Function Backup-OMManagementPacks { <# .Synopsis Backup OpsMgr management packs using OpsMgr SDK .Description Backup OpsMgr sealed and unsealed management packs using OpsMgr SDK. A boolean value $true will be returned if the backup has been successful, otherwise, a boolean value of $false is returned if any there are any errors occurred during the backup process. .Parameter -SDKConnection OpsMgr SDK Connection object (SMA connection or hash table). .Parameter -SDK Management Server name .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -BackupLocation MP Backup Location. .Parameter -BackupSealedMP Set this parameter true to backup sealed management packs as well (exported into unsealed XMLs). .Parameter -RetentionDays Number of retention days for the management pack backup. .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group via management server "OpsMgrMS01" using current user's credentials and then backup both sealed and unsealed management packs to \\server\backup, with 3 retention days: Backup-OMManagementPacks -SDK "OpsMgrMS01" -BackupLocation "\\server\backup" -BackupSealedMP -RetentionDays 3 .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group via management server "OpsMgrMS01" using alternative credentials and then backup both sealed and unsealed management packs to \\server\backup, with 3 retention days: $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Backup-OMManagementPacks -SDK "OpsMgrMS01" -Username "domain\SCOM.Admin" -Password $Password -BackupLocation "\\server\backup" -BackupSealedMP $true -RetentionDays 3 .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group the SMA connection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" and then backup both sealed and unsealed management packs to \\server\backup, with 3 retention days: $SDKCOnnection = Get-AutomationConnection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" Backup-OMManagementPacks -SDKConnection $SDKConnection -BackupLocation "\\server\backup" -BackupSealedMP $true -RetentionDays 3 #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SMAConnection',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMA Connection object')][Alias('Connection','c')][Object]$SDKConnection, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('DAS','Server','s')][String]$SDK, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter backup location')][String]$BackupLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Also backup sealed management packs')][Boolean]$BackupSealedMP = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter retention days')][String]$RetentionDays ) #Connect to MG If ($SDKConnection) { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $($SDKConnection.ComputerName)`..." $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDKConnection $SDKConnection $SDK = $SDKConnection.ComputerName $Username = $SDKConnection.Username $Password= ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $SDKConnection.Password -force } else { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $SDK`..." If ($Username -and $Password) { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK -UserName $Username -Password $Password } else { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK } } #Management Group Name $MGName = $MG.Name #Check Backup Location If ((Test-Path $BackupLocation)) { #backup should be located in a sub folder with the name of the management group $BackupLocation = Join-Path $BackupLocation $MGName If (!(Test-Path $BackupLocation)) { New-Item -type directory -Path $BackupLocation | Out-Null } $date = Get-Date $BackupSubDir = "$($date.day)-$($date.month)-$($date.year) $($date.hour)`.$($date.minute)`.$($date.second)" $BackupDir = Join-Path $BackupLocation $BackupSubDir $UnsealedBackupDir = Join-Path $BackupDir 'Unsealed' $SealedBackupDir = Join-Path $BackupDir 'Sealed' #Create Backup Directory structure New-Item -type directory -Path $BackupDir | Out-Null New-Item -type directory -Path $UnsealedBackupDir | Out-Null New-Item -type directory -Path $SealedBackupDir | Out-Null #Get MPs If ($BackupSealedMP){ Write-Verbose 'INFO: Backing up both sealed and unsealed management packs' #Get all sealed and unsealed MPs $arrMPs = $MG.GetManagementPacks() #Create a MPXMLWriter for sealed MPs Write-Verbose 'Creating ManagementPackXmlWriter object for backing up sealed management packs.' Try { $SealedmpWriter = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.IO.ManagementPackXmlWriter($SealedBackupDir) } Catch { $BackupMPErrors += "Unable to create a ManagementPackXmlWriter object for location: $SealedBackupDir`." } } else { Write-Verbose 'Backing up only unsealed management packs' $strMPquery = "Sealed = 'false'" $mpCriteria = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackCriteria($strMPquery) $arrMPs = $MG.GetManagementPacks($mpCriteria) } #Create a