
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Colin Cogle. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <>.

#Requires -Version 5.1
#for automatic variables to detect the OS.

# Set strict mode.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

Function Test-Office365DNSRecords
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'DANERequired', Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Use21Vianet',  Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='We are testing multiple DNS records.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Switch] $Use21Vianet,

        [Switch] $DANERequired

        $result = $true

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking Office 365 DNS records for $_."
            $result = Test-EntraIDRecords -DomainName $_ -Use21Vianet:$Use21Vianet | Out-Null
            $result = Test-ExchangeOnlineRecords -DomainName $_ -DANERequired:$DANERequired | Out-Null
            $result = Test-TeamsRecords -DomainName $_ | Out-Null

    End {
        Return $result

#region Helper cmdlets
Function Resolve-DNSNameCrossPlatform
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]
        [ValidateSet('CNAME', 'MX', 'SRV', 'TXT')]
        [String] $Type

    Write-Verbose "Performing a DNS lookup for $Name ($Type)."

    # Check and see if the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet is available.
    # On Windows (Desktop and Core), it is available, and we can use it.
    If (Get-Command 'DnsClient\Resolve-DnsName' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        $dnsLookup = DnsClient\Resolve-DnsName -Name $Name -Type $Type -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        If (-Not $dnsLookup)
            Write-Debug 'DNS record not found.'
            Return $null

        Switch ($Type)
            'CNAME' {
                # For whatever reason, CNAME lookups are returned as a [DnsRecord_PTR] type. Go figure.
                Return $dnsLookup | Where-Object {$_ -Is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_PTR]}

            'MX' {
                Return $dnsLookup | Where-Object {$_ -Is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_MX]}

            'SRV' {
                Return $dnsLookup | Where-Object {$_ -Is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_SRV]}

            'TXT' {
                Return $dnsLookup | Where-Object {$_ -Is [Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.DnsRecord_TXT]}
    # If Resolve-DnsName is not available, we need to use the system's copy of dig,
    # and try to emulate the style of output that Resolve-DnsName creates.
        # Remove empty results.
        $dnsLookup = $(/usr/bin/dig -t $Type +short $Name) | Where-Object {$_ -ne ""}
        If (-Not $dnsLookup)
            Write-Debug 'DNS record not found.'

        # To mimic Resolve-DnsName, return results as custom objects with the same properties.
        # For brevity, I'm only implementing the types and members that this module will use.
        Switch ($Type)
            'CNAME' {
                $CNAMEs = @()
                $dnsLookup | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Debug "$Name is a CNAME for $_"
                    $CNAMEs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        # dig always returns fully-qualified hostnames.
                        # Strip that trailing dot to return results like Resolve-DnsName does.
                        'NameHost' = $_ -Replace [RegEx]"\.$"
                Return $CNAMEs

            'MX' {
                $MXs = @()
                $dnsLookup | ForEach-Object {
                    $split = -Split $_
                    Write-Debug "$Name has the MX record $($split[1]) ($($split[0]))."
                    $MXs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        # dig always returns fully-qualified hostnames.
                        # Strip that trailing dot to return results like Resolve-DnsName does.
                        'NameExchange' = $split[1] -Replace [RegEx]"\.$"
                        'Priority'     = $split[0] -As [Int]
                Return $MXs | Sort-Object Priority

            'SRV' {
                $SRVs = @()
                $dnsLookup | ForEach-Object {
                    $splits = -Split $_

                    # dig always returns fully-qualified hostnames.
                    # Strip that trailing dot to return results like Resolve-DnsName does.
                    $NameTarget = $splits[3] -Replace [RegEx]"\.$"
                    $Priority   = $splits[0] -As [Int]
                    $Weight     = $splits[1] -As [Int]
                    $Port       = $splits[2] -As [Int]
                    Write-Debug "$Name has a SRV record for ${NameTarget}:$Port (priority=$Priority, weight=$Weight)."

