
# Helper functions used within Outlook Connector module
# Functions are not exported out of module

function Get-ValidFileName {
    # refference https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

    # removing illegal characters
    foreach ($char in ([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars())) {$FileName = $FileName -replace ('\'+$char),'_'}

    # trimming spaces and dots and removing extra long characters
    if (($FileName.Length) -gt 122) {$FileName = $FileName.Substring(0,123)} # 122 as we do not have extension yet
    while ($FileName -match '(^[\s\.])|([\s\.]$)') {$FileName = $FileName.Trim(' ').Trim(".")}

    # return value

function New-Folder {
    # creates new folder if not existing

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $TargetFolder)) {
        try {
            mkdir -Path $TargetFolder | Out-Null
        } catch {
            throw "Target folder $TargetFolder can't be created."

function Validate-Properties {
    # verifies if sent object has all needed properties
    # it returns $null if everything is fine, or list of missing properties
    # it should be used as if (Validate-Properties) {there are errors} else {no errors}
    $ObjectProperties = ($Message | Get-Member).Name
    $NotFound = @()

    foreach ($Prop in $Properties) {
        if ($Prop -notin $ObjectProperties) {
            $NotFound += $Prop

    # return value if something found
    if (@($NotFound).Count -gt 0) {$NotFound} 

function Create-FileName {
    # generates file name based on provided pattern and object
    # replaces each property in pattern specified with %PropertyName% with value of Property from sent object
    # filename has NO extension
    $RegEx = '(\%)(.+?)(\%)'

    $FileName = $FileNameFormat
    while ($FileName -match $RegEx) {
        $property = $Matches[2]
        # calling function should verify that all properties exist
        $FileName = $FileName -replace ('%'+$property+'%'),($Message.($property))
    # return value

function Add-Numbering {
    # generates file name based on send file name and extension
    # if file with that name exists, it will add numbering like (1), (2), etc. at the end of name
    # file name should be full path name
    # example Add-Numbering 'C:\tmp\Name' 'msg'


    $i = 0
    $FullFilePath = $FileName + '.' + $FileExtension
    # Check if file exists, and if yes, update name with numbering
    while (Test-Path -Path $FullFilePath) {
        $FullFilePath = $FileName + ' (' + (++$i) + ').' + $FileExtension

