.Synopsis Tests for the Funhelper module #> describe "tests banner functions" { #$Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Child ..\Funhelper1.psm1 $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName -ChildPath Funhelper1.psm1 Import-Module -Name $Psm1Path -Force it "should return 9 lines" { (Show-PSBanner).Count | Should be 9 } } describe "tests quote function" { $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Child ..\Funhelper1.psm1 Import-Module -Name $Psm1Path -Force it "should return a quote" { if ($env:Agent_Id) { # Needed a fix due to blanks at the start of the string (Get-FamousQuote -TestMode).TrimStart() | Should BeLike "Logic*" } else { $Quote = Get-FamousQuote # TODO: needs improvement $Quote = "No Quote" -or $Quote -ne "" | Should be $true } } } |