. $PSScriptRoot\..\Public\Get-OriAzBopFolderHash.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\..\Public\Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete.ps1 Describe 'OriAzBopBoostrapOriPsgallery\Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete' { Context 'Succesfull excution of get hash Test is true' { $testPath = "TestDrive:\test.txt" Set-Content $testPath -value "my test text." Mock -CommandName Get-OriAzBopFolderHash -Verifiable -MockWith { return "3a2525173780253134a12527003ae151" } Mock -CommandName Write-Verbose -Verifiable it 'Should be succesfully processed' { { $return = Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete ` -Path "TestDrive:\test.txt" ` -RequiredMd5 "3a2525173780253134a12527003ae151" $return | Should -BeExactly $true } | Should -Not -Throw } Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq "-- End of Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete --" } Assert-VerifiableMock } Context 'Succesfull excution of get hash Test is false' { $testPath = "TestDrive:\test.txt" Set-Content $testPath -value "my test text." Mock -CommandName Get-OriAzBopFolderHash -Verifiable -MockWith { return "3a2525173780253134a12527003ae151" } Mock -CommandName Write-Verbose -Verifiable it 'Should be succesfully processed' { { $return = Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete ` -Path "TestDrive:\test.txt" ` -RequiredMd5 "4a2525173780253134a12527003ae151" $return | Should -BeExactly $false } | Should -Not -Throw } Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -Times 1 -Exactly -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq "-- End of Test-OriAzBopModuleComplete --" } Assert-VerifiableMock } } |