function New-Mga { <# .LINK .LINK .DESCRIPTION Creates a new object in the Azure AD tenant with the Microsoft Graph API. .PARAMETER Uri Uri to the Microsoft Graph API. You can also use the last part of an Uri and the rest will be automatically added. Example: /users Example: Example: users?$filter=displayName eq 'Bas Wijdenes' Example: beta/users .PARAMETER Body Body will accept a PSObject or a Json string. .PARAMETER Reference This is not a mandatory parameter. By using v1.0 or beta it will always overwrite the value given in the Uri. By using All it will first try v1.0 in a try and catch. and when it jumps to the catch it will use the beta reference. .PARAMETER CustomHeader This not a not mandatory parameter, there is a default header containing application/json. By using this parameter you can add a custom header. The CustomHeader is reverted back to the original after the cmdlet has run. .EXAMPLE $Body = @{ accountEnabled = 'true' displayName = "TestUser" mailNickname = "TestUser" userPrincipalName = "" passwordProfile = @{ forceChangePasswordNextSignIn = 'true' password = ******** } } New-Mga -Uri '/v1.0/users' -Body $Body #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias('URL')] [string] $Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('InputObject')] [object] $Body, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] [ValidateSet('All', 'v1.0', 'beta')] $Reference, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [object] $CustomHeader ) begin { try { $StartMgaBeginDefault = Start-MgaBeginDefault -CustomHeader $CustomHeader -Reference $Reference -Uri $Uri $Uri = $StartMgaBeginDefault.Uri $UpdateMgaUriReference = $StartMgaBeginDefault.UpdateMgaUriReference $Body = ConvertTo-MgaJson -Body $Body $InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{ Headers = $Script:MgaSession.HeaderParameters Uri = $Uri Method = 'Post' UseBasicParsing = $true } if ($Body) { $InvokeWebRequestSplat.Body = $Body } } catch { throw $_ } } process { try { $Result = Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat $EndResult = ConvertTo-MgaResult -Response $Result if ((-not($EndResult)) -and ($Reference -eq 'All') -and ($UpdateMgaUriReference.Reference -eq 'v1.0')) { Write-Warning 'No data found, trying again with -Reference beta' throw $_ } } catch { $StartMgaProcessCatchDefaultSplat = @{ Uri = $Uri Reference = $Reference UpdateMgaUriReference = $UpdateMgaUriReference Result = $Result Throw = $_ } $Uri = (Start-MgaProcessCatchDefault @StartMgaProcessCatchDefaultSplat).Uri $MgaSplat = @{ Uri = $Uri } if ($Body) { $MgaSplat.Body = $Body } $EndResult += New-Mga @MgaSplat $ReturnVerbose = $False } } end { Complete-MgaResult -Result $EndResult -CustomHeader $CustomHeader -ReturnVerbose $ReturnVerbose } } |