Param( [String]$TargetPC, [String]$Technician, [Switch]$Debug = $False, [Switch]$Console = $False, [Switch]$SendEmail = $True ) <#============================================================================== File Name : PC-Decommissioner.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT kcmjr DOT com) : Description : Detects DNS assigned to local system. Pulls all records from selected DNS server and performs : both a ping and an NSlookup on the record. Records to Excel and/or Console. Use to validate : existing DNS records. : Notes : Normal operation is with no command line options except as noted below. : Optional arguments: -Debug $true (defaults to false). Sends email to debug address from config file. : -Console $true (defaults to false). Displays runtime info on Console : -SendEmail $False (defaults to true). Will stop emails from going out. : -Technician (REQUIRED) The AD user ID of the person submitting the report. Will fail if invalid. : -Target (REQUIRED) The name of the system to delete. : Warnings : None : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : That being said... If you find bugs, PLEASE let me know so I can correct them. : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources including but : not limited to the following: : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie Version History : v1.00 - 10-02-18 - Original Change History : v2.00 - 00-00-00 - #> $ScriptVer = "1.00" <# : #===============================================================================#> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.00 .GUID 8fc50881-2353-43c7-bcfd-5fda8fa37060 .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT kcmjr DOT com) .DESCRIPTION Accepts a PC name and a user name as command line inputs and then removes the designated PC from Active Directory and DNS both. Validates the user before execution. Emails an HTML report to designated recipients. #> #requires -version 5.1 Clear-host #==[ For Testing ]#============================= #$TargetPC = "delete-test" #$Technician = "testuser" #$Script:Debug = $false #$Script:Console = $true #$SendEmail = $false #$ByPassList = "" #("delete-test") #=============================================== If ($Debug){$Script:Debug = $true} If ($Console){$Script:Console = $true} If ($SendEmail){$Script:SendEmail = $true} $DNSDomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSroot $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" $ScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).split(".")[0] $ConfigFile = $PSScriptRoot+'\'+$ScriptName+'.xml' $HostName = "" $Result = "" Function LoadConfiguration{ #--[ Read and load configuration file ]------------------------------------- If (!(Test-Path $ConfigFile)){ #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]-- $Script:MessageBody = "MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted." Write-Host "CONFIGURATION FILE NOT FOUND - EXITING" -ForegroundColor Red break }Else{ Try{ [xml]$Configuration = Get-Content $ConfigFile -ErrorAction "stop" #--[ Read & Load XML ]-- }Catch{ $Script:MessageBody = $_.Exception.Message + " - Script aborted." Write-Host $_.Exception.Message " - Script aborted." -ForegroundColor Red break } #$DnsServer = $Configuration.Settings.General.DnsServer #--[ Detected. See below ]-- $Script:DnsDomain = $Configuration.Settings.General.Domain #--[ Detected. See below ]-- $Script:DebugEmail = $Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug $Script:DebugTarget = $Configuration.Settings.General.DebugTarget $Script:ValidGroup = $Configuration.Settings.General.ValidGroup $Script:eMailRecipient = $Configuration.Settings.Email.To $Script:eMailFrom = $Configuration.Settings.Email.From $Script:eMailHTML = $Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML $Script:eMailSubject = $Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject $Script:SmtpServer = $Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer $Script:UserName = $Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $EncryptedPW = $Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password $Base64String = $Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key #$ReportName = $Configuration.Settings.General.ReportName $Script:BypassList = ($Configuration.Settings.Bypass.List).Split(',') $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64String) $Script:Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, ($EncryptedPW | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $ByteArray) #$Script:Credential.password #--[ Will expose the encrypted password. Use with caution ]-- } } Function SendMessage { #--[ Send Email Report ]-------------------------------------------- $Email = $null $Email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $Email.From = $Script:EmailFrom $Email.Subject = $Script:eMailSubject $Email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:eMailHTML $Email.Body += $Script:MessageBody If ($Script:SendEmail){ If ($Script:Debug){ $Email.To.Add($Script:DebugEmail) #--[ Debug destination email address ]-- If ($Script:Console){write-host "`n--[ DEBUG Email sent ]--" -ForegroundColor Green} }Else{ $Email.To.Add($eMailRecipient) #--[ Destination email address ]-- If ($Script:Console){write-host "`n--[ Email sent ]--" -ForegroundColor Green} } $SMTP = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SMTPServer) $SMTP.Send($Email) }Else{ If ($Script:Console){write-host "`n--[ Email Disabled. Nothing Sent ]--" -ForegroundColor Red} } } Function ConsoleColor { #--[ Detect Console color and adjust accordingly ]------------------------------ If ((Get-Host).UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor -eq "White"){ $Script:FgGreen = "DarkGreen" $Script:FgRed = "DarkRed" $Script:FgYellow = "DarkCyan" $Script:FgBlue = "DarkCyan" $Script:FgCyan = "DarkCyan" $Script:FgMagenta = "DarkCyan" $Script:FgGray = "DarkGray" $Script:FgText = "Black" }Else{ $Script:FgGreen = 'Green' $Script:FgRed = 'Red' $Script:FgYellow = 'Yellow' $Script:FgBlue = 'Blue' $Script:FgCyan = 'Cyan' $Script:FgMagenta = 'Magenta' $Script:FgGray = 'Gray' $Script:FgText = 'White' } } #--End of Functions ]----------------------------------------------------------- #==[ Main Process ]============================================================= Try{Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession}Catch{ If ($Script:Console){Write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow} } ConsoleColor LoadConfiguration $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" Try{ $Technician = Get-ADUser -Identity $Technician -Credential $Script:Credential -Properties * #GivenName,Surname,memberof,DisplayName -ErrorAction "stop" # $Technician }Catch{ $Script:MessageBody = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host $Script:MessageBody -ForegroundColor Red $Script:MessageBody += "<br>Script cannot run without a valid user - Exiting" SendMessage Break } #--[ Verify permission to run ]------------------- if ($Technician.memberof -like "*$Script:ValidGroup*"){ #--[ User is a member of appropriate AD group ]-- If ($Script:Debug){Write-Host "--[ User is a member of appropriate AD group ]--" -ForegroundColor green} }Else{ $Script:MessageBody = "User "+($Technician.DisplayName)+" does not have appropriate AD group membership to execute this operation" Write-Host $Script:MessageBody -ForegroundColor Red $Script:MessageBody += "<br>Process cannot run without a validated user - Exiting" SendMessage Break } <#--[ Reference Only ]-------------------------- $Technician.Name $Technician.GivenName $Technician.UserPrincipalName $Technician.SamAccountName $Technician.Enabled $Technician.memberof #----------------------------------------------#> #--[ Identify DNS servers in the domain ]-------------------------- $DNSServer = "" $DNSServerList = "" #--[ Detect domain unless one is specified in config file. ]-- if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DnsDomain)){ $DNSDomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot }Else{ $DnsDomainName = $DnsDomain } $Lookup = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {nltest.exe /dnsgetdc:$DNSDomainName} $DNSServerList = ($Lookup[2..$($Lookup.Count - 2)]).Trim() #--[ Get authentication DC ]-------------------------------------- $LogonServer = ($ENV:LOGONSERVER).trimstart("\").ToLower() #--[ Get a random DNS server that is NOT the authenticating DC ]------------------ $RndDNS = $LogonServer while ($RndDNS.Split(".")[0] -eq $LogonServer){ $RndDNS = Get-Random -InputObject $DNSServerList -Count "1" # | where $_ -NotMatch $LogonServer } $DNSServer = (($RndDNS.Split(".")[0]).Trim()).ToString() $DNSServerIP = $RndDNS.Split(".")[1] #--[ Selecting a random DC like this for DNS processing avoids the issue with double logon to the same DC ]-- #--[ Use for manual selection of one of the local system DNS servers from IP settings ]-- #$DNS1 = (Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4").ServerAddresses[0] #$DNS2 = (Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4").ServerAddresses[1] #$DNSServerIP = $DNS2 #$DNSServer = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($DNSServerIP).Hostname $PropertyList = @( "HostName", "Technician", "TechValid", "Date", "ADStatus", "DomainName", "Distinguishedname", "DNSServer", "ObjectClass", "ObjectGUID", "SamAccountName", "SID", "AdAction", "AdResult", "DnsDetect", "DnsSession", "DnsAction", "DnsResult", "Status", "Result" ) $TargetRecordObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject #--[ Create a new object to hold results, pre-populate with blanks ]-- ForEach ($Property in $PropertyList){ Add-Member -InputObject $TargetRecordObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value "" -ErrorAction "stop" -Force } If ($Script:Console){write-host "--[ Processing $TargetPC ]--"`n -ForegroundColor Yellow} $TargetRecordObj.HostName = ($TargetPC).ToUpper() $TargetRecordObj.Technician = $Technician.DisplayName $TargetRecordObj.TechValid = "Validated" $TargetRecordObj.Date = ([System.DateTime]::Now) $TargetRecordObj.DomainName = $DNSDomainName $TargetRecordObj.DNSServer = ($DNSServer.ToUpper()) Try{ #--[ Test for target System ]-- $Lookup = Get-ADComputer -Identity $TargetPC -Credential $Script:Credential If ($Lookup.Enabled = "true"){ $TargetRecordObj.ADStatus = "Enabled" }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.ADStatus = $Lookup.Enabled } $TargetRecordObj.HostName = ($Lookup.Name).ToUpper() $TargetRecordObj.DistinguishedName = $Lookup.DistinguishedName $TargetRecordObj.ObjectClass = ($Lookup.ObjectClass).ToUpper() $TargetRecordObj.ObjectGUID = $Lookup.ObjectGUID $TargetRecordObj.SamAccountName = $Lookup.SamAccountName $TargetRecordObj.SID = $Lookup.SID }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.ADStatus = $_.Exception.Message If ($Script:Console){$_.Exception.Message} } If ($BypassList -contains $TargetRecordObj.Hostname) { $TargetRecordObj.ADStatus = "On Bypass List" }Else{ #--[ Kill Active Directory Record ]----------------------------------------------------------- If ($Debug){ $TargetRecordObj.AdAction = "Simulating Delete" Remove-ADComputer -Identity $TargetPC -Credential $Script:Credential -whatif '2>&1' | out-null #--[ Simulate deletion ]-- }Else{ If ($TargetRecordObj.ADStatus -like "*Cannot find*"){ $TargetRecordObj.AdAction = "No Action" }Else{ Try{ Remove-ADComputer -Identity $TargetPC -Credential $Script:Credential -Confirm:$false | out-null #--[ Attempt deletion ]-- $TargetRecordObj.AdAction = "Deleting AD record" }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.AdResult = $_.Exception.Message } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 Try{ #--[ Verify AD Deletion ]-- $Result = Get-ADComputer -Identity $TargetPC -Credential $Script:Credential #--[ Verify deletion ]-- $TargetRecordObj.AdResult = "Ad Deletion FAILED" }Catch{ If ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Cannot find an object*"){ $TargetRecordObj.AdResult = "Deletion verified" }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.AdResult = $_.Exception.Message } } } } If ($Debug){ #--[ Simulate DNS by just detecting the record ]------------------------------ $TargetRecordObj.DnsAction = "Simulating Delete" Try { #--[ Check DNS for a record ]-- $Check = cmd /c nslookup.exe $TargetRecordObj.Hostname $DNSServer '2>&1' | out-string If ($Check -Like "*Non-existent domain*"){ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = "Not Found" }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = "Record Found" } }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = $_.Exception.Message } }Else{ #--[ Kill DNS Record ]------------------------------------------------------------------- Try { #--[ Check DNS for a record ]-- $Check = cmd /c nslookup.exe $TargetRecordObj.Hostname $DNSServer '2>&1' | out-string If ($Check -Like "*Non-existent domain*"){ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = "Not Found" }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = "Record Found" } }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect = $_.Exception.Message } If ($TargetRecordObj.DnsDetect -like "*Record Found*"){ #--[ Open a PS session to selected DC/DNS server ]--------------- Try{ $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $DNSServer -Credential $Script:Credential -ErrorAction "stop" $TargetRecordObj.DnsSession = $Session.State }Catch{ $Msg = "PS Session to $DNSServer has failed... Script aborted. "+$_.Exception.Message $TargetRecordObj.DnsSession = $Msg Break } #--[ Enter the session ]------------------------- Try{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsAction = "Attempting Record Purge" Enter-PSSession -Session $Session -ErrorAction "stop" Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { $Lookup = Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $Using:TargetRecordObj.DomainName -RRType A -Name $Using:TargetRecordObj.Hostname -ComputerName $Using:TargetRecordObj.DNSServer -Confirm:$false -Force #Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class MicrosoftDNS_$Using:Type -ComputerName "$Using:DNSServer" -Filter "IPAddress = '$Using:TargetRecordObj.NSLookupResult_Target_IP'" -ErrorAction "Stop" | Remove-WmiObject -ErrorAction "stop" Return $Lookup } }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult = $_.Exception.Message } Exit-PSSession #--[ Verify DNS record Deletion ]-------------------- Try { $ReCheck = cmd /c nslookup.exe $TargetRecordObj.Hostname $DNSServer '2>&1' | out-string If ($ReCheck -Like "*Non-existent domain*"){ $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult = "Record Purge Verified" }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult = "DNS Record Still Exists" } }Catch{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult = $_.Exception.Message } }Else{ $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult = "No Action" } } } $TargetRecordObj.Result = $Result #--[ Create header for email html content ]------------------ $Script:MessageBody = @() $Script:MessageBody += ' <style Type="text/css"> table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; } table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px} table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #949494 } table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; } table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; } tr.noBorder td {border: 0; } </style>' $Script:MessageBody += '<table class="myTable"> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=2><center><h1>- ' + $eMailSubject + ' -</h1></td></tr> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=2><center>The following report displays results from AD computer account deactivation.</center></td></tr> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=2></tr> <tr><th>Action</th><th>Result</th></tr> ' #--[ Color presets for HTML ]-- $HexGray = "#dfdfdf" #--[ Grey default cell background ]-- $HexOrange = "#ff9900" #--[ Orange ]-- $HexYellow = "#ffd900" #--[ Yellow ]-- $HexBlack = "#000000" #--[ Black ]-- $HexGreen = "#006600" #--[ Green ]-- $HexRed = "#660000" #--[ Red ]-- #--[ Data to Console display ]-------------------------------------- If ($Script:Console){ write-host "Target System ="$TargetRecordObj.Hostname -ForegroundColor $Script:FgYellow write-host "Today's Date ="$TargetRecordObj.Date -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Technician ="$TargetRecordObj.Technician -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Technician is authorized ="$TargetRecordObj.TechValid -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "AD Domain Name ="$TargetRecordObj.DomainName -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "AD Status ="$TargetRecordObj.ADStatus -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Distinguished Name ="$TargetRecordObj.DistinguishedName -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Object Class ="$TargetRecordObj.ObjectClass -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Object GUID ="$TargetRecordObj.ObjectGUID -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "SAM Account Name ="$TargetRecordObj.SamAccountName -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Domain SID ="$TargetRecordObj.SID -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "AD Action ="$TargetRecordObj.AdAction -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "AD Action Result ="$TargetRecordObj.AdResult -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "Selected DNS Server ="$TargetRecordObj.DNSServer -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "DNS Detection ="$TargetRecordObj.DNSDetect -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "DNS PS Session ="$TargetRecordObj.DnsSession -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "DNS Action ="$TargetRecordObj.DnsAction -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan write-host "DNS Action Result ="$TargetRecordObj.DnsResult -ForegroundColor $Script:FgCyan } #--[ Data for email report ]-------------------------------------------- $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Target System</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.Hostname + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + ">Today's date</td>" $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.Date + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Technician</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.Technician + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Technician is authorized</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.TechValid + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>AD Domain Name</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DomainName + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>AD Status</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.ADStatus + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Distinguished Name</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DistinguishedName + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Object Class</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.ObjectClass + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Object GUID</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.ObjectGUID + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>SAM Account Name</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.SamAccountName + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Domain SID</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.SID + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>AD Action</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.AdAction + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>AD Result</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.AdResult + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Selected DNS Server</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DNSServer + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>DNS Record Detection</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DNSDetect + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>DNS Server Session</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DnsSession + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>DNS Record Action</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DnsAction + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>DNS Record Result</td>' $Script:MessageBody += '<td bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>' + $TargetRecordObj.DnsResult + '</td></tr>' $Script:MessageBody += '<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=' + $HexGray + '><font color=' + $HexBlack + '>Target processing completed...</td></tr></table>' If ($Script:Console -or $Script:Debug){ $Script:MessageBody += '<br><br>Script Name : ' + $ScriptName $Script:MessageBody += '<br>Script Executed On : ' + $TargetRecordObj.Date $Script:MessageBody += '<br>Script Executed From : ' + $Env:ComputerName $Script:MessageBody += '<br>Script Executed By : ' + $TargetRecordObj.Technician $Script:MessageBody += '<br>Script Version : ' + $ScriptVer } SendMessage If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "--- Completed ---`n" -ForegroundColor red } <#==[ XML Configuration file example. Must reside in same folder as the script ]======================= <!-- Settings & Configuration File --> <Settings> <General> <ReportName>Computer Decommission Report</ReportName> <DebugTarget>test-computer</DebugTarget> <Domain>mydomain.com</Domain> <ValidGroup>TheGoodADGroup</ValidGroup> </General> <Email> <From>Computer-Decommission-Report@mydomain.com</From> <To>me@mydomain.com</To> <Debug>you@yourdomain.com</Debug> <Subject>Computer Decommission Report</Subject> <HTML>$true</HTML> <SmtpServer></SmtpServer> </Email> <Credentials> <UserName>mydomain\serviceaccount</UserName> <Password>76492d111IAegB2AHYAZQAxAGIATgBaADcAYwBtAHAAWQB6AHoAIAegB2AHYAZQQA9AIAegB2AHYAZQAxAGIATgBaADcAYwBtAHAAWHwAYwAzADQANgA0AGEAMAAwADQAZgBiAGMAYQBhAG6AHoAIAegB2AHYAZQQA9AIAegB2AHYAZ6AHoAIAegB2AHYAZQQA9AIAegB2AHYAZGUAZgBkAGYAZAA=</Password> <Key>kdhCh7HCvLOEyj2N0IObie8m+EhCh7HCvLO+Eyj2N0IObie8mE=</Key> </Credentials> <Bypass> <List>"PKIServer","Template1"</List> <!-- List of records to leave alone --> </Bypass> </Settings> #> |