                    $SRVs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Priority'   = $Priority
                        'Weight'     = $Weight
                        'Port'       = $Port
                        'NameTarget' = $NameTarget
                Return $SRVs | Sort-Object Priority, Weight

            'TXT' {
                $TXTs = @()
                $dnsLookup | ForEach-Object {
                    Write-Debug "$Name has the TXT record: $_"
                    $TXTs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        # dig wraps TXT records in quotes.
                        # We need to remove those to emulate Resolve-DnsName.
                        'Strings' = ($_ -Replace "^`"" -Replace "`"$")
                Return $TXTs

Function Write-Success
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification='I need a PS 5.1-compatible way to show colored output.')]
        [String] $Message,

        [String] $Product

    If ($Product)
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object "SUCCESS: ${Product}: $Message"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object "SUCCESS: $Message"
#endregion Helper cmdlets

#region Entra cmdlets
Function Test-EntraIDRecords
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Use21Vianet', Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='We are testing multiple DNS records.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Switch] $Use21Vianet

    Begin {
        $result = $true

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            $result = $result -and (Test-EntraIDClientConfigurationRecord -DomainName $_ -Use21Vianet:$Use21Vianet)
            $result = $result -and (Test-EntraIDEnterpriseEnrollmentRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-EntraIDEnterpriseRegistrationRecord -DomainName $_)

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-EntraIDClientConfigurationRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Switch] $Use21Vianet

        $result = $true

        $shouldBe = ''
        If ($Use21Vianet) {
            $shouldBe = ''

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking client configuration record for $_"

            $record = "msoid.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name $record

            # As of 2023, the msoid record is no longer required for Office 365
            # services outside of China. Thus, our code will no longer complain
            # if this DNS record is missing.
            If (-Not $dnsLookup -and -Not $Use21Vianet)
                Write-Success -Product 'Entra ID' 'The client configuration CNAME record is not present.'

            # However, if it exists and is not set to the default value of
            #, we will still complain.
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The client configuration DNS record exists, but is not correct.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record was found, but points to the wrong target."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'MsoidCnameIncorrect'
                    RecommendedAction = "Change the CNAME record $record to point to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
                If ($Use21Vianet) {
                    Write-Success -Product 'Entra ID' 'The client configuration CNAME record is present and correct for 21Vianet.'
                Else {
                    Write-Success -Product 'Entra ID' 'The client configuration CNAME record is present, but correct.'

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-EntraIDEnterpriseEnrollmentRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result   = $true
        $shouldBe = ''

    Process {
        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking Entra ID enterprise enrollment record for $_"
            $record = "enterpriseenrollment.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name $record

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The enterprise enrollment DNS record is missing.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The DNS record $record was not found."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'EnterpriseEnrollmentCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for $record, pointing to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "The enterprise enrollment DNS record exists, but is not correct."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The DNS record $record was found, but not correct."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'EnterpriseEnrollmentCnameIncorrect'
                    RecommendedAction = "Change the CNAME record $record to point to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Entra ID' 'The enterprise enrollment DNS record is correct.'

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-EntraIDEnterpriseRegistrationRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result   = $true
        $shouldBe = ''

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking Entra ID enterprise registration record for $_"

            $record = "enterpriseregistration.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name $record

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The enterprise registration DNS record is missing.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record does not exist."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'EnterpriseRegistrationCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for $record, pointing to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "The enterprise registration DNS record exists, but is not correct."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record exists, but does not point to the correct target."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'EnterpriseRegistrationCnameIncorrect'
                    RecommendedAction = "Change the CNAME record $record to point to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Entra ID' 'The enterprise registration DNS record is correct.'

    End {
        Return $result
#endregion Entra ID cmdlets

#region Exchange Online cmdlets
Function Test-ExchangeOnlineRecords
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'DANERequired', Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='We are testing multiple DNS records.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Switch] $DANERequired

    Begin {
        $result = $true

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineMxRecord -DomainName $_ -DANERequired:$DANERequired)
            $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineAutodiscoverRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineSpfRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineSenderIdRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineDkimRecords -DomainName $_)

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-ExchangeOnlineAutodiscoverRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String] $DomainName

        $result    = $true
        $shouldBe  = ''

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking Exchange Autodiscover records for $_"

            $record    = "autodiscover.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DNSNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name $record
            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "The Autodiscover DNS CNAME record is missing."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record does not exist."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'AutodiscoverCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for $record, pointing to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "The Autodiscover DNS CNAME record exists, but is not correct."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record was found, but points to the wrong target."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'AutodiscoverCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Change the CNAME record $record to point to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' 'The Autodiscover DNS CNAME record is correct.'

            $record = "_autodiscover._tcp.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type SRV -Name $record
            If ($dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "One or more Autodiscover DNS SRV records exist."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ResourceExists
                    CategoryReason = "The SRV record $record was found, but should not exist. They are not compatible with Exchange Online."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                    ErrorID = 'AutodiscoverSrvExists'
                    RecommendedAction = "Delete all SRV records for $record."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' -Message 'An Autodiscover DNS SRV record does not exist.'

