# # Okta Management # Allows customers to easily access the Okta Management APIs # Version: 3.0.0 # Contact: devex-public@okta.com # Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech # <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Brand .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER CreateBrandRequest No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS Brand #> function New-OktaBrand { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${CreateBrandRequest}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: New-OktaBrand' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands' if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CreateBrandRequest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $CreateBrandRequest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "Brand" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create an Email Customization .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Instance No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailCustomization #> function New-OktaEmailCustomization { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${Instance}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: New-OktaEmailCustomization' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling createEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling createEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Instance | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $Instance | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailCustomization" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete all Email Customizations .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteAllCustomizations { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteAllCustomizations' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteAllCustomizations." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling deleteAllCustomizations." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a brand .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteBrand { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteBrand' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteBrand." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete the Background Image .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/background-image' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeBackgroundImage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete the Favicon .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeFavicon { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeFavicon' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/favicon' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeFavicon." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeFavicon." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete the Logo .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeLogo { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteBrandThemeLogo' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/logo' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeLogo." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling deleteBrandThemeLogo." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete an Email Customization .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER CustomizationId The ID of the email customization. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaDeleteEmailCustomization { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${CustomizationId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaDeleteEmailCustomization' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling deleteEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling deleteEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if (!$CustomizationId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizationId` missing when calling deleteEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{customizationId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($CustomizationId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a Brand .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS Brand #> function Get-OktaBrand { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaBrand' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getBrand." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "Brand" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Domains associated with a Brand .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS DomainResponse[] #> function Get-OktaBrandDomains { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaBrandDomains' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/domains' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getBrandDomains." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "DomainResponse[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a Theme .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ThemeResponse #> function Get-OktaBrandTheme { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaBrandTheme' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getBrandTheme." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling getBrandTheme." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ThemeResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Preview an Email Customization .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER CustomizationId The ID of the email customization. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailPreview #> function Get-OktaCustomizationPreview { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${CustomizationId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaCustomizationPreview' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId}/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getCustomizationPreview." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getCustomizationPreview." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if (!$CustomizationId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizationId` missing when calling getCustomizationPreview." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{customizationId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($CustomizationId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailPreview" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve an Email Customization .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER CustomizationId The ID of the email customization. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailCustomization #> function Get-OktaEmailCustomization { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${CustomizationId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaEmailCustomization' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if (!$CustomizationId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizationId` missing when calling getEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{customizationId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($CustomizationId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailCustomization" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve an Email Template Default Content .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Language The language to use for the email. Defaults to the current user's language if unspecified. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailDefaultContent #> function Get-OktaEmailDefaultContent { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Language}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaEmailDefaultContent' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/default-content' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getEmailDefaultContent." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getEmailDefaultContent." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Language) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['language'] = $Language } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailDefaultContent" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Preview the Email Template Default Content .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Language The language to use for the email. Defaults to the current user's language if unspecified. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailPreview #> function Get-OktaEmailDefaultPreview { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Language}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaEmailDefaultPreview' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/default-content/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getEmailDefaultPreview." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getEmailDefaultPreview." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Language) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['language'] = $Language } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailPreview" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Email Template Settings .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailSettings #> function Get-OktaEmailSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaEmailSettings' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/settings' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getEmailSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getEmailSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailSettings" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve an Email Template .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Expand Specifies additional metadata to be included in the response. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailTemplate #> function Get-OktaEmailTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("settings", "customizationCount")] [String[]] ${Expand}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-OktaEmailTemplate' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling getEmailTemplate." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling getEmailTemplate." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Expand) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['expand'] = $Expand } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailTemplate" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Link a Brand to a Domain .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER CreateBrandDomainRequest No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS BrandDomain #> function Invoke-OktaLinkBrandDomain { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${CreateBrandDomainRequest}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaLinkBrandDomain' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/domains' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling linkBrandDomain." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CreateBrandDomainRequest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $CreateBrandDomainRequest | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "BrandDomain" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Sign-in Widget Versions .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS String[] #> function Invoke-OktaListAllSignInWidgetVersions { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaListAllSignInWidgetVersions' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/widget-versions' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling listAllSignInWidgetVersions." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "String[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Themes .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ThemeResponse[] #> function Invoke-OktaListBrandThemes { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaListBrandThemes' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling listBrandThemes." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ThemeResponse[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Brands .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS Brand[] #> function Invoke-OktaListBrands { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaListBrands' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands' if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "Brand[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Email Customizations .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER After The cursor to use for pagination. It is an opaque string that specifies your current location in the list and is obtained from the `Link` response header. See [Pagination](/#pagination) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit A limit on the number of objects to return. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailCustomization[] #> function Invoke-OktaListEmailCustomizations { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${After}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaListEmailCustomizations' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling listEmailCustomizations." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling listEmailCustomizations." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($After) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['after'] = $After } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailCustomization[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS List all Email Templates .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER After The cursor to use for pagination. It is an opaque string that specifies your current location in the list and is obtained from the `Link` response header. See [Pagination](/#pagination) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit A limit on the number of objects to return. .PARAMETER Expand Specifies additional metadata to be included in the response. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailTemplate[] #> function Invoke-OktaListEmailTemplates { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${After}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("settings", "customizationCount")] [String[]] ${Expand}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaListEmailTemplates' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling listEmailTemplates." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($After) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['after'] = $After } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Expand) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['expand'] = $Expand } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailTemplate[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Customized Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER CustomizablePage No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS CustomizablePage #> function Invoke-OktaReplaceCustomizedErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${CustomizablePage}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaReplaceCustomizedErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling replaceCustomizedErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$CustomizablePage) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizablePage` missing when calling replaceCustomizedErrorPage." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CustomizablePage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $CustomizablePage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "CustomizablePage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Customized Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER SignInPage No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS SignInPage #> function Invoke-OktaReplaceCustomizedSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${SignInPage}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaReplaceCustomizedSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling replaceCustomizedSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$SignInPage) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SignInPage` missing when calling replaceCustomizedSignInPage." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SignInPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $SignInPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SignInPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Preview Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER CustomizablePage No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS CustomizablePage #> function Invoke-OktaReplacePreviewErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${CustomizablePage}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaReplacePreviewErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling replacePreviewErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$CustomizablePage) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizablePage` missing when calling replacePreviewErrorPage." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $CustomizablePage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $CustomizablePage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "CustomizablePage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Preview Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER SignInPage No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS SignInPage #> function Invoke-OktaReplacePreviewSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${SignInPage}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaReplacePreviewSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling replacePreviewSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$SignInPage) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SignInPage` missing when calling replacePreviewSignInPage." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $SignInPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $SignInPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SignInPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Sign-out Page Settings .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER HostedPage No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS HostedPage #> function Invoke-OktaReplaceSignOutPageSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${HostedPage}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaReplaceSignOutPageSettings' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-out/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling replaceSignOutPageSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$HostedPage) { throw "Error! The required parameter `HostedPage` missing when calling replaceSignOutPageSettings." