.Synopsis Deploy module to #> # Put everything into a module # $VerbosePreference = "Continue" Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Step 1: Create a new module directory $ModuleVersion = "0.6.0" $BaseModulePath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "Osmium" $ModulePath = Join-Path -Path $BaseModulePath -ChildPath $ModuleVersion # Create the temporary module path md $ModulePath -Force | Out-Null Write-Verbose "$ModulePath wurde angelegt." -Verbose # Copy all files into the new module directory $ExcludeFiles = @('BuildInit.ps1', 'Analyze.ps1', 'DeployMyget.ps1') Copy-Item *.ps1,*.psm1,*.psd1,*.ps1xml, Tests -Destination $ModulePath -Recurse -Exclude $ExcludeFiles -Force # Copy the resource directories Copy-Item de-de,en-us -Destination $ModulePath -Recurse # Copy the ModuleData directory Copy-Item ModuleData -Destination $ModulePath -Recurse # Copy the bin directory Copy-Item bin -Destination $ModulePath -Recurse # Step 2: Create an optional catalog file for the module directory # TODO: Sign the cat file with Set-AuthenticodeSignature and a certifate New-FileCatalog -CatalogFilePath -Path $ModulePath -CatalogVersion 1 | Out-Null # Step 3: Update manifest file with the name of all exported functions # Very nice - get the name of all functions from all psm1 files as comma separated list $FuncList = [Scriptblock]::Create((Get-Content -Path $ModulePath\*.psm1 -Raw)).Ast.FindAll({param($Ast) $Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]}, $true).Name # Export only Functions that follow the verb-noun rule $FuncNames = $FuncList.Where{$_ -match "^(\w+)-(\w+)$"}.ForEach{ """$_"""} -join "," $Psm1List= (Get-Childitem -Path $ModulePath\*.psm1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) $Psm1Names = $Psm1List.ForEach{ """$_"""} -join "," $ModuleGuid = "30659df5-f4c6-413e-82f0-257f7f8a8b1a" $Psd1Path = Join-Path -Path $ModulePath -ChildPath "Osmium.psd1" # Create a new manifest file in the module directory $Psd1Text = @" @{ ModuleVersion = '$ModuleVersion' CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop', 'Core') PowerShellVersion = '5.1' Guid = '$ModuleGuid' Description = 'Contains a few helpful functions aimed at Developers all over the world' Author = 'Peter Monadjemi' Copyright = '(c) 2018 Peter Monadjemi. MIT license of course.' FormatsToProcess = 'AssemblyHelper.format.ps1xml' NestedModules = @($Psm1Names) FunctionsToExport = @($FuncNames) PrivateData = @{ RequireLicenseAcceptance = 'True' PSData = @{ Tags = 'Developer' LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' } } } "@ # Overwriting the existing psd1 file $Psd1Text | Set-Content -Path $Psd1Path # List the content of the module directory dir -path $ModulePath # Not good because it writes all unnecessary entries again # Update-ModuleManifest -Path $Psd1Path -FunctionsToExport $FuncList # Step 4: Publish the module to Myget $MyGetSourceUrl = "" $MyGetPublishUrl = "" $MyGetKey = "d1aa07e8-d006-410a-b040-acf131460a2f" # Unregister the repo just in case Unregister-PSRepository -Name PoshRepo -ErrorAction Ignore # Register PoshRepo Register-PSRepository -Name PoshRepo ` -SourceLocation $MyGetSourceUrl ` -PublishLocation $MyGetPublishUrl ` -InstallationPolicy Trusted # And finally: Publish the module first to Myget try { Publish-Module -Name $ModulePath -Repository PoshRepo -NuGetApiKey $MyGetKey -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose -Force Write-Verbose "Module successfully published to" -Verbose } catch { Write-Warning "Error publishing to ($_)" } # And now to the PowerShell Gallery and that means to the whole world! $PoshGalleryKey = "oy2jsnhgxc2fc6ggeaialzy4uld2qeuelmmfhjfwnl47he" try { Publish-Module -Name $ModulePath -Repository PSGallery -NuGetApiKey $PoshGalleryKey -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose -Force Write-Verbose "Module successfully published to the PowerShell Gallery" -Verbose } catch { Write-Warning "Error publishing to PowerShell Gallery ($_)" } $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue" |