#requires -module BuildHelpers if (-not (import-module BuildHelpers -PassThru -verbose:$false -erroraction silentlycontinue)) { install-module buildhelpers -scope currentuser -erroraction stop -force import-module BuildHelpers -erroraction stop -verbose:$false } Set-BuildEnvironment -force $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $BuildOutputProject = Join-Path $env:BHBuildOutput $env:BHProjectName $ModuleManifestPath = Join-Path $BuildOutputProject '\*.psd1' if (-not (Test-Path $ModuleManifestPath)) {throw "Module Manifest not found at $ModuleManifestPath. Did you run 'Invoke-Build Build' first?"} Describe 'Powershell Module' { Context "$env:BHProjectName" { $ModuleName = $env:BHProjectName It 'Has a valid Module Manifest' { if ($isCoreCLR -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [Version]"5.1") { $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest $ModuleManifestPath } else { #Copy the Module Manifest to a temp file in order to test to fix a bug where #Test-ModuleManifest caches the first result, thus not catching changes $TempModuleManifestPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() + '.psd1' copy-item $ModuleManifestPath $TempModuleManifestPath $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest $TempModuleManifestPath remove-item $TempModuleManifestPath -verbose:$false } } It 'Has a valid root module' { $Manifest.RootModule | Should Be "$ModuleName.psm1" } It 'Has a valid Description' { $Manifest.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Has a valid GUID' { [Guid]$Manifest.Guid | Should BeOfType 'System.GUID' } It 'Has a valid Copyright' { $Manifest.Copyright | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Exports all public functions' { $FunctionFiles = Get-ChildItem "$BuildOutputProject\Public" -Filter *.ps1 | Select -ExpandProperty BaseName $FunctionNames = $FunctionFiles | foreach {$_ -replace '-', "-$($Manifest.Prefix)"} $ExFunctions = $Manifest.ExportedFunctions.Values.Name foreach ($FunctionName in $FunctionNames) { $ExFunctions -contains $FunctionName | Should Be $true } } It 'Has at least 1 exported command' { $Script:Manifest.exportedcommands.count | Should BeGreaterThan 0 } It 'Can be imported as a module successfully' { Remove-Module $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module $BuildOutputProject -PassThru -verbose:$false -OutVariable BuildOutputModule | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo $BuildOutputModule.Name | Should Be $ModuleName } It 'Is visible in Get-Module' { $module = Get-Module $ModuleName $Module | Should BeOfType System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo $Module.Name | Should Be $ModuleName } } } Describe 'PSScriptAnalyzer' { $results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $BuildOutputProject -Recurse -ExcludeRule "PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases","PSAvoidGlobalVars" -Verbose:$false It 'PSScriptAnalyzer returns zero errors for all files in the repository' { $results $results.Count | Should Be 0 } } |