
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
        CheckingFileStatus = Checking file status of setup.exe
        VolumeIsFixedDrive = Volume is a fixed drive: Perform Blocked File test
        VolumeIsCDDrive = Volume is a CD-ROM drive: Skipping Blocked File test
        VolumeNotFound = Volume not found. Unable to determine the type. Continuing.
        CheckingStatus = Checking status now
        ErrorReadingFileStream = Encountered error while reading file stream. Ignoring file stream.
        FileNotBlocked = File not blocked, continuing.
        CheckIfUNC = Checking if BinaryDir is a UNC path
        PathIsUNC = Specified BinaryDir is UNC path. Adding path to Local Intranet Zone
        InstallingLanguagePack = Beginning installation of the Office Online Server Language Pack
        RemoveUNCPath = Removing added path from the Local Intranet Zone
        InstallationSucceeded = Office Online Server Language Pack binary installation complete
        RebootRequired = Office Online Server Language Pack binary installation complete. Reboot required.