OfficeOnlineServerInstall .DESCRIPTION The OfficeOnlineServerInstall DSC resource is used to manage the installation of the main binaries used for either Office Web Apps 2013 or Office Online Server 2016. It detects either products installation through a registry key, and will install the binaries if they are not present. Currently the only supported scenario is installation of the binaries, this resource doesn't allow them to be uninstalled. NOTE: When files are downloaded from the Internet, a Zone.Identifier alternate data stream is added to indicate that the file is potentially from an unsafe source. To use these files, make sure you first unblock them using Unblock-File. SPOfficeOnlineServerInstall will throw an error when it detects the file is blocked. .PARAMETER Ensure Key - String Allowed values: Present, Absent Set to 'present' to specificy that the product should be installed. .PARAMETER Path Required - String Path to setup.exe .EXAMPLE 1 This example shows how to install the binaries for office online server to the local server. Configuration Example { Param() Import-DscResource -ModuleName OfficeOnlineServerDsc OfficeOnlineServerInstall InstallBinaries { Ensure = "Present" Path = "C:\Installer\setup.exe" } } |