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $HostedPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $HostedPage | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "HostedPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset the Customized Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Reset-OktaCustomizedErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Reset-OktaCustomizedErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling resetCustomizedErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset the Customized Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Reset-OktaCustomizedSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Reset-OktaCustomizedSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling resetCustomizedSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset the Preview Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Reset-OktaPreviewErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Reset-OktaPreviewErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling resetPreviewErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset the Preview Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Reset-OktaPreviewSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Reset-OktaPreviewSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling resetPreviewSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Customized Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS CustomizablePage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveCustomizedErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveCustomizedErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveCustomizedErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "CustomizablePage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Customized Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS SignInPage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveCustomizedSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveCustomizedSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveCustomizedSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SignInPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Default Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS CustomizablePage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveDefaultErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveDefaultErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/default' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveDefaultErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "CustomizablePage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Default Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS SignInPage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveDefaultSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveDefaultSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/default' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveDefaultSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SignInPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Error Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Expand Specifies additional metadata to be included in the response. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS PageRoot #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("default", "customized", "customizedUrl", "preview", "previewUrl")] [String[]] ${Expand}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Expand) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['expand'] = $Expand } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "PageRoot" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Preview Error Page Preview .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS CustomizablePage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrievePreviewErrorPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrievePreviewErrorPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/error/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrievePreviewErrorPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "CustomizablePage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Preview Sign-in Page Preview .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS SignInPage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrievePreviewSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrievePreviewSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in/preview' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrievePreviewSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SignInPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Sign-in Page .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Expand Specifies additional metadata to be included in the response. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS PageRoot #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveSignInPage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("default", "customized", "customizedUrl", "preview", "previewUrl")] [String[]] ${Expand}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveSignInPage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-in' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveSignInPage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Expand) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['expand'] = $Expand } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "PageRoot" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the Sign-out Page Settings .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS HostedPage #> function Invoke-OktaRetrieveSignOutPageSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaRetrieveSignOutPageSettings' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/pages/sign-out/customized' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling retrieveSignOutPageSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "HostedPage" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Send a Test Email .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER Language The language to use for the email. Defaults to the current user's language if unspecified. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Send-OktaTestEmail { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Language}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Send-OktaTestEmail' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/test' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling sendTestEmail." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling sendTestEmail." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Language) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['language'] = $Language } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Unlink a Brand from a Domain .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER DomainId The ID of the domain. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Invoke-OktaUnlinkBrandDomain { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${DomainId}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaUnlinkBrandDomain' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/domains/{domainId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling unlinkBrandDomain." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$DomainId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `DomainId` missing when calling unlinkBrandDomain." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{domainId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($DomainId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'DELETE' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace a Brand .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER Brand No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS Brand #> function Update-OktaBrand { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${Brand}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-OktaBrand' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling updateBrand." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$Brand) { throw "Error! The required parameter `Brand` missing when calling updateBrand." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Brand | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $Brand | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "Brand" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace a Theme .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER Theme No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ThemeResponse #> function Update-OktaBrandTheme { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${Theme}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-OktaBrandTheme' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling updateBrandTheme." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling updateBrandTheme." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$Theme) { throw "Error! The required parameter `Theme` missing when calling updateBrandTheme." } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ThemeResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace an Email Customization .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER CustomizationId The ID of the email customization. .PARAMETER Instance Request .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS EmailCustomization #> function Update-OktaEmailCustomization { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${CustomizationId}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${Instance}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-OktaEmailCustomization' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/customizations/{customizationId}' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling updateEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling updateEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if (!$CustomizationId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `CustomizationId` missing when calling updateEmailCustomization." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{customizationId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($CustomizationId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Instance | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $Instance | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "EmailCustomization" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Replace the Email Template Settings .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER TemplateName The name of the email template. .PARAMETER EmailSettings No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS None #> function Update-OktaEmailSettings { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${TemplateName}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${EmailSettings}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-OktaEmailSettings' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/templates/email/{templateName}/settings' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling updateEmailSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$TemplateName) { throw "Error! The required parameter `TemplateName` missing when calling updateEmailSettings." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{templateName}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($TemplateName)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if ($IncludeNullValues.IsPresent) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $EmailSettings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } else{ $LocalVarBodyParameter = Remove-NullProperties -InputObject $EmailSettings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'PUT' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Upload the Background Image .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER File No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ImageUploadResponse #> function Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.IO.FileInfo] ${File}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('multipart/form-data') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/background-image' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$File) { throw "Error! The required parameter `File` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeBackgroundImage." } $LocalVarFormParameters['file'] = $File if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ImageUploadResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Upload the Favicon .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER File No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ImageUploadResponse #> function Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeFavicon { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.IO.FileInfo] ${File}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeFavicon' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('multipart/form-data') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/favicon' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeFavicon." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeFavicon." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$File) { throw "Error! The required parameter `File` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeFavicon." } $LocalVarFormParameters['file'] = $File if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ImageUploadResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Upload the Logo .DESCRIPTION No description available. .PARAMETER BrandId The ID of the brand. .PARAMETER ThemeId The ID of the theme. .PARAMETER File No description available. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the absolute Uri to be used when making the request. Recommended for paginated results. Optional. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .PARAMETER IncludeNullValues A switch when turned on will include any null values in the payload; Null values are removed by default. Optional. .OUTPUTS ImageUploadResponse #> function Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeLogo { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${BrandId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ThemeId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.IO.FileInfo] ${File}, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Uri}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo, [Switch] $IncludeNullValues ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-OktaUploadBrandThemeLogo' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null $Configuration = Get-OktaConfiguration # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('multipart/form-data') $LocalVarUri = '/api/v1/brands/{brandId}/themes/{themeId}/logo' if (!$BrandId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `BrandId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeLogo." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{brandId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($BrandId)) if (!$ThemeId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ThemeId` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeLogo." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{themeId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ThemeId)) if ($Uri) { $ParsedUri = Invoke-ParseAbsoluteUri -Uri $Uri $LocalVarUri = $ParsedUri["RelativeUri"] $LocalVarQueryParameters = $ParsedUri["QueryParameters"] } if (!$File) { throw "Error! The required parameter `File` missing when calling uploadBrandThemeLogo." } $LocalVarFormParameters['file'] = $File if ($Configuration["ApiKey"] -and $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['apiToken'] = $Configuration["ApiKey"]["apiToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using API key 'apiToken' in the header for authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } if ($Configuration["AccessToken"]) { $LocalVarHeaderParameters['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + $Configuration["AccessToken"] Write-Verbose ("Using Bearer authentication in {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-OktaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "ImageUploadResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { if ($null -ne $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { foreach($Link in $LocalVarResult.Headers.Link) { # Link looks like '<https://myorg.okta.com/api/v1/groups?after=00g9erhe4rJGXhdYs5d7&limit=1>;rel="next" if ($Link.Contains('rel="next"', 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase')) { $LinkValue = $Link.split(";")[0].ToString() $LocalVarResult.NextPageUri = $LinkValue -replace '[<>]','' } } } return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIoHQYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIoDjCCKAoCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCAJqOtQBcF/blLm # mzureM7SIgqQfwDEeNuqhHm90SrM8KCCISAwggWNMIIEdaADAgECAhAOmxiO+dAt # 5+/bUOIIQBhaMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMGUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQK # EwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xJDAiBgNV # BAMTG0RpZ2lDZXJ0IEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgUm9vdCBDQTAeFw0yMjA4MDEwMDAwMDBa # Fw0zMTExMDkyMzU5NTlaMGIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2Vy # dCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xITAfBgNVBAMTGERpZ2lD # ZXJ0IFRydXN0ZWQgUm9vdCBHNDCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoC # ggIBAL/mkHNo3rvkXUo8MCIwaTPswqclLskhPfKK2FnC4SmnPVirdprNrnsbhA3E # MB/zG6Q4FutWxpdtHauyefLKEdLkX9YFPFIPUh/GnhWlfr6fqVcWWVVyr2iTcMKy # unWZanMylNEQRBAu34LzB4TmdDttceItDBvuINXJIB1jKS3O7F5OyJP4IWGbNOsF # xl7sWxq868nPzaw0QF+xembud8hIqGZXV59UWI4MK7dPpzDZVu7Ke13jrclPXuU1 # 5zHL2pNe3I6PgNq2kZhAkHnDeMe2scS1ahg4AxCN2NQ3pC4FfYj1gj4QkXCrVYJB # MtfbBHMqbpEBfCFM1LyuGwN1XXhm2ToxRJozQL8I11pJpMLmqaBn3aQnvKFPObUR # WBf3JFxGj2T3wWmIdph2PVldQnaHiZdpekjw4KISG2aadMreSx7nDmOu5tTvkpI6 # nj3cAORFJYm2mkQZK37AlLTSYW3rM9nF30sEAMx9HJXDj/chsrIRt7t/8tWMcCxB # YKqxYxhElRp2Yn72gLD76GSmM9GJB+G9t+ZDpBi4pncB4Q+UDCEdslQpJYls5Q5S # UUd0viastkF13nqsX40/ybzTQRESW+UQUOsxxcpyFiIJ33xMdT9j7CFfxCBRa2+x # q4aLT8LWRV+dIPyhHsXAj6KxfgommfXkaS+YHS312amyHeUbAgMBAAGjggE6MIIB # NjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBTs1+OC0nFdZEzfLmc/57qYrhwP # TzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRF66Kv9JLLgjEtUYunpyGd823IDzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMC # AYYweQYIKwYBBQUHAQEEbTBrMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5kaWdp # Y2VydC5jb20wQwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGN2h0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNv # bS9EaWdpQ2VydEFzc3VyZWRJRFJvb3RDQS5jcnQwRQYDVR0fBD4wPDA6oDigNoY0 # aHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENB # LmNybDARBgNVHSAECjAIMAYGBFUdIAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggEBAHCgv0Nc # Vec4X6CjdBs9thbX979XB72arKGHLOyFXqkauyL4hxppVCLtpIh3bb0aFPQTSnov # Lbc47/T/gLn4offyct4kvFIDyE7QKt76LVbP+fT3rDB6mouyXtTP0UNEm0Mh65Zy # oUi0mcudT6cGAxN3J0TU53/oWajwvy8LpunyNDzs9wPHh6jSTEAZNUZqaVSwuKFW # juyk1T3osdz9HNj0d1pcVIxv76FQPfx2CWiEn2/K2yCNNWAcAgPLILCsWKAOQGPF # mCLBsln1VWvPJ6tsds5vIy30fnFqI2si/xK4VC0nftg62fC2h5b9W9FcrBjDTZ9z # twGpn1eqXijiuZQwggauMIIElqADAgECAhAHNje3JFR82Ees/ShmKl5bMA0GCSqG # SIb3DQEBCwUAMGIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMx # GTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xITAfBgNVBAMTGERpZ2lDZXJ0IFRy # dXN0ZWQgUm9vdCBHNDAeFw0yMjAzMjMwMDAwMDBaFw0zNzAzMjIyMzU5NTlaMGMx # CzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5EaWdpQ2VydCwgSW5jLjE7MDkGA1UEAxMy # RGlnaUNlcnQgVHJ1c3RlZCBHNCBSU0E0MDk2IFNIQTI1NiBUaW1lU3RhbXBpbmcg # Q0EwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQDGhjUGSbPBPXJJUVXH # 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