@{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = '*' # VM settings Lability_ProcessorCount = 2 Lability_StartupMemory = 1GB Lability_Media = 'Windows Server 2012 Standard Evaluation (Server with a GUI)' # Additional hard disk drive Lability_HardDiskDrive = @( @{ Generation = 'VHDX'; MaximumSizeBytes = 127GB; } ) Lability_GuestIntegrationServices = $true # Encryption information (the script will translate the environment variable) CertificateFile = '$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Lability\Certificates\LabClient.cer' Thumbprint = '5940D7352AB397BFB2F37856AA062BB471B43E5E' PSDscAllowDomainUser = $true FullyQualifiedDomainName = '' DomainName = 'LAB' Role = @{ } } <# Configuration options NodeName # String Network # Array of Hashtable The script will add arrays ..\Lability_SwitchName and ..\Lability_MACAddress SwitchName, NetAdapterName, IPAddress/CIDR, DnsServerAddress, DefaultGatewayAddress Role # Hashtable DomainController # Empty Hashtable DomainMember # Empty Hashtable Router # Empty Hashtable Workstation # Empty Hashtable Cluster # Hashtable Name, StaticAddress/CIDR, IgnoreNetwork/CIDR (heartbeat adapter) SqlServer # Hashtable InstanceName, Features, SourcePath AvailabilityGroup # Hashtable Name, ListenerName, IPAddress/SubnetMask #> @{ NodeName = 'CHDC01' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'CHICAGO'; NetAdapterName = 'CHICAGO'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; } # Dns must point to itself so it can still resolve inner addresses @{ SwitchName = 'Default Switch'; NetAdapterName = 'WAN'; DnsServerAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainController = @{ } Router = @{ } } Lability_Resource = @( 'SQLServer2012', 'SQLServer2012SP4', 'SQLServer2012SP4GDR', 'SQLServer2012SP4GDRHotfix', 'SSMS1791', 'NetFx472' ) } @{ NodeName = 'CHWK01' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'CHICAGO'; NetAdapterName = 'CHICAGO'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Workstation = @{ } } } @{ NodeName = 'SEC1N1' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Cluster = @{ Name = 'C1'; StaticAddress = ''; IgnoreNetwork = ""; } SqlServer = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'; Features = 'SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,SSMS,ADV_SSMS'; SourcePath = '\\CHDC01\Resources\SQLServer2012'; } AvailabilityGroup = @{ Name = 'AG1'; ListenerName = 'AG1L'; IPAddress = ''; AvailabilityMode = 'SynchronousCommit'; FailoverMode = 'Automatic'; } } } @{ NodeName = 'SEC1N2' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Cluster = @{ Name = 'C1'; StaticAddress = ''; IgnoreNetwork = ""; } SqlServer = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'; Features = 'SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,SSMS,ADV_SSMS'; SourcePath = '\\CHDC01\Resources\SQLServer2012'; } AvailabilityGroup = @{ Name = 'AG1'; ListenerName = 'AG1L'; IPAddress = ''; AvailabilityMode = 'AsynchronousCommit'; FailoverMode = 'Manual'; } } } @{ NodeName = 'SEC1N3' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'SEATTLE_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Cluster = @{ Name = 'C1'; StaticAddress = ''; IgnoreNetwork = ""; } SqlServer = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'; Features = 'SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,SSMS,ADV_SSMS'; SourcePath = '\\CHDC01\Resources\SQLServer2012'; } AvailabilityGroup = @{ Name = 'AG1'; ListenerName = 'AG1L'; IPAddress = ''; AvailabilityMode = 'AsynchronousCommit'; FailoverMode = 'Manual'; } } } @{ NodeName = 'DAC1N1' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Cluster = @{ Name = 'C1'; StaticAddress = ''; IgnoreNetwork = ""; } SqlServer = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'; Features = 'SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,SSMS,ADV_SSMS'; SourcePath = '\\CHDC01\Resources\SQLServer2012'; } AvailabilityGroup = @{ Name = 'AG1'; ListenerName = 'AG1L'; IPAddress = ''; AvailabilityMode = 'SynchronousCommit'; FailoverMode = 'Automatic'; } } } @{ NodeName = 'DAC1N2' Network = @( @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS'; IPAddress = ''; DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } @{ SwitchName = 'DALLAS_HB'; NetAdapterName = 'DALLAS_HB'; IPAddress = ''; } # DnsServerAddress = ''; DefaultGatewayAddress = ''; } ) Role = @{ DomainMember = @{ } Cluster = @{ Name = 'C1'; StaticAddress = ''; IgnoreNetwork = ""; } SqlServer = @{ InstanceName = 'MSSQLSERVER'; Features = 'SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,SSMS,ADV_SSMS'; SourcePath = '\\CHDC01\Resources\SQLServer2012'; } AvailabilityGroup = @{ Name = 'AG1'; ListenerName = 'AG1L'; IPAddress = ''; AvailabilityMode = 