.Synopsis Testing the DevHelper module #> describe "calls IL Spy" { # $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Child ..\DevHelper.psm1 $Psm1Path = Join-Path -Path (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName -ChildPath DevHelper.psm1 Import-Module -Name $Psm1Path -Force # using a mock for Show-ILSpy if Ilspy.exe cannot be available mock Show-ILSpy { } # Are we patrons of VSTS? if ($env:Agent_Id) { # using a mock for Show-ILSpy if Ilspy.exe cannot assumed to be available it "mocking ilspy" { Show-ILSpy -AssemblyPath "bla" Assert-MockCalled Show-ILSpy -Times 1 } } else { # not a good way of testing - not sure if Start-Process should be part of a test it "calls IL Spy with a type" { Show-ILSpy -Type ([PSCredential]) | Should not throw "not found" # Wait a few seconds Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 $p = Get-Process -Name Ilspy -ErrorAction Ignore $p | Stop-Process -ErrorAction Ignore } it "calls IL Spy with an Assembly" { $AssPath = [PSCredential].Assembly.Location Show-ILSpy -AssemblyPath $AssPath | Should not throw "not found" # Wait a few seconds Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 $p = Get-Process -Name Ilspy -ErrorAction Ignore $p | Stop-Process -ErrorAction Ignore } } } describe "tests Get-ProgId" { it "returns a lot of Prog Ids" { Get-ProgId | Should Not be $null } it "returns the progid for an application" { Get-AppProgId -ApplicationName VBScript | Should not be $null } } |