
# Module created by Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo
# Version: 1.1.0
# Schema:
# Generated at: 08/11/2023 09:04:13
class PowerShellCustomFunctionAttribute : System.Attribute {
    PowerShellCustomFunctionAttribute() { $this.RequiresElevation = $false; $this.Source = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo" }
    PowerShellCustomFunctionAttribute([bool]$rElevation) {
        $this.RequiresElevation = $rElevation
        $this.Source = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo"

# Returns available errors
# Assumes that we are being called from within a script cmdlet when EmitAsError is used.
function Pop-CrescendoNativeError {
param ([switch]$EmitAsError)
    while ($__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue.Count -gt 0) {
        if ($EmitAsError) {
            $msg = $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue.Dequeue()
            $er = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new([system.invalidoperationexception]::new($msg), $PSCmdlet.Name, "InvalidOperation", $msg)
        else {
# this is purposefully a filter rather than a function for streaming errors
filter Push-CrescendoNativeError {
    if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
    else {

function Get-UnmanagedSolutions

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $False; Handler = { $args[0] | ConvertFrom-Json | where { $_.IsManaged -eq $false } | sort -Property FriendlyName | select SolutionUniqueName, FriendlyName, VersionNumber } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    $__commandArgs += '--json'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Gets list of unmanaged solutions


function Select-UnmanagedSolutions

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $selected = $input | ConvertFrom-Json | where { $_.IsManaged -eq $false } | sort -Property FriendlyName | select SolutionUniqueName, FriendlyName, VersionNumber | Out-ConsoleGridView  -Title "Select Solution(s).." -OutputMode Single; Write-Host "Exporting solution $($selected.SolutionUniqueName).."; $env:solution = $selected.SolutionUniqueName; } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    $__commandArgs += '--json'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Select a solution from a list of unmanaged solutions


function Get-ManagedSolutions

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $input | ConvertFrom-Json | where { $_.IsManaged -eq $true } | sort -Property FriendlyName | select SolutionUniqueName, FriendlyName, VersionNumber } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    $__commandArgs += '--json'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Gets list of managed solutions


function Export-Solutions

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $selected = $input | ConvertFrom-Json | where { $_.IsManaged -eq $false } | sort -Property FriendlyName | select SolutionUniqueName, FriendlyName, VersionNumber | Out-ConsoleGridView; $selected | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Exporting solution $($_.SolutionUniqueName).."; pac solution export -p . -n $_.SolutionUniqueName -ow } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    $__commandArgs += '--json'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Exports Unmanaged solution to disk


function Save-UnmanagedSolution


    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{
         SolutionUniqueName = @{
               OriginalName = '-n'
               OriginalPosition = '0'
               Position = '2147483647'
               ParameterType = 'string'
               ApplyToExecutable = $False
               NoGap = $False
               ArgumentTransform = '$args'
               ArgumentTransformType = 'inline'

    $__outputHandlers = @{ Default = @{ StreamOutput = $true; Handler = { $input; Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'export'
    $__commandArgs += '-a'
    $__commandArgs += '-p'
    $__commandArgs += '.'
    $__commandArgs += '-ow'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Exports Unmanaged solution to disk
.PARAMETER SolutionUniqueName
Unique name of the solution to export


function Save-ManagedSolution


    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{
         SolutionUniqueName = @{
               OriginalName = '-n'
               OriginalPosition = '0'
               Position = '2147483647'
               ParameterType = 'string'
               ApplyToExecutable = $False
               NoGap = $False
               ArgumentTransform = '$args'
               ArgumentTransformType = 'inline'

    $__outputHandlers = @{ Default = @{ StreamOutput = $true; Handler = { $input; Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'export'
    $__commandArgs += '-a'
    $__commandArgs += '-p'
    $__commandArgs += '.'
    $__commandArgs += '-ow'
    $__commandArgs += '-m'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Exports Managed solution to disk
.PARAMETER SolutionUniqueName
Unique name of the solution to export


function Expand-Solutions

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $selected = $input | ConvertFrom-Json | where { $_.IsManaged -eq $false } | sort -Property FriendlyName | select SolutionUniqueName, FriendlyName, VersionNumber | Out-ConsoleGridView; $selected | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "Cloning solution $($_.SolutionUniqueName).."; pac solution clone -p Both -o . -n $_.SolutionUniqueName -a -pca } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'solution'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    $__commandArgs += '--json'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Exports Unmanaged solution to disk and unpacks it