MPXMLWriter for unsealed MPs Write-Verbose 'Creating ManagementPackXmlWriter object for backing up unsealed management packs.' Try { $UnsealedmpWriter = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.IO.ManagementPackXmlWriter($UnsealedBackupDir) } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to create a ManagementPackXmlWriter object for location: $UnsealedBackupDir`." } if ($arrMPs.count -lt 1) { Write-Error "No management packs are found in the management group $MGName." } else { Write-Verbose "$($arrMPs.count) management packs found in the management group $MGName." } Foreach ($MP in $arrMPs) { If ($MP.Sealed) { Write-Verbose "Backing up sealed MP: $($MP.Name)" $mpWriter = $SealedmpWriter } else { Write-Verbose "Backing up unsealed MP: $($MP.Name)" $mpWriter = $UnsealedmpWriter } Try { If ($mpWriter) { $mpWriter.WriteManagementPack($MP) | Out-Null } } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to export managment pack $($MP.Name)" } } } else { Write-Error "Invalid Backup Location specified`: $BackupLocation" } #Delete old backup only if this backup is considered successful. if ($error.count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose 'MP backup considered successful, deleting old backups now' $Result = $true $ChildItems += Get-ChildItem $BackupLocation | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true} Foreach ($item in $ChildItems) { $fullPath = $item.FullName if ($item.CreationTime -le $date.adddays(-$RetentionDays)) { Write-Verbose "Deleting $item" Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false } } } else { Write-Error 'Error occurred during backup process.' $Result= $false } $Result } Function Approve-OMManualAgents { <# .Synopsis Approve manually installed OpsMgr agents that meet the naming convention .Description Approve manually installed OpsMgr agents that meet the naming convention using OpsMgr SDK .Parameter -SDKConnection OpsMgr SDK Connection object (SMA connection or hash table). .Parameter -SDK Management Server name .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -AgentNameRegex Agent Name regular expression. .Parameter -AgentDomainRegex Agent Domain name regular expression. .Parameter -MaxToApprove Maximum number of manually installed agent to approve. the default value is 1 if it's not specified .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group via management server "OpsMgrMS01" using alternative credentials and then approve manually installed agents with the following parameters: Agent Name Regular Expression: "^server\d{3}$" Agent Domain Regular Expression: "YourCompany.com" Maximum number of agents to approve: 50 $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Approve-OMManualAgents -SDK "OpsMgrMS01" -Username "domain\SCOM.Admin" -Password $Password -AgentNameRegex "^server\d{3}$" -AgentDomainRegex "YourCompany.com" -MaxToApprove 50 .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group using the SMA connection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" and then approve manually installed agent "SERVER01": $SDKCOnnection = Get-AutomationConnection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" Approve-OMManualAgents -SDKConnection $SDKConnection -AgentNameRegex "^server01$" #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SMAConnection',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMA Connection object')][Alias('Connection','c')][Object]$SDKConnection, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('DAS','Server','s')][String]$SDK, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter agent name regular expression')][String]$AgentNameRegex, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please ente agent domain regular expression')][String]$AgentDomainRegex = $NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter maxinum number of agents to be approved')][Int]$MaxToApprove = 1 ) #Connect to MG If ($SDKConnection) { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $($SDKConnection.ComputerName)`..." $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDKConnection $SDKConnection $SDK = $SDKConnection.ComputerName $Username = $SDKConnection.Username $Password= ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $SDKConnection.Password -force } else { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $SDK`..." If ($Username -and $Password) { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK -UserName $Username -Password $Password } else { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK } } $Admin = $MG.Administration $ApprovalList = New-object 'system.collections.generic.List[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration.AgentPendingAction]' $arrApprovedComputers = @() $allPendingActions = $Admin.GetAgentPendingActions() Foreach ($item in $allPendingActions) { If ($item.AgentPendingActionType -eq 'ManualApproval') { $PreCount = $PreCount +1 $AgentFQDN = $item.AgentName $AgentName = $($AgentFQDN.Split('.'))