#Requires -Modules psake ############################################################################## # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! Modify build.settings.ps1 instead. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # This is the PowerShell Module psake build script. It defines the following tasks: # # Clean, Build, Sign, BuildHelp, Install, Test and Publish. # # The default task is Build. This task copies the appropriate files from the # $SrcRootDir under the $OutDir. Later, other tasks such as Sign and BuildHelp # will further modify the contents of $OutDir and add new files. # # The Sign task will only sign scripts if the $SignScripts variable is set to # $true. A code-signing certificate is required for this task to complete. # # The BuildHelp task invokes platyPS to generate markdown files from # comment-based help for your exported commands. platyPS then generates # a help file for your module from the markdown files. # # The Install task simplies copies the module folder under $OutDir to your # profile's Modules folder. # # The Test task invokes Pester on the $TestRootDir. # # The Publish task uses the Publish-Module command to publish # to either the PowerShell Gallery (the default) or you can change # the $PublishRepository property to the name of an alternate repository. # Note: the Publish task requires that the Test task execute without failures. # # You can exeute a specific task, such as the Test task by running the # following command: # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.psake.ps1 -taskList Test # # You can execute the Publish task with the following command. # The first time you execute the Publish task, you will be prompted to enter # your PowerShell Gallery NuGetApiKey. After entering the key, it is encrypted # and stored so you will not have to enter it again. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.psake.ps1 -taskList Publish # # You can verify the stored and encrypted NuGetApiKey by running the following # command which will display a portion of your NuGetApiKey in plain text. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.psake.ps1 -taskList ShowApiKey # # You can store a new NuGetApiKey with this command. You can leave off # the -properties parameter and you'll be prompted for the key. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.psake.ps1 -taskList StoreApiKey -properties @{NuGetApiKey='test123'} # ############################################################################### # Dot source the user's customized properties and extension tasks. ############################################################################### . $PSScriptRoot\build.settings.ps1 ############################################################################### # Private properties. ############################################################################### Properties { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')] $ModuleOutDir = "$OutDir\$ModuleName" [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')] $UpdatableHelpOutDir = "$OutDir\UpdatableHelp" [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')] $SharedProperties = @{} [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')] $LineSep = "-" * 78 } ############################################################################### # Core task implementations. Avoid modifying these tasks. ############################################################################### Task default -depends Build Task Init -requiredVariables OutDir { if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $OutDir)) { New-Item $OutDir -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } else { Write-Verbose "$($psake.context.currentTaskName) - directory already exists '$OutDir'." } } Task ExportPublicFunctions -requiredVariables SrcRootDir, ModuleName { $PublicScriptFiles = @(Get-ChildItem "$SrcRootDir\Public" -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse) $PublicFunctions = @(foreach ($ScriptFile in $PublicScriptFiles) { $Parser = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($ScriptFile.FullName, [ref] $null, [ref] $null) if ($Parser.EndBlock.Statements.Name) { $Parser.EndBlock.Statements.Name } }) Update-ModuleManifest -Path "$SrcRootDir\$ModuleName.psd1" -FunctionsToExport $PublicFunctions } Task Clean -depends Init -requiredVariables OutDir { if ($OutDir.Length -gt 3) { Get-ChildItem $OutDir | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference } else { Write-Verbose "$($psake.context.currentTaskName) - `$OutDir '$OutDir' must be longer than 3 characters." } } Task