
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
    Write-Host "Current powershell Version is " + $PSVersionTable.PSVersion + ", version 5 is required for this module."

$script:nullString = (New-Guid).Guid
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum LoadBalancingType
        Failover = 0,
        Random = 1

  Get default environment.
  This function get environment from on-premises data gateway configuration.

Function Get-DefaultEnvironment {
    $script:adClientId = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "AzureADClientID" }).value
    if ($script:adClientId -eq $null) { $script:adClientId = "ea0616ba-638b-4df5-95b9-636659ae5121" }

    $script:adAuthority = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "AzureADAuthorityAddress" }).value

    $script:adRedirect = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "AzureADRedirectAddress" }).value
    if ($script:adRedirect -eq $null) { $script:adRedirect = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" }

    $script:adResource = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "AzureADResource" }).value
    $script:gsEndpoint = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "GlobalServiceEndpoint" }).value
    $script:gsBackendUriOverride = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "BackendUriOverride" }).value

  Get email properties.
  This function setup environment by getting email properties from global service.
 .PARAMETER EmailAddress
  The email address.

Function Get-EmailProperties(
    [string]$EmailAddress) {
    try {
        $uri = $script:gsEndpoint + "/powerbi/globalservice/v201606/environments/discover?user=" + $EmailAddress
        $epResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method Post

        $cloudEnv = $epResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $gateway = $cloudEnv.clients | ? { $_.name -eq "powerbi-gateway" }
        $pbiBackend = $cloudEnv.services | ? { $_.name -eq "powerbi-backend" }
        $aadBackend = $cloudEnv.services | ? { $_.name -eq "aad" }
        $script:adClientId = $gateway.appId
        $script:adAuthority = $aadBackend.endpoint
        $script:adRedirect = $gateway.redirectUri
        $script:adResource = $pbiBackend.resourceId
        $script:gsEndpoint = $pbiBackend.endpoint
        return $true
    catch {
        return $false

  Get response from web exception.
  This function return response from web exception.
 .PARAMETER Exception
  The web exception.

Function Get-ResponseFromWebException() {
    If ($_.Exception.Response) {
        $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
        return $reader.ReadToEnd()

  Write web request failure.
  This function write web request failure to host.

Function Write-WebRequestFailure() {
    If ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) {
        try {
            If (($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.code -eq "TokenExpired") {
                Write-Warning "Token expired, please login again."
        } catch {
            # Ignore json convert exception

    Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
    $responseBody = Get-ResponseFromWebException
    If ($responseBody) { Write-Warning $responseBody }

  Clean up user account.
  This function clean up token, backend uri and gateway regions.

Function Remove-OnPremisesDataGatewayUserAccount() {
    $script:token = $null
    $script:backendUri = $null
    $script:selectedBackend = $null
    $script:allRegions = $null

  Set up user account.
  This function read setting from on-premises data gateway configuration, get token from active directory and get
  backend uri from global service.
 .PARAMETER EmailAddress
  The email address.

Function Set-OnPremisesDataGatewayUserAccount(
    [string]$EmailAddress) {
    $GWDir = "$PSScriptRoot"
    $configPath = Join-Path "$GWDir" "\Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.dll.config"
    $config = [xml](gc $configPath)
    $settings = $config.configuration.applicationSettings.'Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayCommon.Properties.GatewayCommonSettings'.setting
    $EmailDiscoveryDisable = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "EmailDiscoveryDisable" }).value
    $script:gsEndpoint = ($settings | ? { $_.name -eq "GlobalServiceEndpoint" }).value

    # Get environment
    If ($EmailDiscoveryDisable) {
    } else {
        $script:gsBackendUriOverride = $null
        $r = Get-EmailProperties $EmailAddress
        if (!$r) {
            Write-Warning "Get email properties from global service failed, will use default environment."

    if ($script:adResource -eq $null -or $script:gsEndpoint -eq $null) {
        Write-Error "Read AD resource and global service endpoint failed, make sure install gateway first or provide correct install directory!"