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-ExchangeOnlineDkimRecords
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Selectors', Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='We are testing multiple DNS records.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Int[]] $Selectors = @(1,2)

    Begin {
        $result = $true

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking Exchange Online DKIM records for $_"
            $domain = $_
            ForEach ($i in $Selectors)
                $record         = "selector$i._domainkey.$domain"
                $dnsCnameLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name $record
                $shouldBeLike   = "selector$i-*._domainkey.*"
                If (-Not $dnsCnameLookup)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The DKIM CNAME record for selector$i is missing."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS record $record was not found."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                        ErrorID = "DkimSelector${i}CnameMissing"
                        RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for $record. Look in the Exchange Admin Center to find the target."
                        TargetObject = $dnsCnameLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                ElseIf ($dnsCnameLookup.NameHost -NotLike $shouldBeLike)
                    Write-Output $dnsCnameLookup
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The DKIM CNAME record for selector$i exists, but is incorrect."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS record $record was found, but incorrect."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                        ErrorID = "DkimSelector${i}CnameIncorrect"
                        RecommendedAction = "Change the CNAME record $record to point to the correct name, usually `"`". Look in the Exchange Admin Center to find the exact target."
                        TargetObject = $dnsCnameLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                    $dnsTxtLookup  = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type TXT -Name $record
                    $dnsTxtRecords = $null

                    # Wrapping this in a null check to avoid strict mode warnings.
                    If ($null -ne $dnsTxtLookup)
                        $dnsTxtRecords = $dnsTxtLookup | Where-Object {$_.Strings -NotMatch $shouldBeLike}

                    If (-Not $dnsTxtLookup)
                        $errorReport = @{
                            Message = "The DKIM CNAME record exists, but the TXT record for selector$i is missing."
                            Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                            CategoryReason = "The DNS TXT record $record was not found."
                            CategoryTargetName = $record
                            CategoryTargetType = 'TXT'
                            ErrorID = "DkimSelector${i}TxtMissing"
                            RecommendedAction = 'Use the Exchange Admin Center or New-DkimSigningConfig to generate a new key pair.'
                            TargetObject = $dnsTxtLookup
                        Write-Error @errorReport
                        Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                        $result = $false

                    If (($dnsTxtRecords | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1)
                        If ($dnsTxtRecords[0] -Match $DomainName)
                            $dnsTxtRecords[0].Strings = $dnsTxtRecords[1].Strings
                            $errorReport = @{
                                Message = "Multiple DKIM TXT records for selector$i were found."
                                Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                                CategoryReason = "The DNS TXT record that $record points to was found, but returned multiple records."
                                CategoryTargetName = $record
                                CategoryTargetType = 'TXT'
                                ErrorID = "DkimSelector${i}TxtTooManyResults"
                                RecommendedAction = 'Try regenerating the DKIM key.'
                                TargetObject = $dnsTxtLookup
                            Write-Error @errorReport
                            Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                            $result = $false

                    # Sometimes, the TXT record will wrap into two records, depending on the DNS server.
                    # Check them both, just to be sure.
                    If ($dnsTxtRecords[0].Strings -NotLike 'v=DKIM1;*' -and $dnsTxtRecords[0].Strings[0] -NotLike 'v=DKIM1;*')
                        $errorReport = @{
                            Message = "The DKIM TXT record for selector$i is not a valid key."
                            Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                            CategoryReason = "The DNS TXT record that $record points to was found, but is not a valid DKIM key."
                            CategoryTargetName = $record
                            CategoryTargetType = 'TXT'
                            ErrorID = "DkimSelector${i}TxtIncorrect"
                            RecommendedAction = 'Regenerate the DKIM key.'
                            TargetObject = $dnsTxtLookup
                        Write-Error @errorReport
                        Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                        $result = $false

                    Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' "The DKIM key selector$i appears to be correct."

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-ExchangeOnlineMxRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'DANERequired', Justification='This parameter is used in the Process block.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [Switch] $DANERequired

    Begin {
        # Note that there are valid reasons why we might not be using
        # Microsoft's MX record. Warnings will not set $result to $false.
        $result = $true

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking MX records for $_"
            $dnsLookup = $null   # this is to not upset StrictMode.
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type 'MX' $_

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "No MX records were found for the domain $_."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The MX record for $_ was not found."
                    CategoryTargetName = $_
                    CategoryTargetType = 'MX'
                    ErrorID = 'MxRecordMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Add an MX record for $_. The mail exchanger should be the value you see in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center (usually `"`")."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf (($dnsLookup | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) -eq 1)
                Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' "Exactly one MX record was found for the domain $_."
                Write-Warning "More than one MX record was found for the domain $_."
                $dnsLookup | ForEach-Object {Write-Debug $_}

            If ($null -ne $dnsLookup)
                If ($dnsLookup[0].NameExchange -Like '*')
                    $msg = "The first MX record for the domain $_ appears correct, but DANE/DNSSEC are NOT supported."

