function Set-Mga { <# .LINK .LINK .SYNOPSIS Set-Mga is an Alias for the method Patch. .DESCRIPTION Updates an object in the Azure AD tenant with the Microsoft Graph API. Json, XML, and CSV is converted to a PSObject. .PARAMETER Uri Uri to the Microsoft Graph API. You can also use the last part of an Uri and the rest will be automatically added. Example: /users Example: Example: users?$filter=displayName eq 'Bas Wijdenes' Example: beta/users .PARAMETER Body Body will accept a PSObject or a Json string. .PARAMETER Reference This is not a mandatory parameter. By using v1.0 or beta it will always overwrite the value given in the Uri. By using All it will first try v1.0 in a try and catch. and when it jumps to the catch it will use the beta reference. .PARAMETER CustomHeader This not a not mandatory parameter, there is a default header containing application/json. By using this parameter you can add a custom header. The CustomHeader is reverted back to the original after the cmdlet has run. .PARAMETER Batch By using Batch you can patch multiple objects at once by using Batch-Mga. This will only work for a body that has the members@odata.bind property. .EXAMPLE $users = Get-Mga '' $UserList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new() foreach ($User in $users) { $DirectoryObject = "$($" $UserList.Add($DirectoryObject) } $Body = [PSCustomObject] @{ "members@odata.bind" = $UserList } Set-Mga -Uri '' -Body $Body #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias('URL')] [string] $Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('InputObject')] [object] $Body, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Batch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [object] $CustomHeader ) begin { try { $StartMgaBeginDefault = Start-MgaBeginDefault -CustomHeader $CustomHeader -Reference $Reference -Uri $Uri $Uri = $StartMgaBeginDefault.Uri $UpdateMgaUriReference = $StartMgaBeginDefault.UpdateMgaUriReference $ValidateJson = ConvertTo-MgaJson -Body $Body -Validate } catch { throw $_ } } process { try { if (($ValidateJson -eq $false) -and (($Body.'members@odata.bind').count -gt 20)) { $GroupedInputObject = [system.Collections.Generic.List[system.Object]]::new() foreach ($Line in $Body.'members@odata.bind') { $GroupedInputObject.Add($Line) if ($($GroupedInputObject).count -eq 20) { $GroupedInputObject = [PSCustomObject] @{ 'members@odata.bind' = $GroupedInputObject } if ($Batch -eq $true) { if ($null -eq $PatchToBatch) { $PatchToBatch = [system.Collections.Generic.List[system.Object]]::new() } $ToBatch = [PSCustomObject]@{ Method = 'PATCH' Url = $Uri Body = $GroupedInputObject } $PatchToBatch.Add($ToBatch) } else { $EndResult += Set-Mga -Body $GroupedInputObject -URL $Uri } $GroupedInputObject = [system.Collections.Generic.List[system.Object]]::new() } } if (($Batch -eq $true)) { $EndResult = Batch-Mga -Body $PatchToBatch } elseif (-not([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GroupedInputObject))) { if ($GroupedInputObject.count -gt 1) { $GroupedInputObject = [PSCustomObject] @{ 'members@odata.bind' = $GroupedInputObject } } else { $GroupedInputObject = [PSCustomObject] @{ '' = $GroupedInputObject } } $EndResult += Set-Mga -Body $GroupedInputObject -URL $Uri } } else { $InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{ Headers = $Script:MgaSession.HeaderParameters Uri = $Uri Method = 'Patch' UseBasicParsing = $true } $Body = ConvertTo-MgaJson -Body $Body if ($Body) { $InvokeWebRequestSplat.Body = $Body } $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat $EndResult = ConvertTo-MgaResult -Response $Result } } catch { $StartMgaProcessCatchDefaultSplat = @{ Uri = $Uri Reference = $Reference UpdateMgaUriReference = $UpdateMgaUriReference Result = $Result Throw = $_ } $Uri = (Start-MgaProcessCatchDefault @StartMgaProcessCatchDefaultSplat).Uri $MgaSplat = @{ Uri = $Uri } if ($Body) { $MgaSplat.Body = $Body } $EndResult += Set-Mga @MgaSplat $ReturnVerbose = $False } } end { Complete-MgaResult -Result $EndResult -CustomHeader $CustomHeader -ReturnVerbose $ReturnVerbose } } |