[0] $AgentDomain = $AgentFQDN.substring($AgentName.length+1, $($AgentFQDN.length-$agentName.length-1)) if ($AgentName -imatch $AgentNameRegex -and $AgentDomain -imatch $AgentDomainRegex -and $ApprovalList.Count -lt $MaxToApprove) { #Add the agent to the approval list Write-Verbose "$AgentFQDN will be approved." $ApprovalList.Add($item) $arrApprovedComputers += $AgentFQDN } } } $ApprovedCount = $ApprovalList.count Write-Verbose "Total number of agents to be approved: $ApprovedCount" If ($ApprovedCount -gt 0) { Write-Verbose 'Approving manually installed agents' $Admin.ApproveAgentPendingActions($ApprovalList) } Write-Output 'Done' } Function Add-OMManagementGroupToAgent { <# .Synopsis Configure an OpsMgr agent to report to a specific management group .Description Configure an OpsMgr agent to report to a specific management group using WinRM. If the management group have been successfully added, a boolean value $true will be returned, otherwise, a boolean value of $false is returned if any there are any errors occurred during the add process. .Parameter -AgentComputer Name of the agent computer .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the agent computer (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the agent computer (optional). .Parameter -WinRMPort The WinRM TCP port for configured on the agent computer. The default port of 5985 is used when not specified. .Parameter -ManagementServer The primary management server the agent computer is reporting to. .Parameter -ManagementGroupName Name of the management group the agent computer is reporting to. .Parameter -OpsMgrPort The TCP port that the agent computer is using to connect to the management group. The default port of 5723 is used when not specified. .Parameter -RemoveExistingMG Set this parameter to true to remove any existing management groups that have been configured on the agent computer .Example # Configure the agent computer "SERVER01" to report to the management serer "OPSMGR01" in management group "TYANG" and remove any existing management groups configured on the agent computer Add-OMManagementGroupToAgent -AgentComputer "SERVER01" -ManagementServer "OPSMGR01" -ManagementGroupName "TYANG" -RemoveExistingMG .Example # Connect to the agent computer "SERVER01" using alternative credentials and configure it to report to the management serer "OPSMGR01" in management group "TYANG" using WinRM port 1234 $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Add-OMManagementGroupToAgent -AgentComputer "SERVER01" -UserName "Domain\Admin" -Password $Password -ManagementServer "OPSMGR01" -ManagementGroupName "TYANG" -WinRMPort 1234 #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the agent computer name')][Alias('Agent')][String]$AgentComputer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the agent computer')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the agent computer')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the WinRM port number configured on the agent computer')][Int]$WinRMPort = 5985, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('MS')][String]$ManagementServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the management group name')][Alias('MG')][String]$ManagementGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the port number for the OpsMgr agent communication')][Int]$OpsMgrPort = 5723, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Remove existing management groups that are configured on the agent comptuer')][Boolean]$RemoveExistingMG = $false ) #Create WinRM connection to the agent comptuer Write-Verbose "Trying to connect to $AgentComputer using WinRM" If ($Username -and $Password) { Write-Verbose "Alternative credential specified for the WinRM connection to $AgentComputer" $AgentCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username, $Password } Try { Write-Verbose "Creating WinRM session to $AgentComputer" if ($AgentCred) { $AgentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $AgentComputer -Credential $AgentCred -Port $WinRMPort -ErrorAction Stop } else { $AgentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $AgentComputer -Port $WinRMPort -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to establish WinRM session to $AgentComputer" } Write-Verbose "Configuring $AgentComputer via WinRM" $AddResult = Invoke-Command -Session $AgentSession -ScriptBlock { Param([String]$ManagementServer, [String]$ManagementGroupName, [int]$OpsMgrPort, [Boolean]$RemoveExistingMG) Try { $objAgent = New-object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg' } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to create AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg object. Please make sure the appropriate version of OpsMgr 