    # Get token
    Add-Type -Path $( join-path $GWDir "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll")
    Add-Type -Path $( join-path $GWDir "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll")
    Add-Type -Path $( join-path $GWDir "Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayRegions.dll")
    Add-Type -Path $( join-path $GWDir "Newtonsoft.Json.dll")
    $script:token = Get-Token

    If (!$script:token) {
        Write-Warning "Acquire token failed."

    # Get backend uri
    If ($script:gsBackendUriOverride -ne $null) {
        $script:backendUri = $script:gsBackendUriOverride
    } else {
        $clusterUri = $script:gsEndpoint + "/spglobalservice/GetOrInsertClusterUrisByTenantLocation"
        $gsResponse = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $clusterUri -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $token.AccessToken} -Method Put 
        $gsResponse = $gsResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $script:backendUri = $gsResponse.FixedClusterUri

    $script:selectedBackend = $script:backendUri
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Current backend is: " $script:selectedBackend

  Get token from AD.
  Get token from AD.

Function Get-Token(){
    $queryParams = "prompt=select_account&msafed=0&login_hint=" + $script:emailAddress
    $userId = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier]::AnyUser
    return $context.AcquireToken($script:adResource, $script:adClientId, $script:adRedirect, 0, $userId, $queryParams)

  Get gateway regions from CDN.
  Get gateway regions from CDN.

Function Get-Regions() {
    $script:allRegions = [Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.GatewayRegions.GatewayRegionConfiguration]::GetRegionsAllowedForTenant($script:backendUri)

  Get gateway regions.
  Get gateway regions allowed for tenant.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayRegions() {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."


    If ($script:allRegions.Count) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Available regions:"
        ForEach ($region in $script:allRegions) { Write-Host $region.Region }
    } Else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "No region available."

  Set gateway region.
  Set gateway region, will set to default region if this value is $null.
  The gateway region.

Function Set-OnPremisesDataGatewayRegion([string]$Region) {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    If ($Region) {
        $selectedRegion = $script:allRegions | ? { $_.Region -eq $Region }

        If (!$selectedRegion) {
            Write-Warning "Invalid region."

        $script:selectedBackend = $selectedRegion.BackendUri.ToString()
    } Else {
        $script:selectedBackend = $script:backendUri

    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Current backend is: " $script:selectedBackend

  Get gateway clusters.
  This function read all gateway clusters owned by the user.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayClusters(){
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    try {
        $gatewayclusters = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ($script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters") -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken}
        $gatewayclusters = $gatewayclusters.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        ForEach ($cluster in $gatewayclusters) {
            $cluster = Set-ClusterLoadBalancingType -ClusterObject $cluster

            ForEach ($gw in $cluster.gateways) {
                $gwAnnotation = $gw.gatewayAnnotation | ConvertFrom-Json
                $gw | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gatewayContactInformation -Value ([System.String]::Join(" ", $gwAnnotation.gatewayContactInformation))
                $gw | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gatewayMachine -Value $gwAnnotation.gatewayMachine

            $cluster.gateways = $cluster.gateways | ConvertTo-Json
            $cluster.permission = $cluster.permission | ConvertTo-Json

        return $gatewayclusters
    catch {

  Get gateway clusters without skipping annotation and static capabilities.
  This function read all gateway clusters owned by the user.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayClustersInternal(){
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    try {
        $gatewayclusters = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ($script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters") -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken}
        $gatewayclusters = $gatewayclusters.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        return $gatewayclusters
    catch {