                    If ($DANERequired) {
                        Write-Warning -Product 'Exchange Online' $msg
                    Else {
                        Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' $msg
                ElseIf ($dnsLookup[0].NameExchange -Like '*')
                    Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' "The first MX record for the domain $_ appears correct, and DANE/DNSSEC are supported."
                    Write-Warning "The first MX record for the doamin $_ does not appear to be correct. If you are using a third-party spam filter, this is normal."

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-ExchangeOnlineSenderIdRecord
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

    Begin {
        $result = $true

    Process {
        $result = $result -and (Test-ExchangeOnlineSpfRecord -DomainName $DomainName -SpfOrSenderID 'Sender ID')

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-ExchangeOnlineSpfRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName,

        [ValidateSet('SPF', 'Sender ID')]
        [String] $SpfOrSenderID = 'SPF'

        $result = $true

        If ($SpfOrSenderID -eq 'SPF')
            $ErrorCode = 'SPF'
            $ErrorCode = 'SenderId'

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Performing $SpfOrSenderId checks for $_."

            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type TXT -Name $_ | Where-Object {
                # As per the RFC's, all SPF/Sender ID tokens are case-insensitive.
                ($_.Strings -Like 'v=spf1 *' -and $SpfOrSenderId -Eq 'SPF') -or `
                ($_.Strings -Like 'spf2.0/*' -and $SpfOrSenderId -Eq 'Sender ID')

            If (-Not $dnsLookup) {
                # Sender ID records are pretty much non-existent.
                # If we don't find one, don't bother showing an error.
                If ($SpfOrSenderID -eq 'Sender ID')
                    Write-Verbose 'No Sender ID record was found. This is fine.'
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = 'No SPF TXT record was found.'
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                        CategoryReason = "No SPF TXT record could be found for the domain $_."
                        CategoryTargetName = $_
                        CategoryTargetType = 'TXT'
                        ErrorID = 'SpfRecordMissing'
                        RecommendedAction = "Create an SPF TXT record for $_."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
            ElseIf (($dnsLookup | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 1)
                Write-Warning "More than one $SpfOrSenderID record was found. Anti-spam filters' behavior may not be as expected."
                Write-Verbose "Only the first $SpfOrSenderID record will be evaluated."
                Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' "Exactly one $SpfOrSenderID record was found."

                $tokens = -Split ($dnsLookup[0].Strings)
                $correctToken  = ''

                If ($correctToken -In $tokens -or "+$correctToken" -In $tokens)
                    Write-Success -Product 'Exchange Online' "The correct $SpfOrSenderID passing token was found"
                ElseIf ("-$correctToken" -In $Tokens)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The $SpfOrSenderID token was found, but marked as a hard failure."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The token -$correctToken was found in the $SpfOrSenderID record, which fails all mail from Exchange Online."
                        CategoryTargetName = "-$correctToken"
                        CategoryTargetType = "${ErrorCode}Token"
                        ErrorID = "${ErrorCode}RecordExchangeOnlineSetToHardFail"
                        RecommendedAction = "In the $SpfOrSenderID record, remove the leading '-' before $correctToken."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                ElseIf ("~$correctToken" -In $tokens)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The $SpfOrSenderID token was found, but marked as a soft failure."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The token ~$correctToken was found in the $SpfOrSenderID record, which may fail all mail from Exchange Online."
                        CategoryTargetName = "~$correctToken"
                        CategoryTargetType = "${ErrorCode}Token"
                        ErrorID = "${ErrorCode}RecordExchangeOnlineSetToSoftFail"
                        RecommendedAction = "In the $SpfOrSenderID record, remove the leading '~' before $correctToken."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                ElseIf ("-$correctToken" -In $tokens)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The $SpfOrSenderID token was found, but marked as neutral."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The token ?$correctToken was found in the $SpfOrSenderID record, which makes no assertion about mail from Exchange Online."
                        CategoryTargetName = "?$correctToken"
                        CategoryTargetType = "${ErrorCode}Token"
                        ErrorID = "${ErrorCode}RecordExchangeOnlineSetToNeutral"
                        RecommendedAction = "In the $SpfOrSenderID record, remove the leading '?' before $correctToken."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = "The $SpfOrSenderID record was found, but is missing the token for Exchange Online."
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                        CategoryReason = "The token $correctToken was not found in the SPF record."
                        CategoryTargetName = $_
                        CategoryTargetType = 'TXT'
                        ErrorID = "${ErrorCode}RecordExchangeOnlineMissing"
                        RecommendedAction = "Add the token $correctToken to the $SpfOrSenderID record."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false