2012 agent is installed on $env:COMPUTERNAME" } #Get current configured management groups $arrCurrentMGs = $objAgent.GetManagementGroups() #Check if the agent is already configured to the management group $bAlreadyConfigured = $FALSE Write-Verbose "Checking if $env:ComputerName is already reporting to $ManagementGroupName" Foreach ($item in $arrCurrentMGs) { $ExistingMGName = $item.managementGroupName if ($ExistingMGName -ieq $ManagementGroupName) { Write-Warning "$env:ComputerName has already been configured to report to management group $ManagementGroupName" $bAlreadyConfigured = $true } else { if ($RemoveExistingMG) { Write-Verbose "Removing Currently configured management group: $ExistingMGName" $objAgent.RemoveManagementGroup($ExistingMGName) } } } If (!$bAlreadyConfigured) { Write-Verbose "$ManagementGroupName has not been configured on $env:comptername yet. Continuing configuration." If ($RemoveExistingMG -eq $FALSE) { If ($arrCurrentMGs.Count -ge 4) { Write-Error "Unable to add additional MG to $env:COMPUTERNAME without removing any existing management groups. Currently there are $($arrCurrentMGs.count) management group configured, OpsMgr 2012 only supports up to 4 management groups for multihomed agents." Exit } } else { Foreach ($item in $arrCurrentMGs) { $ExistingMGName = $item.managementGroupName Write-Verbose "Removing Currently configured management group: $ExistingMGName" $objAgent.RemoveManagementGroup($ExistingMGName) } } #Add new MG Write-Verbose "Adding Management Group $ManagementGroupName to $env:ComputerName" $MGAddResult = $objAgent.AddManagementGroup($ManagementGroupName, $ManagementServer, $OpsMgrPort) } #Return result $error } -ArgumentList $ManagementServer, $ManagementGroupName, $OpsMgrPort, $RemoveExistingMG If ($AddResult) { Write-Error "Error occurred while configuring OpsMgr agent on $AgentComputer via WinRM." Write-Error $AddResult $Result = $false } else { Write-Verbose "$AgentComputer successfully configured" $Result = $true } #House clean Write-Verbose "Removing WinRM Session to $AgentComputer" Remove-PSSession $AgentSession $Result } Function Remove-OMManagementGroupFromAgent { <# .Synopsis Remove a management group configuration from an OpsMgr agent .Description Remove a management group configuration from an OpsMgr agent using WinRM. If the management group have been successfully deleted, a boolean value $true will be returned, otherwise, a boolean value of $false is returned if any there are any errors occurred during the deletion process. .Parameter -AgentComputer Name of the agent computer .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the agent computer (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the agent computer (optional). .Parameter -WinRMPort The WinRM TCP port for configured on the agent computer. The default port of 5985 is used when not specified. .Parameter -ManagementGroupName Name of the management group to be removed. .Example # Remove management group "TYANG" from OpsMgr agent on "SERVER01" Remove-OMManagementGroupFromAgent -AgentComputer "SERVER01" -ManagementGroupName "TYANG" .Example # Connect to the agent computer "SERVER01" using alternative credentials and remove management group "TYANG" using WinRM port 1234 $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Remove-OMManagementGroupFromAgent -AgentComputer "SERVER01" -UserName "Domain\Admin" -Password $Password -ManagementGroupName "TYANG" -WinRMPort 1234 #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the agent computer name')][Alias('Agent')][String]$AgentComputer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the agent computer')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the agent computer')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the WinRM port number configured on the agent computer')][Int]$WinRMPort = 5985, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('MS')][String]$ManagementServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the management group name')][Alias('MG')][String]$ManagementGroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the port number for the OpsMgr agent communication')][Int]$OpsMgrPort = 5723, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Remove existing management groups that are configured on the agent comptuer')][Boolean]$RemoveExistingMG = $false ) #Create WinRM connection to the agent comptuer Write-Verbose "Trying to connect to $AgentComputer using WinRM" If ($Username -and $Password) { Write-Verbose "Alternative credential specified for the WinRM connection to $AgentComputer" $AgentCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username, $Password } Try { Write-Verbose "Creating WinRM session to $AgentComputer" if ($AgentCred) { $AgentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $AgentComputer -Credential $AgentCred -Port $WinRMPort -ErrorAction