function Select-AuthProfile

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $selected = $input | ConvertFrom-TextTable | sort -Property Friendly_Name | Out-ConsoleGridView -OutputMode Single; if($selected -ne $null) { Write-Host "Selecting Auth Profile $($selected.Friendly_Name).."; pac auth select -i $selected.Index.Substring(1,1) } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'auth'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Selects a profile for authentication


function Add-AuthProfiles

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $selected = $input | ConvertFrom-TextTable | Out-ConsoleGridView; $selected | ForEach-Object { $env = [uri]$_.Environment_URL; Write-Host "Creating Auth Profile for $($_.Environment_URL).."; pac auth create -n $env.Host.Split(".")[0] -env $_.Environment_URL; }; pac auth list } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'org'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Creates auth profiles for all environments user has access to


function Get-Users

[PSDefaultValue(Value="<fetch><entity name='systemuserroles'><link-entity name='systemuser' from='systemuserid' to='systemuserid' alias='systemuser'><attribute name='fullname'/><attribute name='systemuserid'/><attribute name='internalemailaddress'/><attribute name='isdisabled'/><order attribute='fullname'/></link-entity><link-entity name='role' from='roleid' to='roleid' alias='role'><attribute name='name'/><attribute name='roleid'/><order attribute='name'/></link-entity></entity></fetch>")]
[string]$Role = "<fetch><entity name='systemuserroles'><link-entity name='systemuser' from='systemuserid' to='systemuserid' alias='systemuser'><attribute name='fullname'/><attribute name='systemuserid'/><attribute name='internalemailaddress'/><attribute name='isdisabled'/><order attribute='fullname'/></link-entity><link-entity name='role' from='roleid' to='roleid' alias='role'><attribute name='name'/><attribute name='roleid'/><order attribute='name'/></link-entity></entity></fetch>"

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{
         Role = @{
               OriginalName = '--xml'
               OriginalPosition = '0'
               Position = '2147483647'
               ParameterType = 'string'
               ApplyToExecutable = $False
               NoGap = $False
               ArgumentTransform = '$args'
               ArgumentTransformType = 'inline'

    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $input | Select-Object -Skip 3 | ConvertFrom-TextTable -ConvertPropertyValue | Select-Object @{N="User"; E={$_."systemuser.fullname"}}, @{N="Email"; E={$_."systemuser.internalemailaddress"}}, @{N="Role"; E={$_.""}}, @{N="Disabled"; E={$_."systemuser.isdisabled"}} | Out-ConsoleGridView -OutputMode Multiple } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'org'
    $__commandArgs += 'fetch'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Get users and their associated roles


function Get-UsersInRole


    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{
         Role = @{
               OriginalName = '--xml'
               OriginalPosition = '0'
               Position = '2147483647'
               ParameterType = 'string'
               ApplyToExecutable = $False
               NoGap = $False
               ArgumentTransform = ' param([string]$v) "<fetch><entity name=''systemuserroles''><link-entity name=''systemuser'' from=''systemuserid'' to=''systemuserid'' alias=''systemuser''><attribute name=''fullname''/><attribute name=''systemuserid''/><attribute name=''internalemailaddress''/><attribute name=''isdisabled''/><order attribute=''fullname''/></link-entity><link-entity name=''role'' from=''roleid'' to=''roleid'' alias=''role''><attribute name=''name''/><attribute name=''roleid''/><filter><condition attribute=''name'' operator=''eq'' value=''$($v)''/></filter><order attribute=''name''/></link-entity></entity></fetch>"'
               ArgumentTransformType = 'Inline'

    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $input | Select-Object -Skip 3 | ConvertFrom-TextTable -ConvertPropertyValue | Select-Object @{N="User"; E={$_."systemuser.fullname"}}, @{N="Email"; E={$_."systemuser.internalemailaddress"}}, @{N="Disabled"; E={$_."systemuser.isdisabled"}} | Out-ConsoleGridView -OutputMode Multiple } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'org'
    $__commandArgs += 'fetch'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Get users with a specific role
Name of role that is associated to the users.
PS> Get-UsersInRole -Role "System Administrator"
Get list of all users who have role System Administrator


function Deploy-ManagedSolution

param(    )

