using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Management.Automation; using Okta.Core.Models; using Okta.Core.Clients; namespace Okta.Core.Automation { [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Remove, "OktaAppUser")] public class RemoveOktaAppUser : OktaCmdlet { [Parameter( Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Id of the Okta application the user is assigned to" )] public string AppId { get; set; } [Parameter( Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Id of the user assigned to the Okta application" )] public string UserId { get; set; } protected override void ProcessRecord() { var appsClient = Client.GetAppsClient(); var usersClient = Client.GetUsersClient(); AppUsersClient appUsersClient = null; App app = null; AppUser appUser = null; try { app = appsClient.Get(AppId); if (app == null) { WriteWarning(string.Format("The provided AppId parameter ({0}) seems to be invalid, please try with a different AppId value.", AppId)); } else { appUsersClient = appsClient.GetAppUsersClient(app); appUser = appUsersClient.Get(new AppUser { Id = UserId }); if (appUser != null) { appUsersClient.Remove(new User { Id = UserId }); } WriteObject(string.Format("Successfully removed user {0} from app {1}", appUser.Credentials.UserName, app.Label)); } } catch (OktaException oex) { ErrorRecord er = new ErrorRecord(oex, oex.ErrorId, ErrorCategory.InvalidData, appUsersClient); ErrorDetails errorDetails = null; if (app == null) { errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(string.Format("The '{1}' app doesn't seem to exist: {2}", UserId, AppId, oex.ErrorSummary)); } else { if (appUser == null) { errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(string.Format("The user '{0} is not assigned to this app. Error message: {1}", UserId, oex.ErrorSummary)); } else { errorDetails = new ErrorDetails(string.Format("An error occurred while removing the user '{0}' from the '{1}' app: {2}", UserId, app.Label, oex.ErrorSummary)); } } er.ErrorDetails = errorDetails; WriteError(er); } } } } |