  Get gateway status.
  This function get gateway status.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
 .PARAMETER GatewayObjectId
  The gateway objectId.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayStatus(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [Guid] $GatewayObjectId){
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    try {
        $gatewayStatus = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ($script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters/" + $ClusterObjectId + "/gateways/" + $GatewayObjectId + "/status") -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken}
        $gatewayStatus = $gatewayStatus.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        return $gatewayStatus
    catch {
        $response = Get-ResponseFromWebException $_.Exception | ConvertFrom-Json
        If ($response.error.code -eq "DM_GWPipeline_Client_GatewayUnreachable") {
            $gwObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{gatewayStatus = "Unreachable"; gatewayVersion = "Unknown"; gatewayUpgradeState = "Unknown"})
            return $gwObj
        } Else {
            Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
            If ($responseBody) { Write-Warning $responseBody }

  Set gateway info.
  This function set gateway info and return the updated info, note it won't update the field if it's value is null.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
 .PARAMETER GatewayObjectId
  The gateway objectId.
 .PARAMETER MemberStatus
  The cluster member status.
 .PARAMETER GatewayContactInformation
  The gateway contact information.
  The gateway name.

Function Set-OnPremisesDataGateway(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [Guid] $GatewayObjectId,
    [string] $MemberStatus = $script:nullString,
    [string] $GatewayContactInformation = $script:nullString,
    [string] $Name = $script:nullString) {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    $request = @{}

    If ($MemberStatus -ne $script:nullString) { $request.Add("clusterMemberStatus", $MemberStatus)}

    If ($Name -ne $script:nullString) {
        If ($Name.Trim() -eq '') {
            Write-Warning 'Gateway name cannot be empty.'


    If ($GatewayContactInformation -ne $script:nullString) {
        $annotation = Create-GatewayAnnotation $ClusterObjectId $GatewayObjectId $GatewayContactInformation
        If ($annotation) {
        } Else {

    $json = $request | ConvertTo-Json
    $uri = $script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters/" + $ClusterObjectId + "/gateways/" + $GatewayObjectId

    try {
        $response = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken} -Method Patch -Body $json -ContentType 'application/json'
        $response = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        #Extract contact info and machine from annotation
        $gwAnnotation = $response.gatewayAnnotation | ConvertFrom-Json
        $response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gatewayContactInformation -Value ([System.String]::Join(" ", $gwAnnotation.gatewayContactInformation))
        $response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gatewayMachine -Value $gwAnnotation.gatewayMachine
        return $response
    catch {

  Get gateway.
  This function get gateway by searching cluster and gateway in all clusters.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
 .PARAMETER GatewayObjectId
  The gateway objectId.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataGateway(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [Guid] $GatewayObjectId) {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    $clusters = Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayClustersInternal
    $cluster = $clusters | Where-Object { $_.objectId -eq $ClusterObjectId }

    If (!$cluster) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid cluster object Id"

    $gateway = $cluster.gateways | Where-Object { $_.gatewayObjectId -eq $GatewayObjectId }

    If (!$gateway) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid gateway object Id"

    return $gateway

  Create gateway annotation.
  This function get gateway annotation then fill with given contact information and machine name.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
 .PARAMETER GatewayObjectId
  The gateway objectId.
 .PARAMETER GatewayContactInformation
  The gateway contact information.

Function Create-GatewayAnnotation(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [Guid] $GatewayObjectId,
    [string] $GatewayContactInformation = $script:nullString) {
    $gateway = Get-OnPremisesDataGateway $ClusterObjectId $GatewayObjectId

    If ($gateway) {
        $gwAnnotation = $gateway.gatewayAnnotation | ConvertFrom-Json
        If ($GatewayContactInformation -ne $script:nullString) {
            $gwAnnotation.gatewayContactInformation = @($GatewayContactInformation)

        return $gwAnnotation | ConvertTo-Json

  Delete gateway.
  This function delete gateway, note it will return success for nonexistent gateway.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
 .PARAMETER GatewayObjectId
  The gateway objectId.

Function Remove-OnPremisesDataGateway(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [Guid] $GatewayObjectId) {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    try {
        $uri = $script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters/" + $ClusterObjectId + "/gateways/" + $GatewayObjectId
        $response = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken} -Method Delete
        $response = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        return $response
    catch {

  Set gateway cluster info.
  This function set gateway cluster info and return the updated info, note it won't update the field if it's value is null.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.
  The cluster name.
 .PARAMETER Description
  The cluster description.

