
.GUID f81b0e01-207e-4364-84a9-67d59d900edc
.AUTHOR Jeffrey Snover

 This is the demo file that I used for my PowerShell Unplugged demos at IT Transformation in Florida 2017

function functionDemo {
Discuss Scoping/Dynamic scoping (set a breakpoint and use VSCode to illustrate)
Change $color to $otherColor to illustrate Dynamic scoping
Explore VSCode Debugging: Breakpoints, Call Stack, Watch
Advanced Breakpoints: hitcount, -Action
Variable Watchpoints: Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable color -mode read -action {}

    $whackyColor = "red";

    function Hello ($name = "???", $color = "red") {

        $whackyColor = "blue";
        $s = "Hello "
        $s += $name
        write-output "************************"
        write-host -ForegroundColor $Color $s
        return $s
    $whackyColor = "red"
    $whackyColor = "black"
    $OtherColor = "green"
    Hello World
    Hello Florida Yellow
    Hello Jeffrey Green

function Class1Demo {
Classes provide a stronger contract.
- show errors with: No return, misspelled names
- Change $color to $otherColor to illustrate Dynamic scoping doesn't work in classes
- Write-Output is ignored
New Constructor

    class Friendly {
        [string] Hello($name) {
            $color = "red"
            $s = "Hello "
            $s += $name
            write-output "************************"
            write-host -ForegroundColor $color $s
            if ($color -eq "red") {
                return $s
            else {
                return "test" 

    $OtherColor = "green"
    $f = [Friendly]::new()

function ClassMethodOverloadDemo {
methods don't have default values so you have to have multiple signatures

    class Friendly2 {
        [String] Hello($name, $color) {
            $s = "Hello "
            $s += $name
            write-output "************************"
            write-host -ForegroundColor $color $s
            return $s
        [String] Hello($name) {
            return $this.Hello($name, "red")
        [String] Hello() {
            return $this.Hello("Jeffrey")
    $OtherColor = "green"
    $f = [Friendly2]::new()
    $f.Hello("World", "green")

function ClassSubclassDemo {
classes give more structure.
Base class allows you to define contracts for other people
Those contracts strike a balance between control & expression
MountainBike Constructors
$b = [MountainBike]::new($(read-host -prompt color))
enum BikeColor {red; green;blue; purple;}
[int]GetMaxSpeed() {return 0}
[int]GetMaxSpeed() {
$x = switch ($this.color)
"red" {20}
"blue" {30}
"green" {40}
return $x

    class Bike {
        [int]GetMaxSpeed() {return 0}       

    class RoadBike : Bike {
        RoadBike() {
            $this.Color = "Red"
            $this.Cost = "500"
        [int]GetMaxSpeed() {return 10}       
    class MountainBike : Bike {
        MountainBike($color, $cost) {
            $this.Color = $color
            $this.Cost = $cost
        MountainBike($color) {
            $this.Color = $color
            $this.Cost = switch ($color) {
                "red" {1000}
                "blue" {1100}
                "green" {1500}


    function foo ([Bike]$bike) { "The bike is {0} and costs {1}" -f $b.color, $b.cost}

    $b = [RoadBike]::new()
    foo -bike $b
    $b = [MountainBike]::new("blue")
    foo -bike $b

function RemotingV6Demo {

    $script = {
        class Bike2 {
            [int]GetMaxSpeed() {return 0}       

        class RoadBike2 : Bike2 {
            RoadBike2() {
                $this.Color = "Red"
                $this.Cost = "500"
            [int]GetMaxSpeed() {return 10}       
        class MountainBike2 : Bike2 {
            MountainBike2($color, $cost) {
                $this.Color = $color
                $this.Cost = $cost
            MountainBike2($color) {
                $this.Color = $color
                $this.Cost = switch ($color) {
                    "red" {1000}
                    "blue" {1100}
                    "green" {1500}


        function foo ([Bike2]$bike) { "{2}: The bike is {0} and costs {1}" -f $b.color, $b.cost, (hostname)}

        $b = [RoadBike2]::new()
        foo -bike $b
        $b = [MountainBike2]::new("blue")
        foo -bike $b
    $s = nsn -cn localhost
    invoke-command $s -ScriptBlock $script    
    remove-pssession $s

function ETSDemo1 {
    $g = get-process *ss
    # Objects
    $g |get-member 
    $g |get-member e*

function DemoETSEvents {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    $p = gps calc*
    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $p -EventName Exited -Action { write-host -ForegroundColor red "Calc exited"}

function DemoETSExtendProperties {
    $g = get-process *ss
    $g | get-member -MemberType PropertySet
    $g | select PSResources
    $g | sort  PSResources

    $G1 = $G[0]
    # I forgot how to add one so:
    gps |gm -MemberType PropertySet
    get-command -ParameterName membertype
    add-member -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Process -MemberType PropertySet -Name Test -Value name, id, company, description
    add-type -TypeDefinition System.Diagnostics.Process -

$global:GlobalScope = "Global Scope"
$ScriptScope = "In Script Scope"
