
Generates a Google Authenticator Token
Takes in a BASE32 encoded $Secret and generates an object with string Pin and int SecondsRemaining parameters
BASE32 encoded Secret e.g. 5WYYADYB5DK2BIOV
$token = Get-GoogleAuthenticatorPin -Secret 5WYYADYB5DK2BIOV
Write-Host "Token's PIN is" $token.Pin "with" $token.SecondsRemaining "seconds remaining"
Uses Otp.NET

function Get-GoogleAuthenticatorPin{
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, HelpMessage="BASE32 encoded Secret e.g. 5WYYADYB5DK2BIOV")]
    return [OpenVPNClient.GoogleAuthenticatorPin]::Get($Secret)
Initates an instance of the openvpn process
Uses OpenVPNInteractiveService or admin permission to invoke a new openvpn process
.PARAMETER WorkingDirectory
Working directory for OpenVPN process, defaults to current directory
Command line arguments to pass to OpenVPN
Input to send into started OpenVPN process. The LF (U000A) character can be used to simulate an enter key.
An example
Also the OpenVPNClient.*.dll may be used .NET

function Start-OpenVPN{
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Working directory for OpenVPN process, defaults to current directory")]
        $WorkingDirectory = "",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Command line arguments to pass to OpenVPN")]
        $OpenVPNOptions = "",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Input to send into started OpenVPN process")]
        $StdIn = ""
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WorkingDirectory))
        $WorkingDirectory = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory();
        Write-Debug -Message "Using $WorkingDirectory as WorkingDirectory since none is provided"
    return [OpenVpnClient.Process]::Start($WorkingDirectory, $OpenVPNOptions, $StdIn).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Adds Windows permissions to file
Long description
File path to secure
An example
General notes

function SecureFile{
    param (
    $sec = Get-Acl $SecretFile
    $sec.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
    $sec.RemoveAccessRuleAll((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("SYSTEM","FullControl","Allow")))
    $sec.RemoveAccessRuleAll((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Administrators","FullControl","Allow")))
    $sec.AddAccessRule((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User,"FullControl","Allow")))
    $sec | Set-Acl
function Connect-OpenVPN{
    if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Direct"){
        Write-Debug "Connecting OpenVPN with $Config for user $($Credential.UserName)"
        $openConnectionsLocation = New-Item -Path "$env:USERPROFILE/OpenVPN/OpenConnections" -ItemType Directory -Force
        $results = $openConnectionsLocation|Get-ChildItem -Directory|ForEach-Object{
            $openConnectionItem = $_
            $removePath = $false
            $pidpath ="$($openConnectionItem.FullName)/pid.txt"
            Write-Debug "Checking $($openConnectionItem.FullName)"
            if(Test-Path $pidpath)
                $processid = [int]::Parse((Get-Content $pidpath -Raw))
                Write-Debug "PID $processid detected at $pidpath"
                $proc = Get-Process -Id $processid -ErrorAction Ignore
                if(!$proc -or $proc.HasExited -or $proc.ProcessName -ne 'openvpn'){
                    Write-Debug "PID $processid is dead and should be removed"
                    $removePath = $true
                    Write-Debug "PID $processid is alive"
                    $openConnectionItem | Get-ChildItem -File -Filter '*.ovpn'|ForEach-Object {
                        Write-Debug "Checking OVPN $_"
                        if($Config.Name -eq $_.Name){
                            Wait-OpenConnectionReady -OpenConnectionDirectory $openConnectionItem
                $removePath = $true
            if($removePath){$openConnectionItem|Remove-Item -Recurse -Force}
            Write-Debug "In-progress connection detected $results"
            return $results
            $guid = New-Guid
            $newconfigpath = New-Item -Path "$($openConnectionsLocation.FullName)/$guid" -ItemType Directory -Force
            $newconfigfile = New-Item -Path "$($newconfigpath.FullName)/$($Config.Name)" -ItemType File -Force
            Write-Debug "Initializing connection $($newconfigpath.FullName)"
            $configcontent = Get-Content $Config -Raw
                $configcontent = $configcontent.Replace("auth-user-pass", "auth-user-pass auth.$guid.txt")
            Set-Content -Value $configcontent -Path $newconfigfile -NoNewline
            $options = "--config `"$newconfigfile`" --log `"$($newconfigpath.FullName)/out.log`" --writepid `"$($newconfigpath.FullName)/pid.txt`""
                Write-Debug "Attaching $($Credential.UserName) credential to $($newconfigpath.FullName)"
                $secretfile = New-Item -Path "$($newconfigpath.FullName)/auth.$guid.txt" -ItemType File -Force
                $username = $Credential.UserName
                $password = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $Credential.Password).Password
                @($username,$password)|Set-Content $secretfile
                $result = Start-OpenVPN -WorkingDirectory $newconfigpath -OpenVPNOptions $options -StdIn "$username`n$password`n"    
                Write-Debug "No credential for $newconfigpath"
                $result = Start-OpenVPN -WorkingDirectory $newconfigpath -OpenVPNOptions $options -StdIn ""    
            Wait-OpenConnectionReady -OpenConnectionDirectory $newconfigpath
                $secretfile | Remove-Item -Force
            Write-Debug "Started process $result"
            return $result
    elseif($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Recur"){
        $askForCredentials = !$CredentialFile.Exists
        $connected = $false
            Write-Debug "Attempting VPN connection"
            $rawcredential = if($askForCredentials){
                $askmsg = "Enter Credential for $CredentialFile"
                    Get-Credential -UserName $username -Message $askmsg
                    Get-Credential -Message $askmsg
                $credentialInputted = $true
                Write-Debug "Importing credentials from $CredentialFile"
                Import-Clixml -Path $CredentialFile
                $credentialInputted = $false
                throw "No credential provided"
            $username = $rawcredential.UserName
            $askForCredentials = $false
            $credential = $rawcredential
                    Write-Debug "Importing secret from $SecretFile"
                    $secret = Import-Clixml -Path $SecretFile
                    $secret = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Enter secret for $SecretFile"
                    Export-Clixml -Path $SecretFile -InputObject $secret
                    SecureFile -SecretFile $SecretFile
                    Write-Verbose "Exported secret to $SecretFile"
                Write-Debug "Attaching Google Token to $($credential.UserName)"
                $credential = $credential | Add-GoogleTokenToCredential -Secret $secret
            if($IgnoreUserDomain -and $IgnoreUserDomain.IsPresent){
                Write-Debug "Removing Domain from $($credential.UserName)"
                $credential = $credential | Remove-DomainFromCredential
                $result = Connect-OpenVPN -Config $Config -Credential $credential
                $connected = $true
                Write-Debug "Successfully connected OpenVPN with $Config for user $($credential.UserName)"
                    Export-Clixml -Path $CredentialFile -InputObject $rawcredential
                    SecureFile -SecretFile $CredentialFile
                    Write-Verbose "Exported $($rawcredential.UserName) credential to $CredentialFile"
                if($_.Exception.Message -eq "Invalid Username or Password (AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED)"){
                    Write-Warning $_
                    $askForCredentials = $true
                    throw $_
        return $result
Pauses until a directory being used by openvpn indicates connectivity
Pauses until certain key phrases inside the log file for a directory being used by openvpn indicates successful connection, or fatal error
.PARAMETER OpenConnectionDirectory
Directory containing out.log file associated with active openvpn connection
An example
Not to be used without Connect-OpenVpn

