Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Get-OktaRateLimit { param () return $script:rateLimit } function Invoke-OktaApi { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $RelativeUri, [ValidateSet('Get', 'Head', 'Post', 'Put', 'Delete', 'Trace', 'Options', 'Merge', 'Patch')] [string] $Method = "Get", [object] $Body, [switch] $Json, [string] $OktaApiToken, [string] $OktaBaseUri, [switch] $Next, [switch] $NotFoundOk ) if ($Body -isnot [String]) { $Body = ConvertTo-Json $Body -Depth 10 } $headers = @{ Authorization = "SSWS $(Get-OktaApiToken $OktaApiToken)" Accept = "application/json" } $baseUri = Get-OktaBaseUri $OktaBaseUri $objectPath = ($RelativeUri -split "\?")[0] if ($Next) { if ($script:nextUrls[$objectPath]) { $RelativeUri = $script:nextUrls[$objectPath] } else { Write-Warning "Nothing available for next '$objectPath'" return $null } } $parms = @{ Uri = "$baseUri/api/v1/$RelativeUri" ContentType = "application/json" Headers = $headers Method = $Method } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { $parms['SkipHttpErrorCheck'] = $true } Write-Verbose "$($parms.method) $($parms.Uri)" $result = $null $writeMethod = $Method -in "Post", "Put", "Patch", "Merge" if ($writeMethod -and $body) { Write-Verbose "Doing $method with body $body" $parms["Body"] = $body } if (!$writeMethod -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($RelativeUri,"Invoke API")) { $prevPref = $progressPreference $progressPreference = "silentlyContinue" try { $response = Invoke-WebRequest @parms } catch { $e = $_ # PS 5 throws on since don't have skipHttpErrorCheck if (!($e | Get-Member -Name Exception) -or !($e.Exception | Get-Member -Name Response)) { Write-Warning "Got unexpected exception" throw $_ } $response = $e.Exception.Response if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream() $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result) $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $reader.DiscardBufferedData() $Response | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Content -NotePropertyValue $reader.ReadToEnd() } } finally { $progressPreference = $prevPref } Test-OktaResult -Result $response -Json:$Json -Method $Method -ObjectPath $objectPath -NotFoundOk:$NotFoundOk } } function Test-OktaNext { param( [ValidateSet('groups','users','apps','authorizationServers')] [string] $ObjectName ) return [bool]$script:nextUrls[$ObjectName] } function Get-OktaNextUrl { return $script:nextUrls } |