    $PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference = $false
    $__CrescendoNativeErrorQueue = [System.Collections.Queue]::new()
    $__PARAMETERMAP = @{}
    $__outputHandlers = @{
        Default = @{ StreamOutput = $True; Handler = { $orgs = $input | ConvertFrom-TextTable | select Name, Friendly_Name, Url, User, Cloud | sort -Property Friendly_Name; $source =  $orgs | Out-ConsoleGridView  -Title "Select Source.." -OutputMode Single; if($null -ne $source) { Write-Host "Source Auth Profile = $($source.Friendly_Name).."; }; pac auth select -n $($source.Name); Select-UnmanagedSolutions; $target = $orgs | where { $_.Name -ne $($source.Name) } | Out-ConsoleGridView -Title "Select Target.." -OutputMode Single; if($null -ne $target ) { Write-Host "Target Auth Profile = $($target.Friendly_Name).."; }; if($null -ne $env:solution) { Save-ManagedSolution -SolutionUniqueName $env:solution; pac auth select -n $($target.Name); pac solution import -p "$($env:solution)" -ap -a; Remove-Item "$($env:solution)" } } }

    $__boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters
    $__defaultValueParameters = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.Attributes.Where({$_.TypeId.Name -eq "PSDefaultValueAttribute"})}).Name
    $__defaultValueParameters.Where({ !$__boundParameters["$_"] }).ForEach({$__boundParameters["$_"] = get-variable -value $_})
    $__commandArgs = @()
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values.Where({$_.SwitchParameter -and $_.Name -notmatch "Debug|Whatif|Confirm|Verbose" -and ! $__boundParameters[$_.Name]}).ForEach({$__boundParameters[$_.Name] = [switch]::new($false)})
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    $__commandArgs += 'auth'
    $__commandArgs += 'list'
    foreach ($paramName in $__boundParameters.Keys|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ApplyToExecutable}|
            Where-Object {!$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].ExcludeAsArgument}|
            Sort-Object {$__PARAMETERMAP[$_].OriginalPosition}) {
        $value = $__boundParameters[$paramName]
        $param = $__PARAMETERMAP[$paramName]
        if ($param) {
            if ($value -is [switch]) {
                 if ($value.IsPresent) {
                     if ($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                 elseif ($param.DefaultMissingValue) { $__commandArgs += $param.DefaultMissingValue }
            elseif ( $param.NoGap ) {
                # if a transform is specified, use it and the construction of the values is up to the transform
                if($param.ArgumentTransform -ne '$args') {
                    $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                    if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                        $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                    $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
                else {
                    $pFmt = "{0}{1}"
                    # quote the strings if they have spaces
                    if($value -match "\s") { $pFmt = "{0}""{1}""" }
                    $__commandArgs += $pFmt -f $param.OriginalName, $value
            else {
                if($param.OriginalName) { $__commandArgs += $param.OriginalName }
                if($param.ArgumentTransformType -eq 'inline') {
                   $transform = [scriptblock]::Create($param.ArgumentTransform)
                else {
                   $transform = $param.ArgumentTransform
                $__commandArgs += & $transform $value
    $__commandArgs = $__commandArgs | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null}
    if ($__boundParameters["Debug"]){wait-debugger}
    if ( $__boundParameters["Verbose"]) {
         Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "pac"
         $__commandArgs | Write-Verbose -Verbose
    $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers[$PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName]
    if (! $__handlerInfo ) {
        $__handlerInfo = $__outputHandlers["Default"] # Guaranteed to be present
    $__handler = $__handlerInfo.Handler
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pac $__commandArgs")) {
    # check for the application and throw if it cannot be found
        if ( -not (Get-Command -ErrorAction Ignore "pac")) {
          throw "Cannot find executable 'pac'"
        if ( $__handlerInfo.StreamOutput ) {
            if ( $null -eq $__handler ) {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs
            else {
                & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError | & $__handler
        else {
            $result = & "pac" $__commandArgs 2>&1| Push-CrescendoNativeError
            & $__handler $result
    # be sure to let the user know if there are any errors
    Pop-CrescendoNativeError -EmitAsError
  } # end PROCESS

Deploys a Managed solution to an environment


Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-unm' -Value 'Get-UnmanagedSolutions'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sel-sol-unm' -Value 'Select-UnmanagedSolutions'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-man' -Value 'Get-ManagedSolutions'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-exp' -Value 'Export-Solutions'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-unm-save' -Value 'Save-UnmanagedSolution'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-man-save' -Value 'Save-ManagedSolution'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-sol-unp' -Value 'Expand-Solutions'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-auth-sel' -Value 'Select-AuthProfile'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-auth-add' -Value 'Add-AuthProfiles'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-users' -Value 'Get-Users'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-users-role' -Value 'Get-UsersInRole'
Set-Alias -Name 'pac-man-sol-deploy' -Value 'Deploy-ManagedSolution'