    End {
        Return $result
#endregion Exchange Online cmdlets

#region Teams/Skype for Business Online cmdlets
Function Test-TeamsRecords
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification='We are testing multiple DNS records.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

    Begin {
        $result = $true

    Process {
        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            $result = $result -and (Test-TeamsAutodiscoverRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-TeamsSipCnameRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-TeamsSipSrvRecord -DomainName $_)
            $result = $result -and (Test-TeamsSipFederationSrvRecord -DomainName $_)

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-TeamsAutodiscoverRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result   = $true
        $shouldBe = ''

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Verifying the Teams/Skype autodiscover record for $_"

            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type CNAME -Name "lyncdiscover.$_" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The Skype/Teams Autodiscover DNS record is missing.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record lyncdiscover.$_ does not exist."
                    CategoryTargetName = "lyncdiscover.$_"
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'LyncDiscoverCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for lyncdiscover.$_, pointing to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                Write-Warning -Message 'The Skype/Teams autodiscover DNS record exists, but is not correct. This may be intentional, if you have a Skype for Business Server deployment.'
                Write-Success -Product 'Teams/Skype' 'The autodiscover DNS record is correct.'

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-TeamsSipCnameRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result   = $true
        $shouldBe = ''

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking the SIP CNAME record for $_"

            $record = "sip.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type 'CNAME' -Name $record

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = "The SIP DNS CNAME record is missing for $_."
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "The CNAME record $record does not exist."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'CNAME'
                    ErrorID = 'SipCnameMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a CNAME record for $record, pointing to $shouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup.NameHost -ne $shouldBe)
                Write-Warning -Message "The SIP CNAME record exists for $_, but is not correct. This may be intentional, if you have a Skype for Business Server deployment."
                Write-Success -Product 'Teams/Skype' "The SIP CNAME record is correct for $_."

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-TeamsSipFederationSrvRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result         = $true
        $targetShouldBe = ''
        $portShouldBe   = 5061

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            $record = "_sipfederationtls._tcp.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type 'SRV' -Name $record

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The SIP federation SRV record is missing.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "A SRV record for $record was not found."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                    ErrorID = 'SipFederationSrvMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a SRV record for $record (port $portShouldBe) pointing to $targetShouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf (($dnsLookup | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 1)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'Multiple SIP federation SRV records exist.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The SRV record $record returned multiple records."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                    ErrorID = 'SipFederationSrvTooManyResults'
                    RecommendedAction = "Delete any extra SRV records for $record."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup[0].NameTarget -ne $targetShouldBe -or $dnsLookup[0].Port -ne $portShouldBe)
                If ($dnsLookup[0].NameTarget -ne $targetShouldBe)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = 'The SIP federation SRV record was found, but has the incorrect target.'
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS SRV record $record was found, but has the incorrect target."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                        ErrorID = 'SipFederationSrvIncorrectTarget'
                        RecommendedAction = "Change the SRV record for $record to point to $targetShouldBe."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false

                If ($dnsLookup[0].Port -ne $portShouldBe)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = 'the SIP federation SRV record was found, but has the incorrect port.'
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS SRV record $record was found, but has the incorrect port."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                        ErrorID = 'sipFederationSrvIncorrectPort'
                        RecommendedAction = "Change the SRV record for $record to point to port $portShouldBe."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Teams/Skype' 'The SIP federation SRV record is correct.'