Stop } else { $AgentSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $AgentComputer -Port $WinRMPort -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to establish WinRM session to $AgentComputer" } Write-Verbose "Configuring $AgentComputer via WinRM" $RemoveResult = Invoke-Command -Session $AgentSession -ScriptBlock { Param([String]$ManagementServer, [String]$ManagementGroupName, [int]$OpsMgrPort, [Boolean]$RemoveExistingMG) Try { $objAgent = New-object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg' } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to create AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg object. Please make sure the appropriate version of OpsMgr 2012 agent is installed on $env:COMPUTERNAME" } #Get current configured management groups $arrCurrentMGs = $objAgent.GetManagementGroups() Foreach ($item in $arrCurrentMGs) { $MGName = $item.managementGroupName if ($MGName -ieq $ManagementGroupName) { Write-Verbose "Removing management group: $MGName" $objAgent.RemoveManagementGroup($MGName) } } #Return result $error } -ArgumentList $ManagementGroupName If ($RemoveResult) { Write-Error "Error occurred while configuring OpsMgr agent on $AgentComputer via WinRM." Write-Error $RemoveResult $Result = $false } else { Write-Verbose "$AgentComputer successfully configured." $Result= $true } #House clean Write-Verbose "Removing WinRM Session to $AgentComputer" Remove-PSSession $AgentSession $Result } Function Get-OMManagementGroupDefaultSettings { <# .Synopsis Get OpsMgr management group default settings .Description Get OpsMgr management group default settings via OpsMgr SDK. A System.Collections.ArrayList is returned containing all management group default settings. Each setting in the arraylist is presented in a hashtable format. .Parameter -SDKConnection OpsMgr SDK Connection object (SMA connection or hash table). .Parameter -SDK Management Server name .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the management group (optional). .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group via management server "OpsMgrMS01" using alternative credentials and retrieve all the settings: $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Get-OMManagementGroupDefaultSettings -SDK "OpsMgrMS01" -Username "domain\SCOM.Admin" -Password $Password .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group using the SMA OpsMgrSDK connection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" and retrieve all the settings: $SDKConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name OpsMgrSDK_TYANG $MGSettings = Get-OMManagementGroupDefaultSettings -SDKConnection $SDKConnection #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SMAConnection',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMA Connection object')][Alias('Connection','c')][Object]$SDKConnection, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('DAS','Server','s')][String]$SDK, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null ) #Connect to MG If ($SDKConnection) { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $($SDKConnection.ComputerName)`..." $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDKConnection $SDKConnection $SDK = $SDKConnection.ComputerName $Username = $SDKConnection.Username $Password= ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $SDKConnection.Password -force } else { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $SDK`..." If ($Username -and $Password) { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK -UserName $Username -Password $Password } else { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK } } $Admin = $MG.Administration $Settings = $Admin.Settings #Get Setting Types Write-Verbose 'Get all nested setting types' $arrRumtimeTypes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $Assembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq 'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'} $SettingType = $assembly.definedtypes | Where-Object{$_.name -eq 'settings'} $TopLevelNestedTypes = $SettingType.GetNestedTypes() Foreach ($item in $TopLevelNestedTypes) { if ($item.DeclaredFields.count -gt 0) { [void]$arrRumtimeTypes.Add($item) } $NestedTypes = $item.GetNestedTypes() foreach ($NestedType in $NestedTypes) { [void]$arrRumtimeTypes.Add($NestedType) } } #Get Setting Values Write-Verbose 'Getting setting values' $arrSettingValues = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Foreach ($item in $arrRumtimeTypes) { Foreach ($field in $item.DeclaredFields) { $FieldSetting = $field.GetValue($field.Name) $SettingValue = $Settings.GetDefaultValue($FieldSetting) $hash = @{ FieldName = $Field.Name Value = $SettingValue AllowOverride = $FieldSetting.AllowOverride SettingName = $item.Name SettingFullName = $item.FullName } $objSettingValue = New-object psobject -Property $hash [void]$arrSettingValues.Add($objSettingValue) } } Write-Verbose "Total number of Management Group default value found: $($arrSettingValues.count)." $arrSettingValues } Function Set-OMManagementGroupDefaultSetting { <# .Synopsis Set OpsMgr management group default settings .Description Set OpsMgr management group default settings via OpsMgr SDK. A boolean value $true will be returned if the setting has been successfully set, otherwise, a boolean value of $false is returned if any there are any errors occurred. .Parameter -SDKConnection OpsMgr SDK Connection object (SMA connection or hash table). .Parameter -SDK Management Server name .Parameter -UserName Alternative user name to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -Password Alternative password to connect to the management group (optional). .Parameter -SettingType Full name of the setting type (can be retrieved from Get-OMManagementGroupDefaultSettings). .Parameter -FieldName Field name of the setting type (can be retrieved from Get-OMManagementGroupDefaultSettings). .Parameter -Value Desired value that the field should be set to. .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group via management server "OpsMgrMS01" using alternative credentials and set ProxyingEnabled default setting to TRUE: $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "password1234" -force Set-OMManagementGroupDefaultSetting -SDK "OpsMgrMS01" -Username "domain\SCOM.Admin" -Password $Password -SettingType Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration.Settings+HealthService -FieldName ProxyingEnabled -Value $TRUE .Example # Connect to OpsMgr management group using the SMA OpsMgrSDK connection "OpsMgrSDK_TYANG" and set ProxyingEnabled default setting to TRUE: $SDKConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name OpsMgrSDK_TYANG Set-OMManagementGroupDefaultSetting -SDKConnection $SDKConnection -SettingType Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration.Settings+HealthService -FieldName ProxyingEnabled -Value $TRUE #> [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SMAConnection',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMA Connection object')][Alias('Connection','c')][Object]$SDKConnection, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Management Server name')][Alias('DAS','Server','s')][String]$SDK, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the user name to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('u')][String]$Username = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='IndividualParameter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please enter the password to connect to the OpsMgr management group')][Alias('p')][SecureString]$Password = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Setting Type name')][Alias('Setting')][String]$SettingType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the Field name')][Alias('Field')][String]$FieldName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please enter the new value for the field name')][Alias('v')]$Value ) #Connect to MG If ($SDKConnection) { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $($SDKConnection.ComputerName)`..." $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDKConnection $SDKConnection $SDK = $SDKConnection.ComputerName $Username = $SDKConnection.Username $Password= ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $SDKConnection.Password -force } else { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Management Group via SDK $SDK`..." If ($Username -and $Password) { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK -UserName $Username -Password $Password } else { $MG = Connect-OMManagementGroup -SDK $SDK } } $Admin = $MG.Administration $Settings = $Admin.Settings #Get Setting Types $Assembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |Where-Object { $_.FullName -eq 'Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'} Write-Verbose "Getting $FieldName Field Type" $objSettingType = (New-object -TypeName $SettingType).GetType() #$objField = $objSettingType.GetDeclaredField($FieldName) $objField = $objSettingType.GetField($FieldName) $FieldSetting = $objField.GetValue($objField.Name) #Get current value - required to get value type $CurrentValue = $Settings.GetDefaultValue($FieldSetting) #Convert data type $ConvertedValue = $Value -as $CurrentValue.Gettype() If ($ConvertedValue -eq $null) { Write-Error "Unable to convert value $Value with type $($Value.gettype()) to type $($CurrentValue.Gettype())." $Result = $false } else { #Set default value Try { Write-Verbose "Setting default value of $FieldName to $Value" $Settings.SetDefaultValue($FieldSetting, $ConvertedValue) $Settings.ApplyChanges() $Result = $true } catch { Write-Error $_.Exception Write-Error "Unable to set the setting $SettingType`\$FieldName to $Value." $Result= $false } } $Result } |