StageFiles -depends Init, Clean, ExportPublicFunctions, BeforeStageFiles, CoreStageFiles, AfterStageFiles { } Task CoreStageFiles -requiredVariables ModuleOutDir, SrcRootDir { if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $ModuleOutDir)) { New-Item $ModuleOutDir -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } else { Write-Verbose "$($psake.context.currentTaskName) - directory already exists '$ModuleOutDir'." } Copy-Item -Path $SrcRootDir\* -Destination $ModuleOutDir -Recurse -Exclude $Exclude -Verbose:$VerbosePreference } Task Build -depends Init, Clean, BeforeBuild, StageFiles, Analyze, Sign, AfterBuild { } Task Analyze -depends StageFiles ` -requiredVariables ModuleOutDir, ScriptAnalysisEnabled, ScriptAnalysisFailBuildOnSeverityLevel, ScriptAnalyzerSettingsPath { if (!$ScriptAnalysisEnabled) { "Script analysis is not enabled. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } if (!(Get-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -ListAvailable)) { "PSScriptAnalyzer module is not installed. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } "ScriptAnalysisFailBuildOnSeverityLevel set to: $ScriptAnalysisFailBuildOnSeverityLevel" $analysisResult = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $ModuleOutDir -Settings $ScriptAnalyzerSettingsPath -Recurse -Verbose:$VerbosePreference $analysisResult | Format-Table switch ($ScriptAnalysisFailBuildOnSeverityLevel) { 'None' { return } 'Error' { Assert -conditionToCheck ( ($analysisResult | Where-Object Severity -eq 'Error').Count -eq 0 ) -failureMessage 'One or more ScriptAnalyzer errors were found. Build cannot continue!' } 'Warning' { Assert -conditionToCheck ( ($analysisResult | Where-Object { $_.Severity -eq 'Warning' -or $_.Severity -eq 'Error' }).Count -eq 0) -failureMessage 'One or more ScriptAnalyzer warnings were found. Build cannot continue!' } default { Assert -conditionToCheck ( $analysisResult.Count -eq 0 ) -failureMessage 'One or more ScriptAnalyzer issues were found. Build cannot continue!' } } } Task Sign -depends StageFiles -requiredVariables CertPath, SettingsPath, ScriptSigningEnabled { if (!$ScriptSigningEnabled) { "Script signing is not enabled. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } $validCodeSigningCerts = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertPath -CodeSigningCert -Recurse | Where-Object NotAfter -ge (Get-Date) if (!$validCodeSigningCerts) { throw "There are no non-expired code-signing certificates in $CertPath. You can either install " + "a code-signing certificate into the certificate store or disable script analysis in build.settings.ps1." } $certSubjectNameKey = "CertSubjectName" $storeCertSubjectName = $true # Get the subject name of the code-signing certificate to be used for script signing. if (!$CertSubjectName -and ($CertSubjectName = GetSetting -Key $certSubjectNameKey -Path $SettingsPath)) { $storeCertSubjectName = $false } elseif (!$CertSubjectName) { "A code-signing certificate has not been specified." "The following non-expired, code-signing certificates are available in your certificate store:" $validCodeSigningCerts | Format-List Subject,Issuer,Thumbprint,NotBefore,NotAfter $CertSubjectName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the subject name (case-sensitive) of the certificate to use for script signing' } # Find a code-signing certificate that matches the specified subject name. $certificate = $validCodeSigningCerts | Where-Object { $_.SubjectName.Name -cmatch [regex]::Escape($CertSubjectName) } | Sort-Object NotAfter -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ($certificate) { $SharedProperties.CodeSigningCertificate = $certificate if ($storeCertSubjectName) { SetSetting -Key $certSubjectNameKey -Value $certificate.SubjectName.Name -Path $SettingsPath "The new certificate subject name has been stored in ${SettingsPath}." } else { "Using stored certificate subject name $CertSubjectName from ${SettingsPath}." } $LineSep "Using code-signing certificate: $certificate" $LineSep $files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleOutDir\* -Recurse -Include *.ps1,*.psm1) foreach ($file in $files) { $setAuthSigParams = @{ FilePath = $file.FullName Certificate = $certificate Verbose = $VerbosePreference } $result = Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Set-AuthenticodeSignature @setAuthSigParams if ($result.Status -ne 'Valid') { throw "Failed to sign script: $($file.FullName)." } "Successfully signed script: $($file.Name)" } } else { $expiredCert = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertPath -CodeSigningCert -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.SubjectName.Name -cmatch [regex]::Escape($CertSubjectName)) -and ($_.NotAfter -lt (Get-Date)) } Sort-Object NotAfter -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ($expiredCert) { throw "The code-signing certificate `"$($expiredCert.SubjectName.Name)`" EXPIRED on $($expiredCert.NotAfter)." } throw 'No valid certificate subject name supplied or stored.' } } Task BuildHelp -depends Build, BeforeBuildHelp, GenerateMarkdown, GenerateHelpFiles, AfterBuildHelp { } Task GenerateMarkdown -requiredVariables DefaultLocale, DocsRootDir, ModuleName, ModuleOutDir { if (!