function Invoke-OPRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [CmdletBinding()] [ValidateSet("Delete", "Get", "Patch", "Post", "Put")] [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Method, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Endpoint, [hashtable]$Body ) $functionCallStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FunctionName)[1] $functionExceptions = @("Connect-OpenProvider") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:OpenProviderSession.AuthToken)) { if ($functionCallStack -notin $functionExceptions) { throw "Please connect to OpenProvider first using: Connect-OpenProvider" } } if ($functionCallStack -notin $functionExceptions) { # check token status $twohours = 120 [int]$timespan = (New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $script:OpenProviderSession.TimeToRefresh).TotalMinutes if ($timespan -le $twohours) { Write-Warning "Your token will expire in $timespan minutes" } elseif ($timespan -le 0) { throw "Token expired, please renew token using: Connect-OpenProvider" } } try { $request_splat = @{ Method = $Method Uri = ($script:OpenProviderSession.Uri + $Endpoint) } # check if get method + query params (powershell 5.1 compatibility) if ($Method -eq "Get" -and $Body) { $request_splat.Uri = ($script:OpenProviderSession.Uri + $Endpoint + (New-QueryString -Parameters $Body)) } else { $request_splat.Body += $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 } # verbose option to see everything in request splat foreach ($key in $request_splat.Keys) { Write-Verbose "$($key)=$($request_splat[$key])" } # check if command is not being called from $functionExceptions if ($functionCallStack -notin $functionExceptions) { $request_splat.Headers += @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($OpenProviderSession.AuthToken)" } } # Write-Host $request_splat $request = Invoke-RestMethod @request_splat return $request } catch { throw (Format-ErrorCodes $_).ErrorMessage } } |