function Connect-Office365 { <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to one or more Office 365 services using Powershell. .DESCRIPTION Connect to one or more Office 365 services using Powershell and a Azure AD account. Some services requires the installation of separate PowerShell modules or binaries: AzureAD requires a separate module - or cmdlet "Install-Module -Name AzureAD" MsolService requires a separate module - Sharepoint Online requires a separate module - Skype for Business Online requires a separate module - Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection, Complince Center does not require seperate binaries. DYNAMIC PARAMETERS -SharepointDomain <String> Parameter available when the Service parameter contains AllService or SharepointOnline. The SharepointDomain parameter is necessary when connecting to Sharepoint Online sessions ('https://{0}' -f $SharepointDomain). Example for SharepointDomain can be 'Contoso'. .EXAMPLE Connect-Office365 VERBOSE: Conncting to AzureAD. VERBOSE: Conncting to MSolService. This command connects to AzureAD and MsolService service sessions using the credentials provided when prompted. AzureAD and MsolService are the default parameter values for the parameter Services. .EXAMPLE Connect-Office365 -Service ComplianceCenter, ExchangeOnline, AzureAD VERBOSE: Conncting to AzureAD. VERBOSE: Conncting to Compliance Center. VERBOSE: Conncting to Exchange Online. This command connects to AzureAD, ComplianceCenter and ExchageOnline service sessions using the credentials provided when prompted. .EXAMPLE Connect-Office365 -Service AzureAD, SharepointOnline cmdlet Connect-Office365 at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: (Type !? for Help.) SharepointDomain: Contoso VERBOSE: Conncting to AzureAD. VERBOSE: Conncting to Sharepoint Online. This command connect to AzureAD and SharepointOnline. SharepointOnline session requires a specified URI when connecting. In this example, Contoso, is provided at the mandatory prompt parameter, SharepointDomain. .EXAMPLE Connect-Office365 -Service AllServices -SharepointDomain Contoso VERBOSE: Connecting to all Office 365 Services. This command connects to all Office 365 service sessions using the credentials provided when prompted. The parameter SharepointDomain is explicit provided to avoid the mandatory parameter prompt. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true )] param( <# Provide one or more Office 365 services to connect to. Valid values are: 'AllServices', 'AzureAD', 'ComplianceCenter', 'ExchangeOnline', 'ExchangeOnlineProtection', 'MSOnline', 'SharepointOnline' ,'SkypeforBusinessOnline' #> [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] [ValidateSet('AllServices', 'AzureAD', 'ComplianceCenter', 'ExchangeOnline', 'ExchangeOnlineProtection', 'MSOnline', 'SharepointOnline' ,'SkypeforBusinessOnline')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$Service = @('AzureAD','MSOnline') ) dynamicparam { if ($Service -match 'AllServices|SharepointOnline') { # Create a Parameter Attribute Object $SPAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $SPAttrib.Position = 1 $SPAttrib.Mandatory = $true $SPAttrib.HelpMessage = 'Enter a valid Sharepoint Online Domain. Example: "Contoso"' # Create an Alias Attribute Object for the parameter $SPAlias = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList @('Domain','DomainHost','Customer') # Create an AttributeCollection Object $SPCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Add the attributes and aliases to the Attribute Collection $SPCollection.Add($SPAttrib) $SPCollection.Add($SPAlias) # Add the SharepointDomain paramater to the "Runtime" $SPParam = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter -ArgumentList ('SharepointDomain', [string], $SPCollection) # Expose the parameter $SPParamDictionary = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $SPParamDictionary.Add('SharepointDomain', $SPParam) return $SPParamDictionary } } begin { $EOPExclusive = 'Will not use Exchange Online Protection. EOP and EO are mutually exclusive.' # Sorting all input strings from the Service parameter to avoid duplicates. if (([Collections.ArrayList]@($Service = $Service | Sort-Object -Unique)).Count -gt 6 -or $Service -match 'AllServices') { $Service = 'AllServices' Write-Verbose -Message $EOPExclusive } if ($Service -match 'ExchangeOnline' -and $Service -match 'ExchangeOnlineProtection') { Write-Verbose -Message $EOPExclusive $Service.Remove('ExchangeOnlineProtection') } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('UserPrincipalName in Azure AD to access Office 365', 'Get-AzureADCredential')) { $Credential = Get-AzureADCredential if ($Credential -eq $false) { Write-Warning -Message 'Need valid credentials to connect, please provide the correct credentials.' break } } } process { foreach ($s in $Service) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Establishing a PowerShell session to {0} - Office 365.' -f ('{0}' -f $s), $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)) { switch ($s) { 'AzureAD' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to AzureAD.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-AzureADOnline } 'MSOnline' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to MSolService.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-MsolServiceOnline } 'ComplianceCenter' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to Compliance Center.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-CCOnline } 'ExchangeOnline' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to Exchange Online.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-ExchangeOnline } 'ExchangeOnlineProtection' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to Exchange Online Protection.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-ExchangeOnlineProt } 'SharepointOnline' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to Sharepoint Online.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-SPOnline -SharepointDomain $PSBoundParameters['SharepointDomain'] } 'SkypeforBusinessOnline' { Write-Verbose -Message 'Conncting to Skype for Business Online.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-SfBOnline } Default { Write-Verbose -Message 'Connecting to all Office 365 Services.' -Verbose $Credential | Connect-AzureADOnline $Credential | Connect-MsolServiceOnline $Credential | Connect-CCOnline $Credential | Connect-ExchangeOnline $Credential | Connect-SPOnline -SharepointDomain $PSBoundParameters['SharepointDomain'] $Credential | Connect-SfBOnline } } } } } end { Remove-Variable -Name Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |