd-da44-4968-8aec-78e1674fa64d' = 'Device Managers'
    '194ae4cb-b126-40b2-bd5b-6091b380977d' = 'Security Administrator'
    'baf37b3a-610e-45da-9e62-d9d1e5e8914b' = 'Teams Communications Administrator'
    '17315797-102d-40b4-93e0-432062caca18' = 'Compliance Administrator'
    'f2ef992c-3afb-46b9-b7cf-a126ee74c451' = 'Global Reader'
    '29232cdf-9323-42fd-ade2-1d097af3e4de' = 'Exchange Administrator'
    'a9ea8996-122f-4c74-9520-8edcd192826c' = 'Power BI Administrator'
    '9360feb5-f418-4baa-8175-e2a00bac4301' = 'Directory Writers'

# Mapping of manually defined roles
$script:manuallyMappedRoles = @{ }
$manualRolesPath = Join-Path $env:APPDATA 'PowerShell/PIM.Graph/roles.clixml'
if (Test-Path $manualRolesPath) {
    try { $script:manuallyMappedRoles = Import-Clixml -Path $manualRolesPath -ErrorAction Stop }
    catch { Write-Warning "Error loading roles mapping configuration file. File may be corrupt. Delete or repair the file. Path: $manualRolesPath" }

$conversion = {
    param (


    foreach ($pair in $script:defaultBuiltinRoles.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ($AsName) {
            if ($pair.Key -eq $Identity) { return $pair.Value }
        else {
            if ($pair.Value -eq $Identity) { return $pair.Key }
$listnames = {

$param = @{
    Name       = 'builtin'
    Conversion = $conversion
    ListNames  = $listnames
    Priority   = 2
    Enabled    = $true
    Description = 'A static mapping of the common builtin roles.'

Register-PIMRoleProvider @param

$conversion = {
    param (


    $roles = Get-PIMRole
    if ($AsName) {
        $roles | Where-Object {
            $_.Id -eq $Identity -or
            $_.roleTemplateId -eq $Identity
        } | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object displayName
    else {
        $roles | Where-Object displayName -EQ $Identity | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object displayName
$listnames = {

$param = @{
    Name       = 'Get-PIMRole'
    Conversion = $conversion
    ListNames  = $listnames
    Priority   = 60
    Enabled    = $true
    Description = 'Uses Get-PIMRole to resolve roles against graph. Requires scope RoleManagement.Read.Directory'

Register-PIMRoleProvider @param

$conversion = {
    param (


    foreach ($pair in $script:manuallyMappedRoles.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ($AsName) {
            if ($pair.Key -eq $Identity) { return $pair.Value }
        else {
            if ($pair.Value -eq $Identity) { return $pair.Key }
$listnames = {

$param = @{
    Name        = 'manual'
    Conversion  = $conversion
    ListNames   = $listnames
    Priority    = 1
    Enabled     = $true
    Description = 'Allows manually defining a name-to-role mapping using Set-PIMRoleMapping.'

Register-PIMRoleProvider @param

#region Role Names
$completion = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

    $providers = Get-PIMRoleProvider -Enabled
    $names = foreach ($provider in $providers) {
        & $provider.ListNames
    $names | Sort-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_ -match "\s") { "'$_'" }
        else { $_ }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Resolve-PIMRole -ParameterName Identity -ScriptBlock $completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Enable-PIMRole -ParameterName Role -ScriptBlock $completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PIMRoleAssignment -ParameterName Role -ScriptBlock $completion
#endregion Role Names

#region Role Provider
$completion = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

    (Get-PIMRoleProvider -Name "$wordToComplete*").Name | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_ -match "\s") { "'$_'" }
        else { $_ }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PIMRoleProvider -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock $completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-PIMRoleProvider -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock $completion
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Unregister-PIMRoleProvider -ParameterName Name -ScriptBlock $completion
#endregion Role Provider