.Synopsis Signals on UDP .Description Runs PowerShell in the background. Events are fired on the completion or failure of the PowerShell command. #> param( # The IP Address where UDP packets can originate. By default, [IPAddress]::Any. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Net.IPAddress] $IPAddress = [Net.IPAddress]::Any, # The Port used to listen for packets. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int] $Port, # The encoding. If provided, packet content will be decoded. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Text.Encoding] $Encoding ) $startedJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($IPAddress, $port, $encoding) $udpSvr= [Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new() $endpoint = [Net.IpEndpoint]::new($IPAddress, $Port) try { $udpSvr.Client.Bind($endpoint) } catch { Write-Error -Message $_.Message -Exception $_ return } $eventSourceId = "UDP.${IPAddress}:$port" Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier $eventSourceId -Forward if ($encoding) { $RealEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encoding.BodyName) if (-not $RealEncoding) { throw "Could not find $($encoding | Out-String)" } } while ($true) { $packet = $udpSvr.Receive([ref]$endpoint) if ($RealEncoding) { New-Event -Sender $IPAddress -MessageData $RealEncoding.GetString($packet) -SourceIdentifier $eventSourceId | Out-Null } else { New-Event -Sender $IPAddress -MessageData $packet -SourceIdentifier $eventSourceId | Out-Null } } } -ArgumentList $IPAddress, $port, $Encoding @{ SourceIdentifier = "UDP.${IPAddress}:$port" } |