@{ RootModule = 'OfficeProvider.psm1' ModuleVersion = '' GUID = '5ee17516-8006-47e3-bfd9-5d3e4306efc0' Author = 'Valorem' CompanyName = 'Valorem' Description = 'OfficeProvider allows users to install Microsoft Office365 ProPlus from Powershell.' PowerShellVersion = '3.0' FunctionsToExport = @() PrivateData = @{"PackageManagementProviders" = 'OfficeProvider.psm1' PSData =@{ Tags = @("PackageManagement","Provider") ReleaseNotes = 'This is a packagemanagement provider that allows users to install Office365 ProPlus. The provider allows the users to select the bitness, lanaguage packs, and distribution channel of their installation.' } # End of PSData } } |