
  Implement a Using / IDisposable statement from C# in PowerShell.
  Implement a Using / IDisposable statement from C# in PowerShell.
   # Short example ...
   Using ($user = $sr.GetDirectoryEntry()) {
     $user.displayName = $displayName

function Use-Object {
    param (
        [System.IDisposable] $inputObject = $(throw "The parameter -inputObject is required."),
        [ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock = $(throw "The parameter -scriptBlock is required.")
    Try {
    } Finally {
        if ($inputObject -ne $null) {
            if ($inputObject.psbase -eq $null) {
            } else {

  Join the properties of two objects together.
  Join the properties of two objects together.
   $obj1 = @{"key1"="value1"}
   $obj2 = @{"key1"="value2"}
   Join-Object $obj1 $obj2

function Join-Object {
    #TODO: Deprec for merge? No overwriting?
       $First = $(throw "The parameter -First is required."),
       $Second = $(throw "The parameter -Second is required.")
    BEGIN {
       [string[]] $p1 = $First | Get-Member -type Properties | Select-Object -expand Name
    Process {
       $Output = $First | Select-Object $p1
       foreach($p in $Second | Get-Member -type Properties | Where-Object { $p1 -notcontains $_.Name } | Select-Object -expand Name) {
          Add-Member -in $Output -type NoteProperty -name $p -value $Second."$p"

  Merge the properties of two objects together, overwriting properties on the first object.
  Merge the properties of two objects together, overwriting properties on the first object. Is recursive, and will copy sub objects.
   $obj1 = @{"key1"="value1"}
   $obj2 = @{"key1"="value2"}
   Merge-Object $obj1 $obj2

function Merge-Object {
    $Base = $(throw "The parameter -Base is required."),
    $Additional = $(throw "The parameter -Additional is required.")

    $propNames = $($Additional | Get-Member -MemberType *Property).Name
    foreach ($propName in $propNames) {
        if ($Base.PSObject.Properties.Match($propName).Count) {
            if ($Base.$propName -and
                $Base.$propName.GetType().Name -eq "PSCustomObject")
                $Base.$propName = Merge-Object $Base.$propName $Additional.$propName
                #Only set if it has a value
                if($Additional.$propName) {
                    $Base.$propName = $Additional.$propName
            #Only set if it has a value
            if($Additional.$propName) {
                $Base | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propName -Value $Additional.$propName -Force
    return $Base

Export-ModuleMember -function Merge-Object
Export-ModuleMember -function Join-Object
Export-ModuleMember -function Use-Object