function Wait-OpenConnectionReady{
    $result = ""
        Write-Debug "Waiting for Connection $OpenConnectionDirectory"
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2000
        $file = $OpenConnectionDirectory|Get-ChildItem -File -Filter 'out.log' -ErrorAction Continue
            Write-Debug "Copying $file for check"
            $file2 = $file|Copy-Item -Destination "$($OpenConnectionDirectory.FullName)/out.$(New-Guid).log" -Force -PassThru
            $content = Get-Content $file2 -Raw
            if($content.Contains("AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED")){
                $result = "Invalid Username or Password (AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED)"
            elseif($content.Contains("Initialization Sequence Completed With Errors ( see )")){
                $result = "TCP/IP stack is corrupted (see"
            elseif($content.Contains("Initialization Sequence Completed")){
                $result = "Success"
            elseif($content.Contains("Exiting due to fatal error")){
                $result = "Exiting due to fatal error : check $file for details"
            Write-Debug "$file not found"
    }while($result -eq "")
    if($result -ne "Success"){
        throw $result
function Add-GoogleTokenToCredential{
    $textSecret = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $Secret).Password
    $pin = Get-GoogleAuthenticatorPin -Secret $textSecret
    $newpw = $Credential.Password.Copy()
    return [pscredential]::new($Credential.UserName,$newpw)
function Remove-DomainFromCredential{
        $res = $Credential.UserName.Split('\')
        $res2 = [string[]]::new($res.Count-1)
        for($i = 1;$i -lt $res.Count;$i++){
            $res2[$i-1] = $res[$i]
        $resname = [string]::Join('\',$res2)
        Write-Debug "No Domain found in credential username $($Credential.UserName)"
        return $Credential
    return [pscredential]::new($resname,$Credential.Password)

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-GoogleAuthenticatorPin -Alias ggap
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-OpenVPN -Alias sovpn
Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-OpenVPN -Alias covpn
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-GoogleTokenToCredential -Alias agttc
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-DomainFromCredential -Alias rdfc