Function Set-OnPremisesDataGatewayCluster(
    [Guid] $ClusterObjectId,
    [string] $Name = $script:nullString,
    [string] $Description = $script:nullString,
    [string] $LoadBalancingType = $script:nullString) {
    If (!$script:selectedBackend) {
        Write-Warning "Please log in first."

    $request = @{}
    If ($Name -ne $script:nullString) {
        If ($Name.Trim() -eq '') {
            Write-Warning 'Cluster name cannot be empty.'


    If ($Description -ne $script:nullString) { $request.Add("description",$Description) }

    If ($LoadBalancingType -ne $script:nullString) {
        $loadBalancingClusterSettings = @{}
        $type = $LoadBalancingType -as [LoadBalancingType]
        $loadBalancingClusterSettings.Add("selector", [int]$type)
        $loadBalancingClusterSettingsJson = $loadBalancingClusterSettings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        $request.Add("loadBalancingSettings", $loadBalancingClusterSettingsJson)

    $json = $request | ConvertTo-Json
    $uri = $script:selectedBackend + "/unifiedgateway/gatewayclusters/" + $ClusterObjectId

    try {
        $response = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer " + $script:token.AccessToken} -Method Patch -Body $json -ContentType 'application/json'
        $response = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        $response = Set-ClusterLoadBalancingType -ClusterObject $response
        return $response
    catch {

  Get all gateway info in cluster.
  This function list all gateways in cluster.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObjectId
  The cluster object Id.

Function Get-OnPremisesDataClusterGateways(
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Guid] $ClusterObjectId) {
    $clusters = Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayClustersInternal

    If ($clusters -eq $null) { return }

    $cluster = $clusters | Where-Object { $_.objectId -eq $ClusterObjectId }
    $gateways = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    If ($cluster -eq $null) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid cluster object Id"

    ForEach ($gateway in $cluster.gateways) {
        $gwStatus = Get-OnPremisesDataGatewayStatus $cluster.objectId $gateway.gatewayObjectId
        $gwAnnotation = $gateway.gatewayAnnotation | ConvertFrom-Json
        $gwObj = New-Object PSObject -Property (
                gatewayId = $gateway.gatewayId;
                gatewayObjectId = $gateway.gatewayObjectId;
                gatewayName = $gateway.gatewayName;
                isAnchorGateway = $gateway.isAnchorGateway;
                gatewayStatus = $gwStatus.gatewayStatus;
                gatewayVersion = $gwStatus.gatewayVersion;
                gatewayUpgradeState = $gwStatus.gatewayUpgradeState;
                gatewayClusterStatus = $gateway.gatewayClusterStatus;
                gatewayMachine = $gwAnnotation.gatewayMachine;
        $gateways.Add($gwObj) > $null
    return $gateways

  Set load balancing type for cluster object.
  This function sets load balancing type for cluster object.
 .PARAMETER ClusterObject
  The cluster object.

Function Set-ClusterLoadBalancingType(
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][PSObject] $ClusterObject) {
        $loadBalancingType = [LoadBalancingType]::Failover

        If ($ClusterObject.loadBalancingSettings) {
            $loadBalancingSettings = $ClusterObject.loadBalancingSettings | ConvertFrom-Json
            $type = $loadBalancingSettings.selector -as [LoadBalancingType]
            If ($type -is [LoadBalancingType]) {
                $loadBalancingType = $type

        $ClusterObject | Add-Member -Name loadBalancingType -Value $loadBalancingType -MemberType NoteProperty
        return $ClusterObject

Set-Alias Login-OnPremisesDataGateway Set-OnPremisesDataGatewayUserAccount
Set-Alias Logout-OnPremisesDataGateway Remove-OnPremisesDataGatewayUserAccount