(Get-Module platyPS -ListAvailable)) { "platyPS module is not installed. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } $moduleInfo = Import-Module $ModuleOutDir\$ModuleName.psd1 -Global -Force -PassThru try { if ($moduleInfo.ExportedCommands.Count -eq 0) { "No commands have been exported. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $DocsRootDir)) { New-Item $DocsRootDir -ItemType Directory > $null } if (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DocsRootDir -Filter *.md -Recurse) { Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DocsRootDir -Directory | ForEach-Object { Update-MarkdownHelp -Path $_.FullName -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } } # ErrorAction set to SilentlyContinue so this command will not overwrite an existing MD file. New-MarkdownHelp -Module $ModuleName -Locale $DefaultLocale -OutputFolder $DocsRootDir\$DefaultLocale ` -WithModulePage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } finally { Remove-Module $ModuleName } } Task GenerateHelpFiles -requiredVariables DocsRootDir, ModuleName, ModuleOutDir, OutDir { if (!(Get-Module platyPS -ListAvailable)) { "platyPS module is not installed. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } if (!(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $DocsRootDir -Filter *.md -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { "No markdown help files to process. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } $helpLocales = (Get-ChildItem -Path $DocsRootDir -Directory).Name # Generate the module's primary MAML help file. foreach ($locale in $helpLocales) { New-ExternalHelp -Path $DocsRootDir\$locale -OutputPath $ModuleOutDir\$locale -Force ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } } Task BuildUpdatableHelp -depends BuildHelp, BeforeBuildUpdatableHelp, CoreBuildUpdatableHelp, AfterBuildUpdatableHelp { } Task CoreBuildUpdatableHelp -requiredVariables DocsRootDir, ModuleName, UpdatableHelpOutDir { if (!(Get-Module platyPS -ListAvailable)) { "platyPS module is not installed. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } $helpLocales = (Get-ChildItem -Path $DocsRootDir -Directory).Name # Create updatable help output directory. if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $UpdatableHelpOutDir)) { New-Item $UpdatableHelpOutDir -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } else { Write-Verbose "$($psake.context.currentTaskName) - directory already exists '$UpdatableHelpOutDir'." Get-ChildItem $UpdatableHelpOutDir | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference } # Generate updatable help files. Note: this will currently update the version number in the module's MD # file in the metadata. foreach ($locale in $helpLocales) { New-ExternalHelpCab -CabFilesFolder $ModuleOutDir\$locale -LandingPagePath $DocsRootDir\$locale\$ModuleName.md ` -OutputFolder $UpdatableHelpOutDir -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } } Task GenerateFileCatalog -depends Build, BuildHelp, BeforeGenerateFileCatalog, CoreGenerateFileCatalog, AfterGenerateFileCatalog { } Task CoreGenerateFileCatalog -requiredVariables CatalogGenerationEnabled, CatalogVersion, ModuleName, ModuleOutDir, OutDir { if (!$CatalogGenerationEnabled) { "FileCatalog generation is not enabled. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } if (!(Get-Command Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\New-FileCatalog -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { "FileCatalog commands not available on this version of PowerShell. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } $catalogFilePath = "$OutDir\$ModuleName.cat" $newFileCatalogParams = @{ Path = $ModuleOutDir CatalogFilePath = $catalogFilePath CatalogVersion = $CatalogVersion Verbose = $VerbosePreference } Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\New-FileCatalog @newFileCatalogParams > $null if ($ScriptSigningEnabled) { if ($SharedProperties.CodeSigningCertificate) { $setAuthSigParams = @{ FilePath = $catalogFilePath Certificate = $SharedProperties.CodeSigningCertificate Verbose = $VerbosePreference } $result = Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Set-AuthenticodeSignature @setAuthSigParams if ($result.Status -ne 'Valid') { throw "Failed to sign file catalog: $($catalogFilePath)." } "Successfully signed file catalog: $($catalogFilePath)" } else { "No code-signing certificate was found to sign the file catalog." } } else { "Script signing is not enabled. Skipping signing of file catalog." } Move-Item -LiteralPath $newFileCatalogParams.CatalogFilePath -Destination $ModuleOutDir } Task Install -depends Build, BuildHelp, GenerateFileCatalog, BeforeInstall, CoreInstall, AfterInstall { } Task CoreInstall -requiredVariables ModuleOutDir { if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $InstallPath)) { Write-Verbose 'Creating install directory' New-Item -Path $InstallPath -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null } Copy-Item -Path $ModuleOutDir\* -Destination $InstallPath -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -Recurse -Force "Module installed into $InstallPath" } Task Test -depends Build -requiredVariables TestRootDir, ModuleName, CodeCoverageEnabled, CodeCoverageFiles { if (!(Get-Module Pester -ListAvailable)) { "Pester module is not installed. Skipping $($psake.context.currentTaskName) task." return } Import-Module Pester try { Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Push-Location -LiteralPath $TestRootDir if ($TestOutputFile) { $testing = @{ OutputFile = $TestOutputFile OutputFormat = $TestOutputFormat PassThru = $true Verbose = $VerbosePreference } } else { $testing = @{ PassThru = $true Verbose = $VerbosePreference } } # To control the Pester code coverage, a boolean $CodeCoverageEnabled is used. if ($CodeCoverageEnabled) { $testing.CodeCoverage = $CodeCoverageFiles } $testResult = Invoke-Pester @testing Assert -conditionToCheck ( $testResult.FailedCount -eq 0 ) -failureMessage "One or more Pester tests failed, build cannot continue." if ($CodeCoverageEnabled) { $testCoverage = [int]($testResult.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $testResult.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed * 100) "Pester code coverage on specified files: ${testCoverage}%" } } finally { Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Pop-Location Remove-Module $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Task Publish -depends Build, Test, BuildHelp, GenerateFileCatalog, BeforePublish, CorePublish, AfterPublish { } Task CorePublish -requiredVariables SettingsPath, ModuleOutDir { $publishParams = @{ Path = $ModuleOutDir NuGetApiKey = $NuGetApiKey } # Publishing to the PSGallery requires an API key, so get it. if ($NuGetApiKey) { "Using script embedded NuGetApiKey" } elseif ($NuGetApiKey = GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key NuGetApiKey) { "Using stored NuGetApiKey" } else { $promptForKeyCredParams = @{ DestinationPath = $SettingsPath Message = 'Enter your NuGet API key in the password field' Key = 'NuGetApiKey' } $cred = PromptUserForCredentialAndStorePassword @promptForKeyCredParams $NuGetApiKey = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password "The NuGetApiKey has been stored in $SettingsPath" } $publishParams = @{ Path = $ModuleOutDir NuGetApiKey = $NuGetApiKey } # If an alternate repository is specified, set the appropriate parameter. if ($PublishRepository) { $publishParams['Repository'] = $PublishRepository } # Consider not using -ReleaseNotes parameter when Update-ModuleManifest has been fixed. if ($ReleaseNotesPath) { $publishParams['ReleaseNotes'] = @(Get-Content $ReleaseNotesPath) } "Calling Publish-Module..." Publish-Module @publishParams } ############################################################################### # Secondary/utility tasks - typically used to manage stored build settings. ############################################################################### Task ? -description 'Lists the available tasks' { "Available tasks:" $psake.context.Peek().Tasks.Keys | Sort-Object } Task RemoveApiKey -requiredVariables SettingsPath { if (GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key NuGetApiKey) { RemoveSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key NuGetApiKey } } Task StoreApiKey -requiredVariables SettingsPath { $promptForKeyCredParams = @{ DestinationPath = $SettingsPath Message = 'Enter your NuGet API key in the password field' Key = 'NuGetApiKey' } PromptUserForCredentialAndStorePassword @promptForKeyCredParams "The NuGetApiKey has been