.DESCRIPTION Gathers application consents from the investigation period. Also gathers list of all applications, their permissions, and compares that list to a hardcoded list of known-suspicious applications. .OUTPUTS Entra_App_Consents.csv Entra_App_Consents.json Suspicious_App_List.csv Tenant_Applications.csv Tenant_Applications.json #> Function Get-OspreyTenantAppsAndConsents { Test-EXOConnection Test-GraphConnection $InformationPreference = "Continue" # Make sure our variables are null $AppConsentActivity = $null $MatchingApps = $null ##Search the unified audit log for events related to application activity## Out-LogFile "Searching Unified Audit Log for application-related activities in Entra." -action $AppConsentActivity = Get-AllUnifiedAuditLogEntry -UnifiedSearch ("Search-UnifiedAuditLog -RecordType 'AzureActiveDirectory' -Operations 'Add OAuth2PermissionGrant.','Consent to application.' ") # If null we found no changes to nothing to do here if ($null -eq $AppConsentActivity) { Out-LogFile "No Application related events found in the search time frame." } # If not null then we must have found some events so flag them else { Out-LogFile "Application consent activity found. Please review Entra_App_Consents.csv to ensure consents are legitimate." $AppConsentReport = Foreach ($log in $AppConsentActivity) { $log1 = $log.auditdata | ConvertFrom-Json [PSCustomObject]@{ CreationTime = $log1.CreationTime Id = $log1.Id UserID = $log1.UserID Operation = $log1.Operation ApplicationName = $log1.Target | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ID | Select-object -index 3 } } $AppConsentReport | Out-MultipleFileType -fileprefix "Entra_App_Consents" -csv -json } ##Searching for known malicious applications## $AllTenantApps = @(Get-MgServicePrincipal -all) #get all apps in tenant $SuspiciousApps = Invoke-RestMethod -URI #pull list of malicious oauth apps from github $MatchingApps = $($AllTenantApps | Where-Object displayname -in $; $AllTenantApps | Where-Object appid -in $SuspiciousApps.appid) | Sort-Object appid -unique #compare apps and record down any matches if ($null -eq $MatchingApps) { Out-LogFile "No known suspicious applications found in tenant." } else { Out-LogFile "Suspicious application consents found within tenant! Please review applications." -notice $AppOutput = foreach ($match in $MatchingApps) { #do this for each app match we found [PSCustomObject]@{ #build a custom object that takes information from various sources and outputs it ApplicationName = $match.DisplayName #from entra ApplicationID = $match.AppId #from entra Enabled = $match.AccountEnabled #from entra Created = $match.AdditionalProperties.createdDateTime #from entra Description = $SuspiciousApps.applications | Where-Object appid -match $match.AppId | Select-object -expandproperty description #from github list UsersAssigned = Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignedTo -serviceprincipalid $ | Select-Object -expandproperty PrincipalDisplayname | Out-String #need to pull from additional cmd References = $SuspiciousApps.applications | Where-Object appid -match $match.AppId | Select-object -expandproperty references | Out-String #from github list KnownPermissions = $SuspiciousApps.applications | Where-Object appid -match $match.AppId | Select-object -expandproperty Permissions | Out-String #from github list } } $AppOutput | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "_Investigate_Suspicious_App_List" -csv -notice } <# ##Gathering all apps and their principles and permissions## # Using the script from the article [array]$Grants = Get-AzureADPSPermissions -ShowProgress # [bool]$flag = $false #This isn't super helpful since it always grabs some apps that are from Microsoft and is noisy #TODO: Improve this bit to be more useful in situations of admin compromise #clipping this out for now, will update after 1.0 is published # Search the Grants for the listed bad grants that we can detect if ($Grants.consenttype -contains 'AllPrinciples') { Out-LogFile "Found at least one `'AllPrinciples`' Grant" -notice $flag = $true } if ([bool]($Grants.permission -match 'all')) { Out-LogFile "Found at least one `'All`' Grant" -notice $flag = $true } if ($flag) { Out-LogFile 'Review the information at the following link to understand these results' -notice Out-LogFile '' -notice } else { Out-LogFile "To review this data follow:" Out-LogFile "" } $Grants | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Tenant_Applications" -csv -json #> } |