.Synopsis Testing the TypeHelper module #> describe "Type helper tests - part 1" { $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Child ..\TypeHelper.psm1 Import-Module -Name $Psm1Path -Force it "finds a type" { Find-Type -Typename Random | Should not be $null } it "finds not a type" { Find-Type -Typename RandomX | Should be $null } it "gets constructors of type PSCredential" { $Constructors = Get-Constructor -Type "PSCredential" $Constructors.Count | Should be 2 } it "gets constructors of type String" { $Constructors = Get-Constructor -Type "String" $Constructors.Count | Should be 8 } it "finds a single method name DownloadString" { $Result = Find-MethodMember -Methodname "DownloadString" -FindExact @($Result).Count | Should be 1 } it "find several method names containing Download" { $Result = (Find-MethodMember -Methodname "Download").Method.Count $Result -gt 1 | Should be $true } it "finds a single property name EndofStream" { $Result = Find-PropertyMember -Propertyname "EndOfStream" -FindExact @($Result).Count | Should be 1 } } describe "Type helper tests - part 2" { # $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Child ..\TypeHelper.psm1 $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName -ChildPath TypeHelper.psm1 Import-Module -Name $Psm1Path -Force it "finds an Interface IIdentity" { @(Find-Interface -Interfacename IIDentity).Count -gt 5 | Should be $true } } |