stored in $SettingsPath" } Task ShowApiKey -requiredVariables SettingsPath { $OFS = "" if ($NuGetApiKey) { "The embedded (partial) NuGetApiKey is: $($NuGetApiKey[0..7])" } elseif ($NuGetApiKey = GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key NuGetApiKey) { "The stored (partial) NuGetApiKey is: $($NuGetApiKey[0..7])" } else { "The NuGetApiKey has not been provided or stored." return } "To see the full key, use the task 'ShowFullApiKey'" } Task ShowFullApiKey -requiredVariables SettingsPath { if ($NuGetApiKey) { "The embedded NuGetApiKey is: $NuGetApiKey" } elseif ($NuGetApiKey = GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key NuGetApiKey) { "The stored NuGetApiKey is: $NuGetApiKey" } else { "The NuGetApiKey has not been provided or stored." } } Task RemoveCertSubjectName -requiredVariables SettingsPath { if (GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key CertSubjectName) { RemoveSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key CertSubjectName } } Task StoreCertSubjectName -requiredVariables SettingsPath { $certSubjectName = 'CN=' $certSubjectName += Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the certificate subject name for script signing. Use exact casing, CN= prefix will be added' SetSetting -Key CertSubjectName -Value $certSubjectName -Path $SettingsPath "The new certificate subject name '$certSubjectName' has been stored in ${SettingsPath}." } Task ShowCertSubjectName -requiredVariables SettingsPath { $CertSubjectName = GetSetting -Path $SettingsPath -Key CertSubjectName "The stored certificate is: $CertSubjectName" $cert = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My -CodeSigningCert | Where-Object { $_.Subject -eq $CertSubjectName -and $_.NotAfter -gt (Get-Date) } | Sort-Object -Property NotAfter -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ($cert) { "A valid certificate for the subject $CertSubjectName has been found" } else { 'A valid certificate has not been found' } } ############################################################################### # Helper functions ############################################################################### function PromptUserForCredentialAndStorePassword { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("PSProvideDefaultParameterValue", '')] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $DestinationPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'SaveSetting')] [string] $Key ) $cred = Get-Credential -Message $Message -UserName "ignored" if ($DestinationPath) { SetSetting -Key $Key -Value $cred.Password -Path $DestinationPath } $cred } function AddSetting { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Key, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [object]$Value ) switch ($type = $Value.GetType().Name) { 'securestring' { $setting = $Value | ConvertFrom-SecureString } default { $setting = $Value } } if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) { $storedSettings = Import-Clixml -Path $Path $storedSettings.Add($Key, @($type, $setting)) $storedSettings | Export-Clixml -Path $Path } else { $parentDir = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $parentDir)) { New-Item $parentDir -ItemType Directory > $null } @{$Key = @($type, $setting)} | Export-Clixml -Path $Path } } function GetSetting { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Key, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Path ) if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) { $securedSettings = Import-Clixml -Path $Path if ($securedSettings.$Key) { switch ($securedSettings.$Key[0]) { 'securestring' { $value = $securedSettings.$Key[1] | ConvertTo-SecureString $cred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList 'jpgr', $value $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password } default { $securedSettings.$Key[1] } } } } } function SetSetting { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Key, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [object]$Value ) if (GetSetting -Key $Key -Path $Path) { RemoveSetting -Key $Key -Path $Path } AddSetting -Key $Key -Value $Value -Path $Path } function RemoveSetting { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Key, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Path ) if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) { $storedSettings = Import-Clixml -Path $Path $storedSettings.Remove($Key) if ($storedSettings.Count -eq 0) { Remove-Item -Path $Path } else { $storedSettings | Export-Clixml -Path $Path } } else { Write-Warning "The build setting file '$Path' has not been created yet." } } |