.Synopsis Watches for File Changes. .Description Uses the [IO.FileSystemWatcher] to watch for changes to files. Because some applications and frameworks write to files differently, you may see more than one event for a given change. #> param( # The path to the file or directory [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Fullname')] [string] $FilePath = "$pwd", # A wildcard filter describing the names of files to watch [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $FileFilter, # A notify filter describing the file changes that should raise events. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [IO.NotifyFilters[]] $NotifyFilter = @("FileName", "DirectoryName", "LastWrite"), # If set, will include subdirectories in the watcher. [Alias('InludeSubsdirectory','InludeSubsdirectories')] [switch] $Recurse, # The names of the file change events to watch. # By default, watches for Changed, Created, Deleted, or Renamed [ValidateSet('Changed','Created','Deleted','Renamed')] [string[]] $EventName = @('Changed','Created','Deleted','Renamed') ) process { $resolvedFilePath = try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($FilePath) } catch { Write-Error "Could not resolve path '$FilePath'" return } if ([IO.File]::Exists("$resolvedFilePath")) { # If we're passed a path to a specific file $fileInfo = ([IO.FileInfo]"$resolvedFilePath") $filePath = $fileInfo.Directory.FullName # we need to watch the directory $FileFilter = $fileInfo.Name # and then filter based off of the file name. } elseif ([IO.Directory]::Exists("$resolvedFilePath")) { $filePath = "$resolvedFilePath" } $fileSystemWatcher = [IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new($FilePath) # Create the watcher $fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $Recurse # include subdirectories if -Recurse was passed $fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true # Enable raising events if ($FileFilter) { $fileSystemWatcher.Filter = $FileFilter } else { $fileSystemWatcher.Filter = "*" } $combinedNotifyFilter = 0 foreach ($n in $NotifyFilter) { $combinedNotifyFilter = $combinedNotifyFilter -bor $n } $fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = $combinedNotifyFilter $fileSystemWatcher | Add-Member NoteProperty EventName $EventName -Force -PassThru } |