Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Get-OktaJwt { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [string] $ClientId = $env:OKTA_CLIENT_ID, [string] $Issuer = $env:OKTA_ISSUER, [string] $RedirectUri = $env:OKTA_REDIRECT_URI, [string] $Username = $env:OKTA_USERNAME, [Alias("Pw")] [string] $ClientSecret = $env:OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET, [Alias("Password")] [securestring] $SecureClientSecret, [switch] $IdToken, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Scopes ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) { Write-Warning "Currently this only works on PS 7 or higher" return } if ((!$ClientSecret -and !$SecureClientSecret) -or !$Issuer -or !$ClientId -or !$Username -or !$RedirectUri) { Write-Warning @" Have Username: $([bool]$Username) Have Secret: $($ClientSecret -or $SecureClientSecret) Have Issuer: $([bool]$Issuer) Have ClientId: $([bool]$ClientId) Have RedirectUrl: $(!$Username -or $RedirectUri) "@ throw "Missing required parameter. See help." } if (!$RedirectUri.EndsWith("/")) { $RedirectUri = $RedirectUri + "/" } if ($SecureClientSecret) { # (from VSTeam) # Convert the securestring to a normal string # this was the one technique that worked on Mac, Linux and Windows $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $account, $SecurePersonalAccessToken $secret = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $secret = $ClientSecret } # Code derived from $body = @{ username = $Username password = $secret options = @{ multiOptionalFactorEnroll = $true warnBeforePasswordExpired = $true } } $uri = New-Object 'System.Uri' -ArgumentList $Issuer $baseUri = New-Object 'System.Uri' -ArgumentList $uri.GetLeftPart("Authority") $sessionUri = New-Object 'System.Uri' -ArgumentList $baseUri, "api/v1/authn" $prevPref = $progressPreference $progressPreference = "silentlyContinue" try { $trans = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sessionUri -Method Post ` -Headers @{ 'Accept' = 'application/json' 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } ` -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) ` -MaximumRedirection 0 $parms = @{} if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { $parms['Depth'] = 10 } $session = $trans.Content | ConvertFrom-Json @parms } catch { $e = $_ try { if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 'Unauthorized') { Write-Warning "Unauthorzied response. Proabably base userName or password" return } else { throw $e } } catch { throw $e } } finally { $progressPreference = $prevPref } if (!$session) { Write-Warning "Didn't get session" return } $progressPreference = "silentlyContinue" try { $tokenUri = New-Object 'System.Uri' -ArgumentList $uri,($uri.PathAndQuery+"/v1/authorize?" + "response_type=$(ternary $IdToken 'id_token' 'token')&" + "scope=$($scopes -join '%20')&" + 'state=TEST&' + 'nonce=TEST&' + "client_id=$ClientId&" + "redirect_uri=$redirectUri&" + "sessionToken=$($session.sessionToken)") Write-Verbose "Token uri is $tokenUri" $null = Invoke-WebRequest $tokenUri -MaximumRedirection 2 } catch { # expect 302 response Write-Verbose "Exception Type: $($_.GetType())" Write-Verbose "Exception & Stack: $_`n$($_.ScriptStackTrace)" $e = $_ if (!($e | Get-Member -Name Exception) -or !($e.Exception | Get-Member -Name Response)) { Write-Warning "Got unexpected exception (expected 302)" throw $_ } if ($e.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Redirect") { #302 Write-Verbose $e.Exception.Response.Headers.Location $q = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($e.Exception.Response.Headers.Location) Write-Verbose "Headers are: $($e.Exception.Response.Headers)" Write-Verbose "Headers.Location is: $($e.Exception.Response.Headers.Location)" if ($IdToken) { $token = $q["$redirectUri#id_token"] } else { $token = $q["$redirectUri#access_token"] } if (!$token) { Write-Warning "Didn't get token for $redirectUri and IdToken = $([bool]$IdToken)" foreach ($k in $q.AllKeys) { Write-Warning " q[$k] = $($q[$k])" } } $token } else { Write-Warning "Didn't get redirect for JWT" Write-Warning $_ } } finally { $progressPreference = $prevPref } } function Get-OktaAppJwt { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [string] $ClientId = $env:OKTA_CLIENT_ID, [string] $Issuer = $env:OKTA_ISSUER, [Alias("Pw")] [string] $ClientSecret = $env:OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET, [Alias("Password")] [securestring] $SecureClientSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Scopes ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $GrantType = "client_credentials" if ((!$ClientSecret -and !$SecureClientSecret) -or !$Issuer -or !$ClientId) { Write-Warning @" Have Secret: $($ClientSecret -or $SecureClientSecret) Have Issuer: $([bool]$Issuer) Have ClientId: $([bool]$ClientId) "@ throw "Missing required parameter. See help." } if ($SecureClientSecret) { # (from VSTeam) # Convert the securestring to a normal string # this was the one technique that worked on Mac, Linux and Windows $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $account, $SecurePersonalAccessToken $secret = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $secret = $ClientSecret } $clientCreds = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("${ClientId}:$secret"); $oktaHeader = @{ Authorization = "Basic $([System.Convert]::ToBase64String($clientCreds))" Accept = "application/json" } $body = "grant_type=$GrantType&scope=$($Scopes -join '%20')" # space-separated scopes $parms = @{} if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { $parms['SkipHttpErrorCheck'] = $true } $jwt = "" Write-Verbose $body if (!($Issuer.EndsWith("/v1/token"))) { $Issuer = $Issuer + "/v1/token" } $prevPref = $progressPreference $progressPreference = "silentlyContinue" try { $result = Invoke-WebRequest $Issuer -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Headers $oktaHeader @parms if ($result.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Warning "Couldn't get JWT" Write-Warning $result } else { $parms = @{} if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { $parms['Depth'] = 5 } $jwt = (ConvertFrom-Json $result.Content @parms).access_token } $jwt } finally { $progressPreference = $prevPref } } |