    End {
        Return $result

Function Test-TeamsSipSrvRecord
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'result', Justification='$result is assigned and used across the Begin/Process/End blocks.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [String[]] $DomainName

        $result         = $true
        $targetShouldBe = ''
        $portShouldBe   = 443

        $DomainName | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "Checking the SIP/TLS service record for $_"

            $record = "_sip._tls.$_"
            $dnsLookup = Resolve-DnsNameCrossPlatform -Type 'SRV' -Name $record

            If (-Not $dnsLookup)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'The SIP/TLS SRV record is missing.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
                    CategoryReason = "A SRV record for $record was not found."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                    ErrorID = 'SipSrvMissing'
                    RecommendedAction = "Create a SRV record for $record (port $portShouldBe) pointing to $targetShouldBe."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf (($dnsLookup | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) -gt 1)
                $errorReport = @{
                    Message = 'Multiple SIP/TLS SRV records exist.'
                    Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                    CategoryReason = "The SRV record $record returned multiple records."
                    CategoryTargetName = $record
                    CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                    ErrorID = 'SipSrvTooManyResults'
                    RecommendedAction = "Delete any extra SRV records for $record."
                    TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                Write-Error @errorReport
                Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                $result = $false
            ElseIf ($dnsLookup[0].NameTarget -ne $targetShouldBe -or $dnsLookup[0].Port -ne $portShouldBe)
                If ($dnsLookup[0].NameTarget -ne $targetShouldBe)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = 'The SIP/TLS SRV record was found, but has the incorrect target.'
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS SRV record $record was found, but has the incorrect target."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                        ErrorID = 'SipSrvIncorrectTarget'
                        RecommendedAction = "Change the SRV record for $record to point to $targetShouldBe."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false

                If ($dnsLookup[0].Port -ne $portShouldBe)
                    $errorReport = @{
                        Message = 'The SIP/TLS SRV record was found, but has the incorrect port.'
                        Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidData
                        CategoryReason = "The DNS SRV record $record was found, but has the incorrect port."
                        CategoryTargetName = $record
                        CategoryTargetType = 'SRV'
                        ErrorID = 'SipSrvIncorrectPort'
                        RecommendedAction = "Change the SRV record for $record to point to port $portShouldBe."
                        TargetObject = $dnsLookup
                    Write-Error @errorReport
                    Write-Information $errorReport.RecommendedAction
                    $result = $false
                Write-Success -Product 'Teams/Skype' 'The SIP/TLS SRV record is correct.'

    End {
        Return $result
#endregion Teams/Skype for Business Online cmdlets

# SIG # Begin signature block
# 7Ranp9iQ94GIVq+hxjfkHnG8H3QgQaCCI60wggR+MIIC5qADAgECAhEApna5vdQ8
# Jcg1PiDfvpNR79NCbfgewfNj/SLANVb3XbggjeibCl1fcefKLnXFv0DXHIKjYg0e
# hcFMbUQ1hqpwnnWQji1DcLeshAMdvWmTguYmtL6P4ik/BQDUuaOCAY8wggGLMB8G
# A1UdIwQYMBaAFP7HyA+eaTU9w8t0+WyaszQGqVwJMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSO8z1ie4Xj
# HR8EQTA/MD2gO6A5hjdodHRwOi8vQ2VydGVyYS5jcmwuc2VjdGlnby5jb20vQ2Vy
# Z25pbmdDQS5jcnQwKwYIKwYBBQUHMAGGH2h0dHA6Ly9DZXJ0ZXJhLm9jc3Auc2Vj
# dGlnby5jb20wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggGBAAslTgxzcZ0FYetE3IOghFsEtGV+
# yEM03ZrGFRGt7/DmHe4MK15XUsORJzN60eyNzxchQhV1S90jqQflkl6ImuvdaRve
# 586ZhYtW4tl2+2YbM26jwVqB9tT06W1SHb03+Vb29jjRbp5r+w3lEXxzGC660MFk
# 1L8kRQcqKjt0izVeVm6qKfNVQyak5xWpeX8n8NVaCqVWfijWlLDr8Ydeg9XeJy4H
# c9OweQ7+seRJzr/MgHQ0SFuXaRrbk0v5UmyoH83LZt/qo+XnrU+XeX870UVxucTl
# AitkDB6t/dvmetmXQGE5stJMyIK5jgtMqQ/q/GIrTFYMmcAsXxNQh8uv+jFa0HhF
# PZVhhdRbximJQUPyKb7IMuAzwdw1jrTcAF1FbkLlHXdu7dohbSfsN8ZA5Cr397wN
# n7UBs939mMBb4ZR+nBPFhibj5RISssbICi8z3LNb6CNuayOn3PtG/NRcf5T8iFyW
# CgKCAgEAv+aQc2jeu+RdSjwwIjBpM+zCpyUuySE98orYWcLhKac9WKt2ms2uexuE
# DcQwH/MbpDgW61bGl20dq7J58soR0uRf1gU8Ug9SH8aeFaV+vp+pVxZZVXKvaJNw
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# SIG # End signature block