TOPIC about_oktaposh SHORT DESCRIPTION Provides access to Okta Okta REST API and returns objects for easy use in PowerShell piplines. This is a work in progress and has support for a small, but growing list of Okta objects. LONG DESCRIPTION To call any API, first set the token and baseUri with `Set-OktaOption` The default parameters are `$env:OKTA_API_TOKEN` and `$env:OKTA_BASE_URI`, which you can set in your $Profile file etc. to avoid setting it each time the module is loaded EXAMPLES Set-OktaOption -ApiToken abc123 -BaseUri https://devcccis.oktapreview.com/ Get-OktaAuthorizationServer # get all SEE ALSO Okta API https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/ KEYWORDS Okta, Posh, API, REST |