'AsynchronousCommit'; FailoverMode = 'Manual'; } } } ) NonNodeData = @{ Lability = @{ # These resources are copied to the VM. If any are missing (except PSDesiredStateConfiguration) the first boot # will hang because DSC doesn't complete. Stopping and starting the VM will allow you to login to see the logs. DSCResource = @( @{ Name = 'ComputerManagementDsc'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'NetworkingDsc'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xActiveDirectory'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xDnsServer'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xRemoteDesktopAdmin'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xSmbShare'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xSystemSecurity'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xWindowsUpdate'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xFailOverCluster'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'xPSDesiredStateConfiguration'; RequiredVersion = ''; } @{ Name = 'SqlServerDsc'; RequiredVersion = ''; } # @{ Name = 'SqlServerDsc'; RequiredVersion = ''; Provider = 'GitHub'; Owner = "codykonior"; Branch = "readonlyrouting"; } ) # These non-DSC modules are copied over to the VMs for general purpose use. Module = @( @{ Name = 'Pester'; } @{ Name = 'PoshRSJob'; } @{ Name = 'SqlServer'; } @{ Name = 'Cim'; } @{ Name = 'DbData'; } @{ Name = 'DbSmo'; } @{ Name = 'Disposable'; } @{ Name = 'Error'; } @{ Name = 'HackSql'; } @{ Name = 'Jojoba'; } @{ Name = 'ParseSql'; } @{ Name = 'Performance'; } ) Network = @( # You'll get this error if you change a switch type: # WARNING: [1:51:28 AM] DSC resource 'Set-VMTargetResource' failed with errror 'Sequence contains more than one element'. @{ Name = 'CHICAGO'; Type = 'Internal'; } @{ Name = 'SEATTLE'; Type = 'Internal'; } @{ Name = 'SEATTLE_HB'; Type = 'Private'; } @{ Name = 'DALLAS'; Type = 'Internal'; } @{ Name = 'DALLAS_HB'; Type = 'Private'; } ) Media = @( @{ # Id = 'Windows Server 2012 Standard Evaluation (Server with a GUI)' Filename = '9200.16384.WIN8_RTM.120725-1247_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-HRM_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV5.ISO' Architecture = 'x64' Uri = '' Checksum = '8503997171F731D9BD1CB0B0EDC31F3D' Description = 'Windows Server 2012 Standard Evaluation (Server with a GUI)' MediaType = 'ISO' ImageName = 2 # This shows differently as 'Windows Server 2012 Standard Evaluation (Server with a GUI)' or on LTSB as 'Windows Server 2012 SERVERSTANDARD' OperatingSystem = 'Windows' Hotfixes = @( @{ # WMF 5.1 for Windows Server 2012 Id = 'W2K12-KB3191565-x64.msu' # Filename and Checksum are ignored # Filename = 'W2K12-KB3191565-x64.msu' # Checksum = 'E978C87841BAED49FB68206DF5E1DF9C' Uri = '' } @{ # Failover Cluster Manager hotfix (without this, it will have errors when you update to certain .NET versions) Id = 'Windows8-RT-KB2803748-x64.msu' Uri = '' } ) CustomData = @{ # The first line is part of any bootstrap, but the second line also schedules it to run on start. # Sometimes when Windows starts (during the build) it takes forever to resume configuration DSC. # This gives it a little kick in the pants (though I guess could also break something if it was # being configured in DSC at exactly the wrong time). CustomBootStrap = @( 'Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PowerShell\\1\\ShellIds\\Microsoft.PowerShell -Name ExecutionPolicy -Value RemoteSigned -Force; #306', 'schtasks /create /tn "BootStrap" /tr "cmd.exe /c Powershell.exe -Command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\BootStrap\BootStrap.ps1 >> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\BootStrap\BootStrap.log" /sc "ONSTART" /ru "System" /f', 'if (Test-DscConfiguration) { schtasks /delete /tn "BootStrap" /f }' ) WindowsOptionalFeature = @( 'NetFx3', 'TelnetClient' ) } } ) Resource = @( @{ Id = 'SQLServer2012' Filename = 'SQLFULL_ENU.ISO' Uri = '' Checksum = 'C44C1869A7657001250EF8FAD4F636D3' Expand = $true } @{ Id = 'SQLServer2012SP4' Filename = 'SQLServer2012SP4-KB4018073-x64-ENU.exe' Uri = '' Checksum = '5EFF56819F854866CCBAE26F0D091B63' } @{ Id = 'SQLServer2012SP4GDR' Filename = 'SQLServer2012-KB4057116-x64.exe' Uri = '' Checksum = 'FBD078835E0BDF5815271F848FD8CF58' } @{ Id = 'SQLServer2012SP4GDRHotfix' Filename = 'SQLServer2012-KB4091266-x64.exe' Uri = '' Checksum = '54AF3D25BA0254440340E86320441A94' } @{ Id = 'SSMS1791' Filename = 'SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe' Uri = '' Checksum = '826BB5D7B783DCB9FB4194F326106850' } @{ Id = 'NetFx472' Filename = 'NDP472-KB4054530-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe' Uri = '' Checksum = '87450CFA175585B23A76BBD7052EE66B' } ) } } } |